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关于”数码产品的好处“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Benefits of digital products。以下是关于数码产品的好处的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of digital products

G digital camera is produced by Feida camera factory, which has a long history and is headquartered in Qingdao, China. G is the latest product. The portable camera is made of light metal.

Its program control design is beautiful and diverse, and it is easy to operate. It is a product with high quality and low price, and its price is lower than that of similar products GG.




I like digital products, which are advanced and convenient. For example, now we have a digital camera in our house. We can take pictures at any time.

We have taken a lot of pictures about our life, but in the past, if we want to take pictures, we have to go to the photo studio. This is not convenient and expensive, so we only take photos once a year. A classic example has many similar examples.




Fake and shoddy goods are quite common in China. These products usually have the same name as the real products or have the same appearance as the products in remote areas. This situation may be worse.

Taobao is full of these fake and shoddy goods. Some bad sellers mix the good and the fake together. You can't even tell the difference between them.

Such behavior causes people's rights and health For example, if a consumer buys fake cosmetics, she may be allergic, which may lead to terrible consequences. Fake products also exist in the drug market. If patients buy fake products accidentally, the reason for this situation is that some people only care about making money, and they don't know the consequences of this behavior, which will lead to local governments' ignorance of their illegal behaviors The rights of consumers must be protected.

Only in this way can the market develop healthily and stably, and justice can be done.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能 产品

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