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阴天的英语是" Overcast Weather",其次还可以说成"cloudy sky",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到82个与阴天相关的译文和例句。


1. Overcast Weather

阴天翻译为 Overcast Weather 。

示例:气象预报说有阵雨而且阴天。 The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.


2. cloudy sky

阴天翻译为cloudy sky。

示例:连着三天都是阴天。 For three days it was overcast.


3. overcast sky

阴天翻译为overcast sky。

示例:要么阴天要么下雨。 It's either cloudy or rainy.


4. overcast sky -

阴天翻译为 overcast sky - 。

示例:The sky had become overcast , purplish , with little streaks of white . 天色变得阴沉沉的,紫红色的云,上面一条条白纹。



1. overcast sky(阴天)

2. thick weather(阴天)

3. itscloudy(阴天)

4. overcast(阴天的)

5. over cast(密云、阴天)

英语短语&俚语, cloudy overcast somber dull ( 阴天的 )

breaks in overcast ( 阴天微隙 气象 )

undercast ( 高空阴天 气象 )

it's too late to Apologize overcast for several days ( 连阴天 )

Kagehinata ni Saku ( 向着阴天绽放 )

cloudy day today Sort of day Sort ( 今天阴天 )

Cloudy Vacation serving you ( 阴天假期 )

cloudy to overcast ( 多云到阴天 )


1. next mondy will be rainy, next tuesday will be stormy


2. Rainy day or... cloudy or sunny day... which do you like?

译文:下雨天和... 晴天和阴天比起来的话 你喜欢什么天气啊?。

3. Han seemed to redden slightly, like the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day .


4. A ray of sunshine on a dark day.

译文:真是阴天里的一抹阳光 A ray of sunshine on a dark day.。

5. With it, we could draw electricity from the sun even when the sun doesn't shine.

译文:有了它,我们可以使用太阳能 甚至是在阴天的时候。 。

6. The entire house runs on just 120 watts, slightly more than a single light bulb.

译文:一整年早上都会结霜 在隆冬会有连续39天是阴天。

7. it was a wet and gloomy day.

译文:那xx日阴天下雨沉闷无聊。 。

8. - Yeah, probably gonna get rain tonight.

译文:- 阴天就发作 今晚大概要下雨了。

9. So, why is it blue on cloudy days? Ah, see.

译文:那么,为什么阴天时海还是蓝的?看吧 。

10. Rainy day or cloudy or sunny day.

译文:如果把雨天 阴天和晴天相比的话。

11. Like a groove in the wood, made by a sharp axe.

译文:也不知道是不是阴天 总是湿呼呼的。

12. is a little cloudy in here, yes?


13. Peter takes a chance by not brining an umbrella in a cloudy day.

译文:彼得赌说今天阴天但是不会下雨,所以他不带伞出门。 。

14. Right, this is precisely... doing a lot for nothing

译文:是啊,这叫做阴天打孩子 没事找事做嘛。

15. # i've got sunshine # # on a cloudy day #

译文:##我有阳光 在阴天##。



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