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关于”我的压力“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My pressure。以下是关于我的压力的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My pressure

"I can't stand the pressure and competition," one of my friends explained when asked why he recently decided to quit his high paying but demanding position in the company. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don't think his decision is wise in reality. Indeed, my friend's case is not unique in the past few years.

Women choose to do something less competitive, and sacrifice a comfortable and comfortable life. They are afraid that the pressure and pressure of work will take away their happiness and happiness, and cause harm to their body and mind. Stress is not a bad thing people usually think, unless it is out of control A certain amount of pressure is very important to provide motivation and challenge, giving purpose and meaning to the meaningless and idle life.

People under pressure tend to give full play to their potential and realize their personal values. The pressure of people's life is a natural part of daily life. We can't avoid it.

What we can do is to cultivate our adaptability to deal with it, rather than escape it.





When I read about the news about a girl who failed to get a 3A who committed suicide under the pressure of the college entrance examination, I really feel sad. What should the school, family and students do? First of all, the school should not only pay attention to the students' scores, but also take care of the students' health. For families, it is necessary to exercise psychologically and physically, especially parents should not treat their children Children exert too much pressure, because as children, part of their pressure comes from their parents.

They are afraid to let their parents down. But it is also important for students themselves to know clearly that if they try their best, more importantly, no one will criticize them. Entering a good university does not mean a bright future.

Maybe you can do other things in the world The field is well done, the attitude to life is the most important college entrance examination, just relax.




Stress is an inevitable result of life. Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a very strong state of physical and emotional health. It recognizes the importance and indivisibility of physical and mental relationship.

Pressure appears in various forms and sizes and has become ubiquitous. It seems to penetrate into everyone and everyone. It is difficult to not hear or read about stress in a day Some doctors in the West call stress some kind of new plague.

However, a large number of investigations have confirmed that since the s, this problem has gradually risen. After all, why all the obstacles have existed since Adam and Eve entered the garden of Eden. Pressure is the inevitable result of life without pressure, but without pressure, there is no life, just as pain can lead to it Like diseases, there is good stress to balance this and promote health.

Increasing stress leads to increased productivity to a certain extent. However, this level is different for each of us. It is just like the stress on the violin string is not enough to produce dull and harsh sounds.

Too much pressure can produce harsh, annoying noises, or lead to string breakage. However, as long as the right level can also create gorgeous tones, we all need to find the right level of stress to promote optimal performance and enable us to make harmonious music health not only free from disease, it is a very strong physical and emotional state of health, which recognizes the importance and indivisibility of physical and mental relationships in the next program, I hope You can learn with me how to use stress so that it can work for you and make you more efficient, not self destructive.




标签: 高考 作文 万能 压力

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