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What sounds or impressions do you have of people around you? Think about it. Your words, phrases, and even your message may soon be forgotten, but believe me, your melody is always lingering, good or bad a strange choice of phrases does not really mean a dictionary defines "Melody" as a series of sounds. Apart from the combination and integration of a series of actions and sounds, what is life? Just as a piece of music can affect the emotions and emotions of the people who hear it, so is your lifestyle.

Imagine your life as a blank manuscript. Only when the rhythm is there can you create harmony. Naturally, you will want your work to succeed, become a chart breaker, or even a symphony, so that people can remember it happily.

So where to start? You must start from yourself with the right attitude, enjoy life, and most importantly, be optimistic about the future ; be genuinely interested in others bring peace and happiness to others Avoid excessive ambition, jealousy, anger and pride. They are enemies of peace and can cause serious damage to you. It is said that if these emotions or feelings are banished, the world will always coexist peacefully.

It may be a bit high to expel them from this world, but it should not be too difficult to get rid of them from your own life and cultivate tact Diplomacy, compassion, insight and sensitivity are priceless not only for your own life, but also for improving the lives of the people around you. Whether you smile or frown, you have the ability to make other people's lives bright or miserable. Take the time to listen to others.

If there is too much discord and dissonance in their lives, encourage them to have a bright future.


你对周围的人有什么声音或印象,想想看,你的词,词组,甚至你的信息可能很快就会被遗忘,但相信我,无论好坏,你的旋律总是萦绕不去 一个奇怪的词组选择并不真的字典把“melody”定义为一连串的声音,生活除了一系列的动作和声音的结合和融合之外,还有什么是生活呢?正如一首音乐作品会影响听到它的人的情绪和情绪一样,你的生活方式也是如此,把你的生活想象成一张空白的手稿,只有节奏在那里,你才能创造出和谐;自然,你会希望你的作品取得成功,成为一部图表破坏者,甚至是一首交响乐,让人愉快地记住它。那么从哪里开始呢?你必须从自己开始有正确的态度,享受生活,最重要的是,对未来持乐观态度 真诚地对他人感兴趣 为他人的生活带来平和与幸福 避免产生过度野心、嫉妒的情况,愤怒和骄傲他们都是和平的敌人,会对你的伤害造成严重破坏据说,如果这些情绪或感情被放逐,世界将永远和平共处,把他们从这个世界上驱逐出去可能有点高,但要把他们从你自己的生活中清除出来应该不太难,培养出机智、外交、同情心、洞察力和敏感度这些特质不仅对你自己的生活,而且对改善你周围人的生活都是无价的你周围的人,无论你是微笑还是皱眉,你都有能力让别人的日子变得光明或悲惨。花点时间倾听别人的意见如果他们的生活中有太多的不和谐和不够和谐,鼓励他们有一个光明的前景。


At the age of 20, will dominates 30, wisdom dominates 40. Judging the tragedy of life is not so much what people suffer, but what they miss. (Carlyle) (Carlisle to wise people, every day is a day of careful calculation (J W.

Gardner) genius is formed in quiet, and characters in the stream of life (Goethe) are ????????????????????????????????????????????ԡԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ????ԡԡԡԡԡԡԡ????????ԡ no matter where we are, each of us can write one or two words of our own on it (Lowell); nothing is great on earth, only human beings, nothing is great, only mind (Hamilton); all human things should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thought (Chekhov); life is just a series of efforts to make your mind more full (Socrates) life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises (Butler); life is not all about eating, because man is man and master of fate (Tennyson) the greatest happiness in life is the belief that we are loved (Hugo v. Hugo) there is a goal in life, otherwise your energy will be wasted (Peters) no one is worth freedom or life unless he conquers its impotence every day. What makes life dull is the lack of motivation (George Eliot).


xx岁的时候,意志支配着xx岁,智慧支配着xx岁,判断(富兰克林)人生的悲剧与其说是人受了什么苦,倒不如说是他们错过了什么。(卡莱尔对明智的人来说,每天都是一个精打细算的日子(J W加德纳) 天才是在安静中形成的,生命之流中的人物(歌德) 无论在哪里,我们每个人都可以在上面写上自己的一两句话(罗威尔); 在地球上没有什么是伟大的,只有人的人没有什么是伟大的,只有头脑(汉密尔顿); 人的一切都应该是美丽的:脸,衣服,灵魂,和思想(契诃夫); 生活只是一系列努力使你的头脑更充实) 按照你的意愿生活永远活下去,像你的力量是有限的一样工作,别人活着是为了吃饭,当我为了生活而吃饭时(苏格拉底) 生活是一种从不足的前提中得出充分结论的艺术(巴特勒); 生活并不全是吃喝玩乐(休斯) 因为人是人,是命运的主人(丁尼生) 生活的最大幸福是我们被爱的信念(雨果诉雨果) 人生有目标,否则你的精力都将被浪费(彼得斯) 没有人值得自由或生活,除非他每天战胜它无能。 使生活沉闷的是缺乏动机(乔治·艾略特)。


Once upon a time, there was a king who gave a prize to the painter who painted the best peace painting. Many painters tried to see all the paintings, but only two of them really liked them. He had to choose one of them, which was a calm lake.

The lake was a perfect mirror, surrounded by peaceful mountains, with a blue sky and fluffy white clouds on top of his head. All those who saw the painting thought it was There is a perfect peace picture, and there are mountains in another picture, but the mountain is rugged. The bare sky is an angry sky.

The rain drops from the mountain. Lightning flashes down from the side of the mountain and forms a foam waterfall. It doesn't seem peaceful at all, but when the king looked carefully, he saw a small Bush behind the waterfall growing in a crack in the Bush rock.

A female bird was nesting there. Among the angry weeds, the mother bird sat quietly on her nest. Which photo do you think won the prize? The king chose the second photo.

Do you know why? King, peace and peace It doesn't mean that in a place where there is no noise, no trouble, no hard work, peace means to be in all these things and remain calm inside. That's what peace really means.




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