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关于”写一篇介绍Alice“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write an introduction to Alice。以下是关于写一篇介绍Alice的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an introduction to Alice

Bill Gates was born in October. He grew up in Seattle. Washington Bill Gates was named after his father and grandfather William Henry.

He was a very clever boy. His favorite subjects in school were science and mathematics. When people asked him what he wanted to be in the future, he always said he was a scientist.

Bill began to play with computers. Computers are very big machines When he was interested in a very old computer, he and some of his friends spent a lot of time using it to do something unusual. They used that old machine to make a software program.

Bill sold it for us dollars when bill was studying at Harvard University. He developed the basic language for the first microcomputer in the third year. He left Harvard to work for Microsoft.

Bill and his friend Paul Allen founded the company together. They thought that computers would be a very important tool in every office and family. So they began to develop personal computer software.

They improved the software to make it easier for people to use it Using computers, a book called Business @ speed of thinking, in which he tells people how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways is one of the best sellers in the New York Times. Bill married Melinda French in January. They have two children: a daughter and a son.

Bill likes to play golf and Bridge.




Zhenhai building is located in xiaopanlongzhu, Yuexiu. This building is also known as Wanghai tower. Because Zhuhai river was really extended at that time, Wangjiang became a watchtower.

Because of the height of the building, it was named the front building of the fifth floor. On the stele corridor, there are inscriptions of different dynasties. On the right side, there are manggu fort in Hongwu Period of Ming Dynasty (yongjiahou Liangzu expanded Guangzhou City, and the northern city wall was extended to Yuexiu mountain).

At the same time, it was in the mountain In the history of Zhenhai architecture, five buildings have been destroyed. Now they are reinforced concrete structures. When they were repaired, they were rebuilt into Guangzhou Municipal Museum by wooden frame and renamed as Guangzhou Municipal Museum.

Zhenhai tower is one of the landmark buildings in Guangzhou. The height of the whole building of Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Agency is meters, which is rectangular, meters wide, and has a height of meters The two walls are made of red sandstone and long stone. The upper three layers are brick walls.

The outer walls are stacked and narrowed. There are green glazed tiles with double eaves. They are decorated with stone bay glass haughty fish flower keel and bamboo rose tile.

They are magnificent. They are known as the first victory of Lingnan. The top of the sea tower in Wangzhen town is flat, and the tablet with inscription on both sides of the tower is high on the street Who is fighting the Moroccan cloud? Where is the marquis in ancient times? It makes me watch the sword against the fence.

The tearful hero Zhenhai has an extraordinary architectural style. In ancient and modern times, it has been looked over by Zhenhai first-class buildings, and Duoxiu building has been listed as one of the eight sceneries in Guangzhou.




My teacher Sarah is from Canada. She is our oral English teacher. She is loved and respected by many students.

What affects me most is her enthusiasm, generosity and easygoing. She is always optimistic and tries to understand every student. In addition, she often tells us some interesting stories and jokes in class, so that we can understand that she loves teaching and is enthusiastic about education.

Because of her outstanding achievements, she has won many awards, one of which is the model teacher award.




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