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关于”穿校服的观点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The view of wearing school uniforms。以下是关于穿校服的观点的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The view of wearing school uniforms

Eliminating social class stigma (rich and poor) in fact, in Britain, school uniforms can improve the school environment, reduce competition, improve students' self-esteem, and improve their academic performance. Two thirds of the students come from rural areas. If students wear school uniforms and everyone wears the same clothes, the prejudice from urban children to rural children can be eliminated.

It is cheaper than fashionable clothes (there is a lot of competition between shops) schools Clothing can save family money. Many parents think that school uniform is low-cost and can be applied to different local socio-economic families. Some schools collect school uniforms and send them to poor families in California.

People think that school uniforms should be subsidized to low-income families in some cases. School uniforms can save more money than fashionable clothes, and can reduce children's clothing costs. It can help pay attention to schools, but not schools It's just clothes, crime, and bullying.

Uniforms can reduce violent gangs, because fashion trends tend to be Gang related clothing. In theory, school uniforms prevent gang activities. Some evidence is true.

For example, in Chicago, schools use school uniforms to reduce gang violence. Students need to wear uniforms in areas where there are a lot of gang crimes. In addition, it's also true that school uniforms prevent gang activities Girls: it helps to avoid being stigmatized.

Some schools forbid girls to wear some clothes in school, such as shorts, T-Shirts, boots, suspenders and tights in school uniforms, which can help these girls avoid being stigmatized in China. They require students to wear school uniforms to go to school. Today, some students lack courtesy Respect for teachers, school uniform can better promote the respect between teachers and students, the school has the responsibility to educate students to develop good habits, improve the relationship between teachers and students.




2:穿校服的观点,The advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform. I think wearing school uniform has advantages and disadvantages. It makes students feel proud of their school.

It can build up the spirit of unity among students. At the same time, it can remind students of the value and history of the school. Some students don't like them because of their simple color, boring design and poor quality.

So I think PIP should improve the quality of school uniform.




3:穿校服的观点,+Most senior high schools in China have a rule that students must wear school uniform every working day. With the growing call for democracy, some teenagers begin to doubt the necessity of wearing school uniform. In my opinion, wearing school uniform has advantages and disadvantages.

School uniform makes students like students. In other words, it is easier for teenagers to abide by school rules when wearing school uniform, because they have established a spirit of unity among students, And school uniforms are well preserved, and they urge us to save the money we will spend on clothes. Although wearing school uniform has many advantages, it is easy to see.

On the other hand, these old and outdated clothes are often too big or too small, which can easily make teenagers feel bored. Some students complain that their school uniform is not neat because it must be worn from Monday to Friday and can not be washed. To sum up, we can see the pros and cons of the problem.

The government should try to reverse the defects of school uniforms. In order to make our teenagers more willing to wear unsuitable clothes, they urge us to save the money we will spend on clothes. They urge us to save the money we would have spent on clothes.

School uniforms make students like students.




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