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关于”一件奇怪的事“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A strange thing。以下是关于一件奇怪的事的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A strange thing

When I talk about those stories, I will remember what happened to me. It was one night when I came back from my friend Xiaohui's house. It was raining.

I was just riding my bike. Because I couldn't see clearly, I suddenly snowed. I saw a young and clean girl.

I was surprised that a girl stood in the middle of the road without an umbrella and stopped soon What are you doing here I asked, "are you ok?" "I'm fine," she replied with a smile, and then she quietly walked away, disappearing nervously not far away. I rode home, I told my mother that she was worried about it, since then, she never promised me to go out at night, especially now that I am alone in the rainy day, I still remember that incredible thing, I don't know why, some people say it's not a good description, it's true, can you tell me thank you 7.




There is a saying: old Shu Guojie, people cry, thieves and mice, because they are afraid of people and the sun, but some thieves are not afraid of people and the sun. I once encountered such a strange thing. One Saturday afternoon, my mother and I took the tram to the department store to buy clothes.

Suddenly, I saw a young man put his hand into the pocket of a one-year-old farmer, which made me feel suddenly In his throat, he quickly took his mother's hand with his hand. The poor thief took a yuan from the farmer's pocket with two fingers. It was wonderful.

The continued yuan had not yet entered the thief's pocket. The farmer and I thought: the farmer will catch the thief. The thief knows a farmer's hand Baoquan to the police.

Edgeto bowed his head and said, "I beg you to give me the money back, This is my money from a patient. "I was surprised to see the farmer's playful thief throw the money on the ground angrily. The farmer picked up the money and said," I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

"Then he took out a bill from his pocket and said," you can buy a box of cigarettes with this five yuan. "What's more, I'm more surprised that the thief stole his money. How could he be so polite to a thief Look, the thief impatiently raised his hand, took the farmer's hand, hit the ground, said: "who needs your money?" I looked at them, looked at my mother doubtfully, and then drove the tram to the road, stopped the Communist Youth League, the thief walked in a big way, holding the 5 yuan just picked up in the car, and people around him looked at him home like me, I told him My father said, "mobilize all social forces to attack the dark side of society." how to mobilize all social forces to do this? How to attack the dark side of society? I still don't understand why the thief is afraid of people, it doesn't fear the sun.

Why are there so many cars? No one cares about it, Why is the farmer not the police uncle of the thief, but is so polite and respectful to the thief? What's strange is that although this month has passed, it is still deeply imprinted in my mind, just like what happened yesterday:.




When I was a child, I was very naughty and always did things that made my parents angry. They always blamed me, but I never listened to their words. I felt that they were too strict with me.

But one day I changed my home. My parents always told me to be careful when I went out. But I only wanted them to worry too much about my way home by car.

There was a traffic light on that day when I got to the intersection, the red light was on, but it was already on There was no car crossing the road, so when I crossed the road, the light was not on and a car rushed towards me. I was suddenly scared. I couldn't move.

Fortunately, I stood still. The driver quickly damaged the car. I was not hurt, but I was really scared.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if the car didn't stop in time. I told my father my experience Mother, they scolded me as usual. I knew I was wrong, so I didn't say anything that they realized I was afraid of, so they patiently comforted me.

I knew what they said and did was good for me. I was more careful. I listened to my parents.




标签: 专升本 英文 高分 作文

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