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关于”熟悉的人或事“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A familiar person or thing。以下是关于熟悉的人或事的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A familiar person or thing

When I went to school two years ago, I felt very nervous. At that time, I was the first time to go to school. Before that, I had never left my parents.

There were many students I didn't know. I didn't know what to do. I felt very lonely.

Then a boy sitting behind me said hello to me, smiling and moved me. He was like an angel to me He said hello, and then we began to introduce each other. Since then, I made a friend on my first day at school.

I was no longer alone. He was such an important person to me.




My English teacher is Mr. He has big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. He has long straight black hair.

My English teacher is very thin. He is very kind. But in class, he is very strict.

He likes reading books. She reads English books every morning. My English teacher is very healthy, because he exercises every day, and her eating habits are very good.

She eats vegetables and fruits every day, breakfast, he drinks milk, bread and eggs. She doesn't like to eat junk food and drink coffee. This is my English teacher.





Spring is coming. In the park, there are many children and old people playing in the park. Many birds sing spring songs.

The grass is green and the flowers are very soft and beautiful. Most of them come out. The park is very lively.

I like this one. I like spring.




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