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关于”评价熊出没“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Evaluate the presence of bears。以下是关于评价熊出没的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Evaluate the presence of bears

How do you like noodles? Do you know how to cook noodles well? This is very simple, let me teach you first, put a deep pot on the pot, carefully boil some water in the pot, and then add pig bone to make bone soup. Next, cut the ham, cabbage and green onion into small pieces and cook in the pot for 35 minutes. Finally, add ham, cabbage and green onion.

Delicious noodles are ready.




Recently, I saw a cartoon called "bear". I think it is very meaningful because this cartoon teaches us to protect the forest and not to cut down trees. There are three main characters here, namely "bear", "two bears" and "head".

The bald and strong woodcutter looks like Zhao Benshan is "bear" every time he uses a chainsaw. After listening to a painful lesson, there is a saying that "bald" is a common saying In one way, the secret is that the man who made his appearance into wax saw wood in the forest. Bear II saw the bald man's strong past and was beaten to pieces after logging.

Bald head is a wig. After several rounds of hitting, it is a wax man's head. Bear 2 has been exhausted and is really pulling fish.

In fish in troubled waters, bear is very clever when cutting down trees, He listened to the sound, saw the traces and observed for a while. The bald man firmly found that I wanted to observe carefully like a bear and learn to analyze everything in my mind.




Recently, I saw a cartoon called "bear". I think it is very meaningful because this cartoon teaches us to protect the forest and not to cut down trees. There are three main characters here, namely "bear", "two bears" and "head".

The bald and strong woodcutter looks like Zhao Benshan is "bear" every time he uses a chainsaw. After listening to a painful lesson, there is a saying that "bald" is a common saying In one way, the secret is that the man who made his appearance into wax saw wood in the forest. Bear II saw the bald man's strong past and was beaten to pieces after logging.

Bald head is a wig. After several rounds of hitting, it is a wax man's head. Bear 2 has been exhausted and is really pulling fish.

In fish in troubled waters, bear is very clever when cutting down trees, He listened to the sound, saw the traces and observed for a while. The bald man firmly found that I wanted to observe carefully like a bear and learn to analyze everything in my mind.




标签: 初三 作文 满分

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