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关于”有关写船“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About writing a boat。以下是关于有关写船的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About writing a boat

Osamu Fujimura, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, said the two governments have been communicating closely through diplomatic channels to avoid misunderstandings and accidents Fujimura) said that we do not want this matter to have an adverse impact on bilateral relations. Fujimura reiterated the Japanese government's position that the state's purchase of islands from Japanese private owners is a purely domestic matter, and has downplayed the issue as a procedural transfer of ownership A small protest broke out in front of the Japanese Embassy in Beijing on Tuesday, when Anti Japanese sentiment in the capital continued to rise. Dozens of police stopped the crowd from gathering, but allowed a small number of protestors to wave Chinese flags and chant Anti Japanese slogans.

A black BMW convertible with a Chinese flag on the top was shouting "fight against Japanese imperialism". The protestors chanted in the street on Tuesday afternoon. A one year old man was staring at the protestors on his bicycle.

He refused to give his name On the ground of political sensitivity, he said, the Chinese government has been defeated by the Japanese. You can oppose it or protest, but the result has been produced. He also said China's actions should be more forceful before Japan buys the islands.


日本内阁官房长官藤村修(Osamu Fujimura)说,两国政府一直通过外交渠道进行密切沟通,以避免误解和意外事件的发生,日本内阁官房长官藤村修(Osamu Fujimura)说,我们不希望此事对双边关系产生不利影响,藤村修重申了日本政府的立场,即国家从日本私人拥有者手中购买岛屿纯属国内事务,把这一问题淡化为程序性的所有权转移 周二在北京的日本大使馆前爆发了小规模的抗议活动,当时首都的反日情绪持续高涨。几十名警察阻止了大批人群聚集,但允许小部分抗议者挥舞中国国旗,高呼反日口号口号一辆黑色宝马敞篷车顶部悬挂着中国国旗,喧嚣着“打击日本帝国主义”,抗议者们周二下午在街上高喊着,一个xx岁的男子坐在自行车上凝视着抗议者,他拒绝透露自己的名字,他说,他以政治敏感为由说,中国政府已经被日本人击败了,你可以反对,也可以抗议,但结果已经产生。他还说,在日本购买这些岛屿之前,中国的行动应该更有力。


Last week, Surin, outgoing Secretary General of the association of Southeast Asian Nations Pitsuwan) warned that China has released a map of its nine line sovereignty claim on its new passport (ASEAN), infuriating its competitors that the region could become Asia Palestine. After 4 a.m. on Friday, Chinese ships warned Chinese ships to leave while exploring the blockaded area, but Chinese ships refused to do so until two of them cut the exploration cables of Vietnamese ships Sample.

The block is about nautical miles from the coast of Vietnam and Hainan Island of China. The Chinese Ministry of foreign affairs did not immediately respond to requests for comment Nguyen Phong Linh's supplementary report in Hanoi (Nguyen Phong Linh) :.


上周,即将卸任的东南亚国家联盟秘书长素林•皮特苏万(Surin Pitsuwan)警告说,中国在其新护照(东盟)上公布了其九分界线主权主张的地图,激怒了其竞争对手,该地区有可能成为亚洲-巴勒斯坦周五凌晨4点后,中国船只在封锁区进行勘探时警告中国船只离开,但在其中两艘船切断越南船只的勘探电缆之前,中国船只拒绝这样做。该区块距离越南海岸约海里,距离中国海南岛约海里。中国外交部没有立即采取行动回复置评请求 Nguyen Phong Linh在河内的补充报告 (Nguyen Phong Linh) :。


Kathrin Hille Xinhua, China's official news agency, reported that China sent two maritime surveillance vessels to the Senkaku Islands controlled by Japan yesterday, and China said Beijing would carry out the task of safeguarding China's sovereignty as appropriate. The move is in response to Japan's announcement on Monday of an agreement with some island owners to buy the Senkaku Islands, a plan seen as a way to prevent Japanese nationalist governor Tokyo from easing tensions. Before the Chinese government announced its claim to the islands, the Chinese government had announced a signal that could lead to an escalation of island security issues, leading to China and Japan More incidents on vessels mitttaylor fravel :.


中国官方通讯社Kathrin Hille Xinhua报道,中国昨天派出两艘海监船靠近日本控制的尖阁诸岛,中国表示,北京将视情况执行维护中国主权的任务。此举是针对日本周一宣布与部分岛屿所有人达成购买尖阁诸岛的协议,而这一计划在日本被视为阻止日本国民主义者东京都知事来缓和紧张局势的一种方式在中国政府宣布对岛屿的主权要求之前,中国政府已经宣布了一种可能导致岛屿安全问题升级的信号导致中日船只发生更多事件 MITTaylor Fravel :。


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