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In the United States, mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. On this day, children commemorate their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers. The first celebration in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was based on the advice of Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, although it was not until there was a mother's day in the United States to celebrate the days of ancient Greece.

In those days, Rhea was the mother of the gods. Later, in England, there was an annual celebration called "mother's Day", which was held on the fourth Sunday in June Sunday of mother's day. Generally speaking, servants who live with their employers are encouraged to go home in honor of their mothers.

In anajarvis, Philadelphia, the United States, Jarvis began a campaign to establish a national Mother's day. Jarvis convinced her mother to celebrate Mother's day at the church in Grafton, West Virginia, on the second Sunday of the second anniversary of her death On Mother's day, others began to write to ministers, businessmen and politicians to establish a national Mother's day. They were successful, and President Woodrow Wilson officially declared mother's day a national celebration to be held every year on the second Sunday of May.

Many other countries in the world celebrate their mother's day at different times of the year. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium celebrate Mother's day on the second Sunday of May, just like the United States.





The origin of mother's day siyeuwieywfywfynfrestrerat and mother cutting flowers have a custom of wearing carnations on Mother's day. A colored carnation means a person's mother is alive. A white carnation indicates that a person's mother died many years ago.

Britain observes the Sunday they call "mother's Day". It first comes on lent day. Julia Ward Howe suggests that this day be set In memory of mother's day.

She suggested that it should be a day dedicated to peace. Julia was born in a prominent family in New York. She was an American writer, lecturer and reformer.

She was regarded as one of the most famous women of her time. She wrote the war song of the Republic, which was inspired by her visit to the camp in Washington. During the civil war, it became the main battle song of the federal army.

Julia became interested in the women's movement and became New England Three years later, Frank herring of Indiana launched a mother's Day celebration in Anna Jarvis, where she chose the second Sunday in May to commemorate mother's day. She also began wearing carnations. Jarvis's mother was in the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia, in May At the assembly, a representative of Andrews Church introduced a resolution recognizing Jarvis as the creation of mother's day and suggested that mother's day be celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution in Congress in May recommending that the federal government celebrate Mother's day the following year, and the president was authorized to declare an annual holiday day.








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