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关于”道德的利弊“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Pros and cons of morality。以下是关于道德的利弊的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pros and cons of morality

Morality and education we all realize that the strength of a country depends on its education level. The higher the level of education, the stronger the country is. However, my view is that education alone is not enough to make a country strong.

It should keep pace with morality, morality and morality. Education is the foundation of a country, and there is no success without success. Education without morality is dangerous Morality without education is also harmful.





Anita green, head of social research and vice president of gaming at Pax world fund, the third largest social responsibility mutual fund Green recently called gambling "a bad habit of causing huge social costs to American society". She pointed out that there were one or more gambling stocks among the seven largest mutual funds in the United States. She suggested that investors choose a fund that had vowed to avoid them.

In other words, green strongly opposed her own gambling, which was a pleasant activity for me. I went to the racetrack, watched horses, watched horses, and so on The magnificent performance of jockeys and silk made me enjoy the feast even more, because I gambled in Las Vegas or Atlantic City for a day or two, but I only go there once a year or two and set myself a limit of $or $a day. When that day was gone, I walked around to see if the scenery was good or bad, and it seemed that the United States was still moving towards more gambling, so I thought casinos and lottery stocks like mirage resorts Inc.

and Mandalay resort, Scientific Games holdings Corp Such stocks are a good bet, and the moral impulse to invest is commendable, but I doubt the "one size fits all" approach. I think anyone who tries to invest in ethics should respect the complexity and difficulty of the task gap issue. For example, PAX world fund, headquartered in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, says it invests only in companies that are "employee friendly, environmentally friendly" and that their communities respect "I believe they will do everything they can to do it, but in an imperfect world, these decisions can be very tricky.

Gap Inc. Friday, the world's largest stock holder, failed in August in an attempt by gap (and some other retailers) to dismiss a lawsuit accusing gap of selling sweatshop made garments in Saipan, the United States, by four other defendants, including Nordstrom and J Crew group Inc, which agreed to settle claims against them by setting up a $10000 fund, doesn't necessarily mean gap is a bad company or condemned in the Saipan case, but it does illustrate the difficulty in making ethical investment decisions..


第三大社会责任共同基金Pax World Fund的社会研究主管、博彩副总裁安妮塔•格林(Anita Green)最近将赌博称为“给美国社会造成巨大社会成本的恶习”,指出美国最大的七家共同基金中有一只或多只博彩股,她建议投资者选择一只曾发誓要避开它们的基金,也就是说,她自己的赌博,格林强烈反对,对我来说是一种愉快的活动我去赛马场,观看马、骑师和丝绸的华丽表演,更享受这场盛宴,因为我在拉斯维加斯或大西洋城赌上一两天,但我每一两年只去一次,并给自己定下每天$或$的限额。当那一天不见了,我四处走走,看风景是好是坏,看来美国仍在朝着更多赌博的方向发展,所以我认为赌场和彩票股票——像科学游戏控股公司(Scientific Games Holdings Corp.)幻影度假村公司(Mirage Resorts Inc.)和曼德勒度假村集团(Mandalay Resort Group))这样的股票是很好的押注,投资道德的冲动是值得赞扬的,但我对“一刀切”的做法持怀疑态度,我认为任何试图进行道德投资的人都应该尊重任务差距问题的复杂性和难度。例如,总部位于新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯的Pax World Fund表示,它只投资于“善待员工、善待环境”的公司,和他们的社区尊重“我相信他们会尽一切努力做到这一点,但在一个不完美的世界里,这些决定会变得非常棘手。

世界上最大的股票持有量是Gap Inc Friday,Gap(以及其他一些零售商)xx月试图驳回一宗指控Gap在美国塞班地区销售血汗工厂条件下生产的服装的诉讼失败,该诉讼中的其他四名被告,包括Nordstrom公司和J Crew Group Inc,同意通过设立一个万美元的基金来解决对他们的索赔这些都不一定意味着Gap是一家糟糕的公司,或者在塞班案中受到谴责,但这确实说明了在做出道德投资决策时的困难。。


My parents and I go to the cinema. I'm really happy today. My family is WAMI.

I love my father and mother. I like to eat fruits, such as bananas and apples. My hobby is playing computer games.

My father is a football fan. He likes football very much. He likes fruits.

My mother is very busy. She likes vegetables. I think vegetables are good for health, and she likes them very much Watch TV, love my family very much.

I want to open a fruit shop, because I like to eat fruit very much. Muqi will sell all kinds of fruits. I will draw some fresh fruits in the advertisement so that my shop can sell well.

Today is a special day. Today is my best friend's birthday. Her name is Lily.

She is very friendly. Today is her birthday Her parents prepared a party for her. She invited us to her party.

She had a lot of food at her party. It was delicious and everyone enjoyed it. She received a lot of presents.

I have a picture of my family. I cherish it very much. Last year, my parents and I took a photo in the drawer.

At that moment, we all laughed very happily. This photo always keeps the lucky moment. I often take out the photo and see it.

I hope my family will always be so happy.




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