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关于”助理工作的介绍“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduction to assistant work。以下是关于助理工作的介绍的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to assistant work

Vitosek p m, Mooney h a, Lubchenco J, Melillo J M human control earth ecosystem science,: glory g, et al ogdi: towards interoperability between geospatial databases, SIGMOD record,: W fan, l libkin XML integrity constrained ACM journals in the presence of DTDs.


Vitosek P M,Mooney H A,Lubchenco J,Melillo J M人类控制地球生态系统科学,:GLEMENT G,et al OGDI:走向地理空间数据库之间的互操作性SIGMOD Record,:W Fan,L Libkin在DTDs存在下的XML完整性约束ACM期刊(JACM:。


Dear Mr. Smith, we are very glad to introduce to you our medical equipment Co., Ltd., which is located in the South American market, Since you are interested in our products, please consider to be our European agent. If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to let us know and hope to receive your reply soon,.




Jack is a teaching assistant in this university. He is famous for his kindness and diligence. He has an important appointment after class.

One day, wearing a white shirt, tie and a conservative dark suit, he left the apartment when he noticed that a victim in his mousetrap carefully pulled it out.


杰克是这所大学的助教,他以善良和勤奋著称。他下课后有一个重要的约会。有一天,他穿上白衬衫、领带和一套保守的深色西装,当他离开公寓时,他注意到他的捕鼠器里有一个受害者小心翼翼地把捕鼠器拿出来                        。


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