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A dead ghost, the spirit of a ghost, has any news on his chest. Come on, you've never met your grandmother. After her death, Abe Shinzo abeshinzo Abe, the leader of Japan's main opposition party, paid a visit to the shrine of Japanese war victims yesterday, which may aggravate tensions with China.

Mr Lee's predecessor, Roh Two days after Japanese politicians visited a controversial war shrine (dedicated to convicted war criminals and other Japanese war dead), he stood by her coffin to preside over the funeral, but there was no message of consolation, no news of glorious resurrection, no opening of heaven, but only "dust to dust, ashes to ashes", a long and eternal farewell.


一个死去的幽灵幽灵的灵魂在胸前有任何消息。来吧,你从未见过你的祖母,她去世后,日本主要反对党领袖安倍晋三(abeShinzo abeShinzo abeShinzo abe)昨天参拜了日本战争死难者的神社,此举可能会加剧与中国的紧张关系。李明博的前任卢武铉(roh moohyun)停止了行动在日本政治家参拜一座有争议的战神祠(供奉被定罪的战犯和其他日本战死人员)两天后,他站在她的棺材旁主持葬礼,但没有慰问的信息,没有光荣复活的消息,没有打开天堂,却只有“尘归尘,灰烬归灰”,一个漫长永恒的告别。


[D]: smart child: the economic lifeline of this country: a driver's chrysanthemum is in full bloom, some are red and some are yellow: I drew a sketch, and the color he drew is that he went to Tibet the year before last [Tibet: he will come tomorrow, you have worked very hard these days, etc., and so on. For example: she can speak, in addition to clothing, food, housing and transportation, etqi doesn't like flowers and plants: who will today Chairman of the conference, my sister plays the leading role in this movie: I'm kidding her: this room is five meters by three meters, or fifteen square meters. It's really a real target race: shooting arrows at a nonexistent target and shooting at random.




I'm afraid we can't come. I'm afraid I can't hear what you're saying. I didn't say it because I'm afraid of provoking him / I'm afraid I'll upset him.

You're afraid of snakes. The kids are afraid that the river will drown a coward. I've seen terrible accidents.




标签: 小学 作文 真题 地震 结尾

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