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关于”最喜欢乐队“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Favorite band。以下是关于最喜欢乐队的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favorite band

I like listening to music very much, especially my favorite English song is Coldplay. When I hear their classic song yellow, I will be very excited. The reason why I like this band is that their songs are different from others.

They look for life and listen to English songs can also help me improve my English level.




2:,My favorite band is beyond. I like this band. That's why beyond is the most popular band in China.

There are four people. They are Wang Jiaju, Wang Jiaqiang, Wang Guanzhong and ye Shirong. They all have long hair.

They look cool. They like music very much. Their songs sound good.

So when I listen to them, I am very excited and hope they can sing more Good song.




3:最喜欢乐队,My favorite band my favorite band is beyond. I like beyond very much because beyond is one of the most popular bands in China. There are four people.

They are Wang Jiaju, Wang Jiaqiang, Wang Guanzhong and ye Shirong. They all have long hair. They look cool.

They like music very much. Their songs sound good. So when I listen to their songs, I feel very upset Always excited, I hope they can sing more beautiful songs.




标签: 高分 九年级 作文 年级

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