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关于”对动漫的看法“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Views on animation。以下是关于对动漫的看法的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on animation

Now, some students don't like learning English, because learning English is a hard work. I think it is necessary to learn English in daily life. We should have a good way to learn English and spend more time on it.

These are my suggestions. We should read English as much as possible and talk to your parents and friends. Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you talk to others, because everyone makes mistakes.

Moreover, we should write as much as possible. We spend a lot of time practicing. We should also listen to English more.

We can listen to English music and some tapes, but it is very important to listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. We should do our homework seriously, and we should believe in ourselves. I believe that if we study hard, we will learn it well.






j: Hi, Fred. National Day is coming. We're going to have seven days off.

What would you do? J: how about a trip to the outskirts of Shanghai this time? F: I have no idea. I just want to go to a place with fresh air and few people. F: how about Tibet? If you agree, I'll go with you.

J F: really? I'm kidding. F: No, I'm serious. I want to go there too.

J F: OK, let's call the travel agency for more information.


j: 嗨,弗雷德国庆节快到了,我们要过七天假。你会怎么做j f:这次我想去上海郊外旅行怎么样f j:听起来不错,你想去哪里?f f:我没有主意,只是去一个空气清新、人少的地方f j:西藏怎么样?如果你同意,我就和你一起去j f:真的吗开玩笑f j:不,我是认真的,我也想去那里j f:好吧,我们打电话给旅行社,找更多的信息f。


标签: 初三 高分 作文 看法

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