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关于”感谢别人的邀请“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Thank others for their invitation。以下是关于感谢别人的邀请的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank others for their invitation

Dear, I'm very happy to attend your Christmas party. You left a good impression on me. When I walked into your home, the lights and decorations were hung on the ceiling and on the window.

I felt warm and peaceful. Although I was not in my hometown, that night was beautiful, unforgettable, full of laughter and tears, happiness and reality. I hope we can see each other soon Thank you,.




Dear Mr. Barnard, thank you very much for your invitation. I love your idea of having dinner next Monday afternoon.

I'm free that day and I'll be there on time / I'm sorry, I'll visit my client that day. Can you change my schedule for next Tuesday? I'll be very grateful for the change. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon, Steve McCormack.




Dear XXX, I'm sorry to tell you that I have to be in XXX, so I can't be in XXX. Mr. Li told me this morning that he would help me solve the problems I asked him in my last homework.

That day is the only day he has time to help me before the next English test. So I think I'd better meet him on that day. Please understand me.

I will be true Sincerely invite you next time, XXX.




标签: 四年级 作文 真题 年级 邀请

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