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关于”有关穿衣“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About dressing。以下是关于有关穿衣的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About dressing

Modern clothing is the ideal choice in most cases. He may also want to keep warm. Nowadays, more and more people wear casual clothes.

Shirts are as common as traditional clothes. Many people take the trouble to wear formal clothes, such as shirts. It is important to grasp our topic.

Although casual wear is also more free, traditional clothing and modern clothing have been competing. Which one is it In my opinion, pants and suits never wanted to be as elaborate as they are today, but maybe we are back in the cave man era. For practical purposes, they wear clothes and look comfortable.

Fashionable jeans can be seen everywhere, except for many years At the formal party, almost all people wear modern clothes like this. Modern clothes are definitely more practical than traditional clothes. But when early humans invented clothes, many modern clothes seemed simpler and more practical.




Talk about the color, size, style and material of your clothes, and then write down a short one. My favorite coat / dress is a red one that my grandmother bought for me in Beijing two years ago. The size of my coat is m.

It's made of cotton wool. It's very comfortable to wear. The style of this dress is very popular with young people.

It's a bit like a Tang suit. I like it very much about the clothes you wear. Why do you choose them? I'm a southern girl.

I usually choose clothes according to the four seasons. In my hometown, it's usually warm in spring. In summer, I often wear a lining with real spice T-shirt, the weather is very hot, so I always choose a cotton T-shirt and a skirt, or a cotton formal dress, which can make people feel cool and cool.

In autumn sports clothes, I feel comfortable. It's a little cold in winter. My favorite clothes are sweaters and overcoats.

It's important to choose clothes, shape, fat, low collar, slim, warm color, go well, in different occasions, suitable, male Secretary's uniform, really, suits, business meetings, it's important that we choose the clothes that suit our body shape. If he is a fat man, he should wear a dark coat. As we all know, dark color can make people thin.

If he is a short neck person, he'd better wear a low collar suit. If he is very slim, he should wear a warm coat. We must wear appropriate clothes, suit and Leather shoes match well.

When we choose clothes, we should not only pay attention to our shape, but also pay attention to different occasions. Should people wear company uniforms in the office? Should they wear suits to hold business meetings.




My deskmate my deskmate is a girl with two beautiful eyes. She is outgoing and friendly. She always helps me with my math.

She takes me home after school. She is very considerate. Every time I get angry, she only tells me some little secrets about herself, which makes me happy.

All the students in my class appreciate me very much. They think I am very lucky. We all cherish our friendship with such a table mate.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 年级

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