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关于”时间和金钱哪个重要“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Which is more important, time or money。以下是关于时间和金钱哪个重要的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Which is more important, time or money

Yesterday, my best friend asked me a very sensitive question. Now she is faced with a complicated question: love or money. She has been working in Guangzhou after graduation.

If she passes the exam, she will have the opportunity to enter the public school in her hometown. However, if her boyfriend stays in her hometown, she will work in Shenzhen, which means that she will stay away from her boyfriend and be in front of the public One of the advantages is steadiness, but when she asked me this question, it was not good for their love. I told her a lot, but I think these words are useless for her.

We can't say which one is better, we just say which one is most suitable for her. Sometimes we face this choice and don't know how to continue our life. In my opinion, we have been wandering for a long time Don't waste our time and go where you want to go.

Maybe the way you choose without thinking is the best way for you. In fact, I don't know which one is important to me, but now I still choose love.




In the face of thousands of people, I believe it is a girl who will have a heartbeat. But you must know that this is not the money made by Dahongpao. It must be the value of his company.

Of course, it is his money. However, it is not far away from men's money. He has a big momentum and a long temper.

You must obey his orders, because money is the biggest. The man who talks about money will spend time with you in entertainment business. Naturally, it will not be better than acting You may be the only one who hasn't come back in the early morning.

He may find that he has a lot of records of his cell phone calls with the opposite sex. But his excuse is always entertaining. It depends on whether you believe it or not.

It's only temporary. Most of the time, he goes out one day. He can help you get your credit card.

But I'm afraid it's hard for him to think of enough money In order to travel around the world, but he does not accompany you, he has to be busy, maybe busy with the enterprise, maybe busy with other women, TV series so much money, this is the opportunity, take the family centered man to leave love for money can, but don't marry a millionaire and imagine so simple, rich, eventually will not lose only love, but harvest loneliness all these Love is more valuable than money because it's unpredictable. You don't like him. You only marry money.

You can't be happy. Your heart is empty. You wear a suit.

You are famous for not seeing your favorite. You have been waiting for him outside for countless nights. If you don't go home for entertainment, you may think When you abandon your lover, you will be happy or regret.




Which is more important, health or wealth? Different people have different views. Some people think that health is more important than wealth. Money can't buy a healthy body.

If people are not healthy, they can't work or study. Health is the most important thing in the world. But some people don't agree with them.

They think that no wealth is the most important thing, People can't do anything, although it can't buy health, but if people get sick, it can buy medicine, wealth can also help people to live a relaxed life. In my opinion, once health is lost, the first wealth is health. For me, money is useless.

I love wealth, but I value health more. Money without health becomes meaningless. No one agrees Rich people with good health can be happy.

So, we should try our best to keep healthy.




标签: 六级 作文 时间 满分 金钱

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