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关于”介绍希望工程“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduction to hope project。以下是关于介绍希望工程的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to hope project

Project Hope is a public welfare undertaking. Its purpose is to help out of school children in poor areas. What this organization usually does is to help children in poor areas go to school.

Hope primary school is the result of the project hope implemented with its help. More and more people in need can go to school. I hope this spirit of help will continue forever, because it is a Chinese tradition.




Hope project education plays a very important role in China's modernization drive. However, due to historical reasons, there are still many people in our country who are under educated, especially the rural youth, who can't afford the tuition and need help. At the same time, China has no ability to invest too much money.

Under the current special situation, the authorities implement the "Hope Project" It is necessary for our country. This is an urgent measure first taken by the government. This project will provide conditions for teenagers to return to school.

Second, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is beneficial to their future work. Therefore, this project will eventually be of great help to China's modernization drive. It can enable more people to receive education.

Therefore, it may be possible for the government to provide conditions for young people to return to school Grounding leads to the improvement of our people's living standards. This project is of great significance to China at present and will have a profound impact on China's future achievements. I suggest that more work should be done to enable every child in the countryside to receive basic education.

In China, the process of modernization has begun to believe that we should invest in staff training ‰ authority n for example: Authority lies in the people urgency if I am eager to see my friends enhance n for example, women's self-development has been significantly improved, the quality of life has been significantly improved profound adjustment for example, this is a profound book.


希望工程教育在我国现代化建设中起着非常重要的作用,但是由于历史的原因,我国仍有很多人受教育不足,特别是农村青少年,他们负担不起学费,需要帮助,同时,中国也没有能力投入太多的资金在当前这个特殊的形势下,当局实施“希望工程”;‰这个工程对我国是必要的,这是政府首先采取的一项紧急措施,这个项目将为青少年重返学校提供条件,第二,教育使人们有可能获得知识,这对他们今后的工作是有益的,因此,这个项目最终对我国的现代化建设有很大的帮助,它可以使更多的人受教育,因此,它可能间接地导致我们人民生活水平的提高,这项工程对我国目前具有重要意义,对我国未来的成就也将产生深远的影响。我建议做更多的工作,使农村的每一个孩子都能接受基础教育。在中国,现代化的进程已经开始认为我们应该投资于员工培训‰权威n 如:权威在于人民 急 如我急着要见我的朋友 增强n 例如妇女自身发展显著提升,生活质量显著提高 深刻调整 例如这是一本深刻的书。


Project Hope is a public service project organized by the Chinese government. It aims to help children in many poor areas return to school, build hope primary schools and improve rural conditions. In many poor areas of China, there are many school-age children who can't go to school because they don't have enough money at home, so they have to go to school.

We often say that knowledge changes their fate. Only learning can help them go out and change their lives. Even through the hope project, the poverty situation in their hometown can be changed, and funds and books can be collected to improve the poverty children caused We can share more resources to acquire knowledge.

In addition, many people in the city have opportunities and channels to express their goodwill. The most important and meaningful thing is that they can help children who are in urgent need.





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