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关于”回到过去“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Go back to the past。以下是关于回到过去的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go back to the past

At the moment, they don't like it any more. Compared with the past two years, they don't like me any more, but they don't like me any more I am very satisfied. I cherish what I have.

I am so grateful for the expectation of life. Looking forward to the future and opening a new chapter in my life are the main things I want to do.




2:,Go back to the past friends, familiar and unfamiliar, intimate friends, no longer close, friends become strangers, do not be strangers, get rid of childishness, and mature, good friends, far away from you, new friends, close to you, mate, why do you want to live like this, abandon perhaps, that is a few years of friends, friends than primary school friends, is the paradise of friendship, living a carefree life Days, holidays, chatting together, friendship, more and more deep junior high school, is the grave of friendship, although there is contact between friends, but with the passage of time, will gradually open up with the gap, why only junior high school is a dramatic change, I can not imagine that there will be more hope, can go back to the past, chat together, chat gossip, without the mechanics of soot blowing To more hope, can return to the past, talk about fairy tales, when the princess, it has no real bondage, more hope, can go back to the past, continue friendship perhaps, I am just good to do real, but my heart has always maintained a small dream, back to the past, forever.




3:回到过去,I asked a lot of different people what advice they would give to their young self. The following is an unedited, direct answer from the respondent's question: you may meet anyone from your past in the future. Don't be silly and set goals so we can live a better life.

We are much smarter than we think. Don't deceive ourselves. Follow your intuition.

We will experience everything in life, so don't despair Don't be afraid of commitment. Sometimes what you fear most is something that will eventually set you free. Don't be silly.

College is about preparing for the future. Tell her you love her college degree. Enjoy your life.

Don't worry about small things. Don't worry about things you can't control. Everything will happen in the way that it should.

Sometimes what you need is always right under your eyes Many non-smokers need to learn how to handle your financial situation better, no matter how you feel today, get up, dress up and show up.




标签: 小学 高分 作文

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