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关于”拼搏“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:struggle hard。以下是关于拼搏的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:struggle hard

Hello everyone, I'm very happy to be here today to give a talk about my new experience in China Agricultural University. First of all, I must say that campus life is quite different from what I experienced in high school. For example, I used to rely on my dorm teacher to wake me up on time, but now I have to set up a few alarm clocks so that I can listen to them in the morning, otherwise I will miss me What's worse, apart from my teachers, no one reminds me, so the differences are everywhere.

I can easily find out that the changes in their lives are huge and wonderful: I have the right to have more time and decide how I live. My campus activities are rich and colorful. English has become a habit for me because I plan to go abroad in the next few years Overseas Study.

Guzheng is my favorite activity. I have been practicing guzheng since I was young, and I hope to win more competitions in my campus life. Our university has the first-class equipment and the most experienced teachers, as well as the best students (laughter, I think) I am very honored to have the opportunity to study here, and I sincerely hope that we can have a good life on campus.





A person's life is a process of growth. In fact, standing here is a process of growth. If a person's life must be composed of various choices, then I will grow up with these choices.

Once I hoped to enter the University in the future, but that has passed. You know, I came here. Now I want to know what will happen after I come to this school, I said to myself This is my near future, everything starts from here, I want to learn to be a man, a complete man, he has a good body, can undertake important tasks, have independent thinking, open mind, concentrated thinking, have the ability to judge right and wrong, have a perfect job, how to say, the future may be a good wish, let us make up our mind, firm Hold on, we will enjoy our life.




Yesterday, with a very short memory quietly came. Today, with the advent of hope, the bright future is also shining and waving to us. It is immersed in memories.

They recall some broken dreams in the past nostalgically. They think of tomorrow. I like to paste the words on the corridor: "today is the starting point of struggle".

Some people may say: today, today is the starting point of struggle, It's just a few hours. I'll study hard from tomorrow, but it'll be a short moment. I'll work hard from tomorrow, but I'll walk another day in a year and a half, and then I'll do another thing.

Tomorrow's information, life in a very small time from the pool has a saying: "I can do it tonight, tomorrow morning and it's late." facing the sun, love is like water, giving up There are days to come when you are entrusted with endless yearning for your life. Then your ideals and your determination will always be on your lips. Shakespeare said, "when we abandon the people, we should abandon him." Lu Kang said, "the greatest achievements and efforts are always proportional to each other, and a piece of work is rewarding." Golgi said, "time is the most fair judge." Yin has been encouraging generations of modern middle school students with a saying.

Although the conditions are superior, they don't wait for me. In the "golden age", if I don't study hard, don't waste my youth, and waste my real self-knowledge in my life, they don't immerse themselves in yesterday or in tomorrow's sustenance, but under the guidance of brilliant ideals, they start from today's struggle Starting from the point of departure, actively and hard struggle to show the regret in life in this way, there is no resentment in life. ".




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