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1 1 234567891011 121314151617181920 121314151617181920 202203204205206 202203204205206 2072082093030130 230330430530630 730830 ninety four four hundred fourteen two forty four four forty seven seven forty nine fifty one fifty two fifty four fifty five fifty five fifty seven fifty eight six one six twelve six thirty six fifty six six sixty eight eight sixty seven seven seventeen seventy three seventy four five seventy seven seven seventy eight nine eighty one eighty three eighty four five eighty eight eight eight seventy eight Eighty nine ninety nine nineteen twelve ninety three four ninety five ninety six ninety seven ninety eight nine hundred.


1 1 234567891011 121314151617181920 121314151617181920 202203204205206 202203204205206 2072082093030130 230330430530630 730830玖肆肆拾壹肆拾贰肆拾肆肆肆肆拾柒肆肆拾玖伍拾壹伍拾贰伍拾肆伍伍伍伍伍伍伍伍伍拾柒伍拾捌伍陆拾壹陆拾贰陆拾叁陆拾伍陆陆陆陆拾捌陆拾玖柒拾壹七十七十三七十四七十五七十六七十七七十八七十九八十一八十二八十三八十四八十五八十六八十七八十八八十九九十九一九十二九十三九十四九十五九十六九十七九十八九九百。


This summer, sunscreen (spfspfspf) is on the market, and fair skinned people around the world may take this as an open invitation to put on some sunscreen, jump on the couch and bake for hours without getting burned. The higher the amount of sunscreen, the better. But before you put caution out of your mind, you should know what the SPF is, what the exact numbers mean, and how high they can be.

We use sunscreens to block ultraviolet damage to the skin. There are two kinds of ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet rays can cause sunburn, and ultraviolet rays can cause long-term damage to the skin Skin, like the SPF of premature aging, or SPF, is introduced to determine the SPF of sunscreens by measuring the effect of sunscreens on UVB rays. Testers gather sun sensitive people and measure the amount of ultraviolet light they need to burn without sunscreen.

Then they retest with sunscreen. Divide the "with sunscreen" number by the "no sunscreen" number, and the result is rounded to the nearest 5. This is the SPF value from SPF, which has just been reached recently.

To figure out how long you can stay in the sun at a given SPF value, use this equation: minutes of burning without sunscreen X SPF = maximum exposure time, for example, if you start burning after a few minutes of exposure, an SPF can keep you in the sun for a few minutes without getting burned, but before you pick up your calculator and go to the beach, you should know that this formula is not always accurate. People usually use far less sunscreen than they do in actual tests, general sun worship People use only half the amount of sunscreen they actually use in the lab, which can lead to sunburn for half of the time.


今年夏天,防晒霜(SPFSPFSPF)上市了世界上的白皙皮肤的人可能会把这当作一个公开的邀请,去涂上一些防晒霜,跳到躺椅上,烤上几个小时而不被灼伤。防晒霜的数量越高,效果越好,但就在你把谨慎抛到九霄云外之前,你应该知道防晒系数是什么,确切的数字意味着什么,它们能达到多高我们用防晒霜来阻挡紫外线对皮肤的伤害有两种紫外线紫外线紫外线紫外线可以引起晒伤,紫外线对皮肤的长期破坏作用更大皮肤,像早衰的SPF,或防晒系数,被引入测量防晒霜对UVB射线的影响来确定防晒霜的SPF,测试人员把对太阳敏感的人聚集起来,测量他们在没有防晒霜的情况下燃烧所需的紫外线量,然后他们用防晒霜重新进行测试。“有防晒霜”的数字除以“没有防晒霜”的数字,结果四舍五入到最接近的5这是从SPF开始的SPF值,最近刚刚达到,要计算出在给定的SPF值下,你可以在阳光下停留多长时间,使用这个等式:不使用防晒霜燃烧的分钟数x SPF数=最长暴晒时间,例如,如果你在晒了几分钟之后就开始燃烧,一个SPF可以让你在阳光下晒上几分钟而不被灼伤,但是在你拿起计算器去海滩之前,你应该知道这个公式并不总是准确的人们通常使用的防晒霜远远少于实际测试中使用的防晒霜量,一般的太阳崇拜者使用的防晒霜量只有实际使用量的一半在实验室里,这可能会导致一半时间内晒伤。


I like English class. I think English is my favorite second language. I like the style of teachers.

I like to communicate with others in English. I think learning English makes my life more interesting. I feel very happy.

I like listening to English songs and beautiful melody. So I am interested in knowing more words. In the world of music and English, I find the pleasure of learning, You can, as long as we are more diligent, more serious, English is the most academic subject every morning, I get up to recite words, open my wonderful day, I am very lucky, I know that love English can make me stronger, as long as recite more words, many students communicate in English, in society, we have our own strengths in the future, in order to meet better challenges, I am the most My favorite subject is English.

I read English newspapers and listen to English radio as much as possible. There are so many English books in my family. I will read them when I am free.

Nothing can stop me from loving English, even my friends or other hobbies, such as basketball. I like English.





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