
作者:用户投稿 阅读:29 点赞:0




There is no frigate like a book, no frigate has taken our land away like a book, and there is no journey like a page of jumping poems. The poorest people can walk on the chariot of human soul without being oppressed. How frugal.




Sailing competition rules, nor: CLA rules right of way same upwind leeward port starboard change course two hull length postpone abandonment or construction standard general recall individual refitting black flag rule touch mark time limit pumping real hull plate keel dagger plate fin movable keel case tiller stem extended mast suspender mast lower mast boom I Akermain sheet jib gird guard card reader splint stop kicker skirting with Cu inghamouthaul inhauldownload mast exte ion boom exte on front deck leach luffmautomatic bailer tell tail tail tail President, vice president, secretary general, Minister of finance, competition officer, brigadier general, technical representative, chief of staff, survey referee.


航海竞赛规则,nor:cla规则路权同向上风向背风港右舷改变航向两个船身长度推迟弃船或建造用的标准一般召回个别重装黑旗规则触碰标记时间限制泵送REAL(关于设备的术语)船体板龙骨匕首板鳍活动龙骨箱舵柄分蘖杆伸出桅杆吊杆u er桅杆下部桅杆吊臂i akermain薄板吊臂板围带护罩读卡器夹板挡块踢脚带cu inghamouthaul INHAULDOWNLOAK mast EXTEXTE ion boom exte ion万向节前甲板LEACH luffautomatic bailer tell tail tail(其他相关设备的术语)干式潜水服无轨电车艇罩遮阳板遮阳板captools box冰箱教练船Ruer boat(联合会和官员)cya isafayf ilcaifa Icuimco Ifcai国际船级社主席副主席秘书长财政部长竞赛官准将技术代表水上参谋长测量裁判。


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