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关于”写一次你有趣的经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write about your interesting experience。以下是关于写一次你有趣的经历的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about your interesting experience

My wonderful experience in Guilin was sunny and cloudy, and the sky was blue. My grandfather and I went to Guilin together. We spent several hours by bus to Guilin, we first went to the Seven Star Park, which is beautiful and famous, there are many kinds of colorful flowers, they are very lovely and beautiful, we took a lot of photos, we went to the zoo, there are many animals in the park, I like birds best, because they have beautiful feathers, can sing a lot of good songs, we are very happy to watch They, feed them something to eat.

Then, we went to Lijiang River, where there are many famous places and bridges, on the river we met many foreigners. The river was clean and the mountains were green. It looked like a wonderful picture of us staying by the river.

For a long time, we felt very happy. When we felt tired, we took the bus home. What a wonderful time we had.





One night it was almost nine o'clock. I was still doing experiments. I met some difficulties.

So when I thought I was holding my hair all the time, I went out for a rest and walked along the long passage. I was wearing a pair of soft shoes. When I suddenly passed a room through the door, I hardly made any sound.

Opening it in front of me, a boy rushed out and she saw me very much Scared. Rush back to the room. I think he thinks I'm a ghost.




An interesting experience. As soon as the school was over, David went into the jungle. He has to go home when he gets home.

Yes, he has to go to the airport. He threw everything in his suitcase and left. He took a taxi to the airport or checked his luggage when he took out his suitcase.

They looked worried. They found something unusual in the suitcase. He didn't know what it was, so he felt very nervous.

At that moment, he heard the sound coming from the box. He suddenly realized that it was an alarm clock. He quickly opened the suitcase and took out the clock::: unforgettable.





标签: 初一 作文 真题 经历

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