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关于”如何协调经济发展和环境保护“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to coordinate economic development and environmental protection。以下是关于如何协调经济发展和环境保护的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to coordinate economic development and environmental protection

Environmental protection in recent years, there are still many problems in environmental protection. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. The polluted air has caused great harm to people's health.

The polluted water has caused diseases and deaths, and vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth. In the aspect of environmental protection in modern cities, many governments have taken some measures More legislative measures should be taken to control air pollution, protect forest and marine resources, and stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, I think the government plays the most important role in today's environmental protection.

Second, in order to make people fully realize the importance of environmental protection, people should first take more specific measures to protect the environment, and those who deliberately damage the environment should To be severely punished, we should let them know that destroying the environment is destroying human beings themselves.




I do not agree that both economic development and environmental protection are indispensable factors for social prosperity. Economic development and environmental protection are necessary and absolutely possible. Economic development seems to be more important.

As it creates a large number of employment opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenue, it can only be realized when the environment is well protected And, interestingly, economic development itself provides the financial and human resources needed to protect the environment. A good environment is the foundation of economy and promotes economic growth to some extent. The rapid development and good operation of economy need a good environment.

The environment provides necessary resources, such as wood, coal, water, etc. once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even stopped. What's worse, the natural disasters brought about by environmental degradation may even paralyze the whole economy and pose a serious threat to human life.

In this case, economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In fact, we are committed to an environment-friendly economy.





In places where people can't live normally, the implementation of environmental protection policies needs a lot of money. We think that economic development is of great significance, so they cut down trees and make fires. Now we have turned a lush plateau into a wasteland.

Can you tell me which is more important? It will enhance people's ability to transform or rebuild the environment. There are many examples of national prosperity. We often talk about the environment Economic development is more important than economy.

We can provide technical support and material support for environmental protection. My respected debater, now I want to summarize our views on economic development. If we ignore economic development, we all know that environmental protection will be an empty talk.

Now it will become a barren land. For backward economic development, I think you should We are talking about more important economic development and environmental protection, so economic development is the way to protect the environment. Therefore, on the contrary, we must take economic development as a prerequisite: after discussion, economic backwardness will only have adverse effects on environmental protection, but we all know that the implementation of environmental protection policies first needs A large amount of funds, economic development can provide technical and material support for environmental protection.

I can ask you a few questions. If we do not develop the economy, what should we use for environmental protection? Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory. We still adhere to our point of view.

We believe that from the following aspects, economic development is still better than environmental protection More important.




标签: 八年级 作文 万能 年级 环境

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