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关于”描写朋友诚实“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe the honesty of friends。以下是关于描写朋友诚实的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the honesty of friends

What is honesty? Honesty is telling the truth, being fair and decent. Honesty is a virtue. Liars and cheaters are dishonest people.

They make a fortune not by hard work, but by other means. Honesty is the best policy. If you are honest in everything, you will get trust and respect from others.

Liars are always seen by others. Once you lie, people will think you are the black sheep. Even if you tell the truth, people will not trust you.

The shepherd's fable just makes a typical example become honest, your reputation will become very dishonest, your name will be tarnished, your personality will degenerate, because honesty is so important, we must cultivate it, we should always tell the truth, rather than saying "a little dishonesty is just a small matter" as an excuse, once the seeds of dishonesty are sown on us In our minds, we should get rid of it immediately.





Friends are very important to all of us. When we have time, they are the people we can share our happiness with, find supporters when we need them most, and rely on them when we want to cry. It takes many years to build a true friendship, but if we don't cherish it or continue to care for it to have a good friend, it may take a second to destroy it.

In all the efforts to maintain true friendship, you need to be sincere, easygoing, compassionate and honest. Honesty may be the most important point, as Confucius said: "don't use No If you want to be an honest friend, you must be an honest friend first. Honesty is the foundation of friendship.

All these are honest. Honesty does not give you the right of arrogance. You still need to have enough wisdom and decency to protect your friend's feelings.

Your honesty can't be an excuse to hurt others. Unfortunately, sometimes our friendship is a blessing from God. Let's not take it for granted.





Everyone has his own good friends, so my best friend is that he has a round face and big eyes. He looks very tall and thin. In our spare time, we often play football together because we all like sports.

In addition, he is not only good at English, but also good at mathematics, but I am weak in Matthew, he often helps me after school. I still remember that he was ill last week and couldn't go to school, so every day after school I went to his home to help him make up his lessons. He felt very happy.

I think good friends should not only help each other, but also share happiness and sadness together. I believe that need is a true friend. ".





标签: 四级 英文 作文 满分 朋友

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