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关于”自己的优点缺点“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Own advantages and disadvantages。以下是关于自己的优点缺点的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Own advantages and disadvantages

Everyone has strength and weakness. I am a friendly, warm-hearted, generous, easy-going girl, she is always ready to help others, I study hard every day, I almost all subjects are very good, except Pei often helps my classmates in class, I can get along well with them, I am very polite to others, never quarrel with others, at home I often help my parents do housework, but I don't like to do sports.




Thousands of middle school students have been shown on TV and radio to visit many famous universities in China. However, different people have different views on it. On the one hand, some people think it is a good thing to visit famous university campuses according to their opinions.

On the other hand, some people think that universities should not be open to tourism. Public tourism will have a negative impact on universities, because it will not only harm the environment, but also destroy the intellectual atmosphere. I don't think tourism is a good thing for universities, so my conclusion is that campus is mainly a place for students.





China's online advertisers are mainly concentrated in it, network services, mobile communications, transportation and automobile industries. China is a large TV advertising company, and the value of spending a lot of budget on online advertising is not enough. However, in the United States, the FMCG industry has become the most expensive network advertising advantage of Internet advertising.

Network advertising and print media can be better The limitation of Internet advertising is that China's Internet advertising market started late and its development is not mature.




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