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关于”感谢一线抗疫情的医护人员“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Thank the first-line anti epidemic medical staff。以下是关于感谢一线抗疫情的医护人员的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank the first-line anti epidemic medical staff

The doctor said my father will recover in two months, but he can't walk alone after two months. We are all worried about his father. How do you feel now? One day I asked him Susan, don't worry about me.

He told me gently, I like walking with your mother. I like reading his eyes. I know he loves my mother deeply.

I used to think that love means flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I learned that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is in it and makes life change Be strong and warm.




What is your recovery rate? What is your recovery rate? How long will it take you to recover from the disturbing behaviors and behaviors, minutes, hours, weeks. The longer you recover, the more impact events have on your behavior. In short, the worse your ability to play your best, the longer you recover, the weaker you are, the worse your performance is, and you know that you need exercise to keep fit.

No doubt, taking a reasonable health measure is that your heart and respiratory system recover after exercise The same thing about recovery, the faster you get rid of a problem that bothers you, the faster you get back to balance, the healthier you will be, and that's the best example of this behavior. They know that the faster professional athletes are, the faster they can forget an event or missed opportunity, continue the game, in fact, the better they perform, and most people measure that they overcome and forget one of the Games The time it takes for an event, most people think the recovery speed of seconds is too long to imagine that you can't play an actor on stage. Your goal is to play your role.

You get a script. At the end of each sentence, it is a period. Every time you reach the end of a sentence, you start a new sentence.

Although the next sentence is related to the last sentence, it is not affected by it. Your job is to express every sentence as much as you can. Don't live in the past to learn life.

In order to overcome the past, prevent the past from affecting your daily life, don't let the past thoughts reduce your personal mind. It is better not to let the past interfere with your life and learn to recover quickly Remember: Rome wasn't built in a day. Reflect on your recovery rate before going to bed every day.

See if you're making progress, don't lie in bed and say to you, I'm wrong, I should do better. Don't see your day and notice that when you try to end it after an event, it's a success, you're controlling your life, remember that it's a step-by-step process, it's not a change in face, and you're really changing your goal: reduce the time spent in the recovery process and look forward to life in the present rather than the precedent.





Between me and their parents, I sometimes pay a high price for their love. Their parents and I are paying a high price for their love. It's impossible for a day.

Finally, my father lost his temper when he was working hard. He was very easy to lose his temper. One day, my mother was sewing quilts.

I sat quietly beside her and looked at her mother. I had a problem I want to ask you, after a while I said how she answered and was still doing her work. I didn't know what to do, but finally I heard my mother say the following words, but love is really in it.

I listened carefully, but I didn't understand her meaning until the next spring. At that time, my father was suddenly very ill. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month after he came back from the hospital.

Both of them were very pale and seemed to be seriously ill Every morning and evening after they came back, my mother would help my father walk slowly along the country road. My father had never been so gentle. It seems that they are the most harmonious pair on the country road.

There are many beautiful flowers, green grass and sunshine shining through the leaves. This is the most beautiful picture in the world.


在我和他们的父母之间,我有时也在为他们的爱情付出昂贵的代价,我和他们的父母都在为他们的爱情付出高昂的代价一天更不可能了终于我父亲在辛苦劳累的时候发了脾气,他很容易发脾气 有一天,我妈妈在缝被子,我静静地坐在她旁边看着她妈妈,我有个问题要问你,过了一会儿我说了她怎么回答的,还在做她的工作我不知道该怎么做,但最后我听到妈妈说了下面的话,但爱是真的在里面 我仔细地听了,但直到第xx年春天我才明白她的意思。那时,我父亲突然病得很严重,我母亲从医院回来后不得不在医院陪他住了一个月,他们两个脸色都很苍白,好像都得了重病 他们回来后,每天的早晚,妈妈都会搀扶着爸爸在乡间小路上慢慢地走着,我父亲从来没有这么温柔过,似乎他们是乡间小路上最和谐的一对,有许多美丽的花朵,绿草如茵,阳光透过树叶轻轻地闪耀着,这是世界上最美丽的图画。


标签: 中考 英文 作文 万能 疫情

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