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关于”犯了一个错误“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Made a mistake。以下是关于犯了一个错误的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Made a mistake

In June, grand duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Australian throne, visited Bosnia, which was annexed by the Australian empire. A Bosnian nationalist threw a grenade at his car, but the Archduke skillfully repelled the grenade explosion and injured one of his assistants. The Archduke continued to move forward, but soon he decided to change his itinerary and go to the hospital Looking at the injured assistant who was not familiar with the route, his driver took a wrong turn.

An official called out, "that's the wrong road." the driver stopped the car. Unfortunately, the car stopped in front of another assassin. He pulled out his pistol and shot a fatal wound.

The grandfather mumbled "nothing" and then lost consciousness. His death triggered the first World War This war will take more than a million lives, all because of a wrong turn.




Once I made a mistake. After school, I went to a far away place to play without telling my family. My wallet was also lost.

When I got home, my father did not beat me. Instead, he took out a newspaper and read an article to me about a student who was killed by a crime. He remembered it and thanks my father.




My dream I have a dream. I am very happy that I want to be a singer because I like singing. I sing very well.

My friends like my voice. They say that if I am a singer, it sounds good. I want to help the poor, especially the poor children.

I want to help them go to school instead of working for their families. I think it is very important to have the opportunity to learn for children It's my dream to help children go to school. It's also my dream.

What's your dream.




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