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关于”有关生追求时尚“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About students pursuing fashion。以下是关于有关生追求时尚的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About students pursuing fashion

In this picture, we can see some young women wearing fashionable clothes. They happily display some of the latest styles of clothing with the steady growth of the national economy and the improvement of people's living standards. Fashion has become a big industry and has traditionally affected many people's daily life.

Some people hold a negative attitude towards the pursuit of fashion, In my opinion, whether a person should follow the fashion trend is a topic of constant debate. It is human nature to love beauty. Everyone hopes to wear beautiful clothes so that he or she can show his or her best in front of others.

The change of fashion is an inevitable result. Fashion is the product of human civilization and a mirror of social progress. It has become a prosperity It is undeniable that if everyone is addicted to the pursuit of fashion, there will be some disadvantages in the pursuit of fashion, and personality and uniqueness will be lost by the public.

Following fashion is an expensive hobby, leading to time and refinement Waste of power and money, blindly following the trend will make people addicted to fashion, which is likely to lead to a person's intelligence and thinking shallow, therefore, we should take poursuit fashion seriously.




Directions: study the picture below and write an article entitled "if a person follows the fashion trend in the article, you should describe the picture and explain its meaning, positive views, negative veil in the picture, we can see some young women wearing fashionable clothes, they are happily displaying some of the latest styles with the steady growth of China's economy, and With the improvement of people's living standards, clothing has become a huge industry and has affected many people's daily life. However, traditionally, some people hold a negative attitude towards the pursuit of fashion. Whether or not to follow the fashion trend is a frequently debated topic in China.

People think that it is human nature to love beauty, and everyone wants to wear beautiful clothes so as to show the most beautiful self in front of others. The change of fashion is the inevitable result of the progress of human civilization and a mirror of social progress. Now fashion has become a prosperous industry, which has made great contributions to the economy and society.

In addition, fashion expresses new ideas and ideas, providing unlimited space for talented artists. However, it is undeniable that if everyone is addicted to the pursuit of fashion, there will be some disadvantages in the pursuit of fashion. Personality and uniqueness will also be forgotten by the public.

Following fashion is an expensive hobby, which will waste time, energy and money. Blindly following the trend will make people addicted to fashion, which may lead to a person's shallow intelligence and thinking Take a serious attitude towards dress and fashion.


方向: 研究下面的图片,写一篇题为“如果一个人在文章中追随时尚潮流,你应该 描述图片并解释它的意义, 积极的观点, 消极的面纱 在图片中,我们可以看到一些年轻的女士穿着时髦的衣服,她们正在愉快地展示一些最新的款式随着我国经济的稳步增长以及人民生活水平的提高,服装已成为一项巨大的产业,并影响了许多人的日常生活。然而,传统上,一些人对追求时尚持否定态度,是否应该追随时尚潮流,是我国一个经常争论的话题人们认为,爱美是人类的天性,每个人都希望穿得漂亮,这样才能在别人面前展现出最美的自我。时尚的变化是人类文明进步的必然结果,也是社会进步的一面镜子,现在时尚已经成为一个繁荣的产业,它为经济和社会做出了巨大的贡献。



When students go to university, they are much more free than before. They can have time to do what they want to do instead of the regulations of the University. College students can wear fashionable clothes because they are influenced by commercial advertisements.

More and more college students pursue fashion. But they need to measure their own situation. College students have the right to pursue fashion.

They are young and full of vitality, This is good for their dressing style. The dressing skills on different occasions are the process of learning how to dress in the process of pursuing fashion. On the other hand, the craze for fashion is not suitable for them.

As students, they don't have much money. They rely on their parents, so it's not right to spend their parents' money to pursue fashion. Students' main responsibility is to learn and pay too much attention to the time It is not suitable for them.

College students can pursue fashion, but they should not be crazy about it. They need to measure their situation and make wise choices.




标签: 大学 高一 作文 满分

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