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You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!



2、I'm a friend-like funny teacher, I like to make jokes, because laughing is one of my motivation for me to live better.

I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!


伍允龙在新戏中除了武打连场外, 还有不少搞笑场合。

4、Philip Ng had some scenes not only action scenes but also comical scenes in this new movie.


5、"A couple of things he did got me to laugh, and these days, two laughs in a comedy is a high ratio, " Wilson said.


6、But don't worry, folks, Sarah Palin will be back. Comedians everywhere are praying.


7、The more thick skinned (better, funny, refused to welcome silence. Specific activity group planning organization.


8、"China says"????? hahahahahah. Like were really looking to them to help us make decisions. What a hoot.


9、His last attempt to do this—in the budget—was a mockery of spin.


10、As a sequel of the original story, the movie will continue in the previous humorous style.


11、And comic Bruce Fummey said the crisis was a source of comic material.


12、This is the most entertaining reaction, and probably the second most common one we get.



13 backscattered. TAs, if you can maybe pick up these ping-pong balls for me.


14、’He shouted to his tent,looked him with his dark eyes.’ah~~~~~~’ Boy shouted~~~~


15、The daily military training of some funny things occur, instructors are too cute.


16、Not only is the original sketch comedy, more people may be crying, non-winners of the programme.


17、Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi, aka @brokep on Twitter, commented that " Really, it's a bit LOL.


18、I played a funny ruffian in this series. But actually he is a good guy.


19、It's known as “Thunder Thighs,” but don't let the funny nickname fool you.


20、They think that I am funny and clever and wonderful, which is exactly what I think about them.

21、" He smiles deviously . " Your colleagues may mention this in the media .他诡异的笑道,“你的同事搞不好会向媒体题到这件事情的。”

22、They were awesome. Kappei Yamaguchi was the funniest . He's a natural at that stuff.他们都很出色。山口胜平最搞笑。他天生擅长这个…

23、The funniest thing is he was too eager to win. When he said the funniest part he was so close that I couldn't hear him clearly.其实更好笑的是他欲速则不达,凑得太近以至于我都听不清最搞笑的部分。

24、Zeallsoft Magic Mirror is one of the funniest pictures that can be copied convex mirror effect produced software.Zeallsoft Magic Mirror是一款可以模仿哈哈镜效果的搞笑图片制作软件。

25、The ninth season has been premiered, with a new set of main characters.第九季已经开播,换了一大票新角色,是部很搞笑的喜剧。

英文句子26:,26、At that point the Marksmen would be in pretty sad shape, but it would be funny to watch.而这时蜥射会出现一种可爱的忧郁的外形,但是这很搞笑。

27、I often ignore these things, but I had a look at this one; it's quite funny.我通常忽略这类事,但对今天这个事情我有个想法:这事比较搞笑。

28、And really, who doesn't love a professor who makes up words at schoolwide banquets?再说了,能在全校宴会上即时发挥编凑搞笑发言的教授,谁不喜欢咧?

29、He's funny in the film as much, but often can be broken box office records calendar.他的电影以搞笑之多,但每每都能历破票房记录。

30、 Don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

31、 Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

32、 Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

33、he just nails at his part on the show and I just, it's hilarious to watch.这部剧里他专注于自己的角色,看的时候太搞笑了。

34、Though sometimes she was awaked, she didn't feel angry, the words are so funny.她虽然经常被吵醒,但是却并不生气,因为她丈夫的梦话实在太搞笑了。

35、"Listen, " the collector added, "I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer as well. The cat seems to like it. "“听着,”收藏家补充说,“我想知道你能不能把那个旧盘子给我。对于经典搞笑笑话。那只猫似乎喜欢它。”

36、The work won author Randolph Blake an Ig Nobel Prize in 2006.该研究成果为作者兰道夫·布雷克赢得了xx年的搞笑诺贝尔奖。

37、Don’t chop and change between funny and serious, formal and informal, easy-going and aggressive.不要在搞笑和严肃,正式和非正式,平易近人和侵略性之间变化无常。

38、" He smiles deviously . " Your colleagues may mention this in the media .他诡异的笑道,“你的同事搞人性缺乏诡异不好会向媒体题到这件事情的。”

39、(李阳老师常用) I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

40、This earned them an Ig Nobel prize last year, in the field of management.这篇论文为他们赢得了上xx年度的搞笑诺贝尔管理奖。

41、Xu Du says the secret is to subvert the classic character can obtain the best comedy.胥渡称秘诀是颠覆经典人物的个性才能获得最佳搞笑效果。

42、This is, you might think, a pretty standard, vaguely comic vignette of modern life – man harassed by self-inflicted technology.你可能会想,这是一个非常标准的、有些搞笑的现代生活小插曲——人们被自己创造的科技搞得精疲力尽。

43、Surprisingly, no user cited an innate urge to write "ROFL" or "lololololol.令人意外的是,没有用户称自己天生就是无聊的想写”很搞笑“或。”

44、KM: We laughed our way through that Charlie's Angel's spoof. It was hard to keep a straight face. It felt like an office party.我们在拍查理天使的搞笑版时一直笑个不停。真的很难板起脸孔。感觉就像置身于办公室派对里。

45、So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao:"Mister Prime Minister, you are wrong. This is a stay.便笑着对赵高说:“丞相搞错了,这里一只鹿,你怎么说是马呢?”

46、Besides emotional conflicts, Yau Yi Tat is responsible to act funny in the movie. When Eric acted with him, he could not help laughing.除了感情冲突外,电影中的搞笑责任交给刘以达,孙耀威与他做对手戏时,也忍不住笑呢!

47、Check out the photos below, you will find some funny localization of KFC’s Colonel in Japan .看看下面的图片,你会发现在日本,肯德基上校搞笑的日本化风格。

48、As if that’s not enough, there are always those hilarious cat videos.似乎这些还是不够,所以总是有很多滑稽搞笑的野猫视频。

49、Chinese company suing someone else for trademark violations? That's rich. China needs to sue themselves.一家中国公司起诉别人侵犯商标?真搞笑。中国需要的是起诉自己。

50、Yes, its funny, and simply part and parcel of a cross-cultural relationship.是的,这很搞笑是吧? 但这便是跨文化婚姻生活的一部分。

经典英文句子51:搞笑,51、"We're not sure why she had six gold dolphin stickpins, " Rhodes says, chuckling.“我们搞不清楚我母亲怎么会有6个金的海豚领带夹”Rhodes咯咯咯的笑着说。

52、He is starting to sound, I laugh, like one of those adverts on daytime TV flogging dodgy loans.他开始发出搞笑的声音,我也附和着大笑,就像白天电视节目里抨击可怕贷款广告的主持人一样。

53、Cut diagram, practice hand for the wrong Mo laugh, only for download, really downright.说明:切图,练手之作,错了莫笑,只为下载,真心难搞。

54、Many different films are on videotape, from exciting films to interesting plays.许多不同的电影,从惊 怵片到搞笑片,都被制成了录像带。

55、Our hilarious Ant-Man had a funny fight with Falcon.猎鹰和我们新任的逗逼蚁人在这里有了场搞笑的对决。

56、I gaped , thinking at first that he must be doing some kind of comedy act.我打了个哈欠,我开始心想他肯定是做了搞笑的事情。

57、Steve:Haha. That's terrific, Anthony. I never knew you were such a cutup.史提夫:哈哈。太厉害了,安东尼。我不知道你这麽会搞笑。

58、In the sad part, the dog cried his eyes out, and in the funny part, the dog laughed its head off.当遇到悲伤的情节时,这只狗失声痛哭,而在搞笑的部分,它就狂笑不止。

59、I love this unity, mutual assistance, and funny big collective, my rain outdoor, always go on.我喜欢这样团结,互助,搞笑的大集体,我的风雨户外,一直走下去…

60、It's also incredibly funny. And there's an all-color fashion show mid-way through.另外,它也巨搞笑,剧中还穿插有一次全彩时装秀。

61、Meta Cafe: Metacafe - Get the best internet videos - Funny videos, Amazing clips, Rare moviesMeta Cafe: Metacafe (麦塔咖啡厅)-得到最好的网上视频-搞笑录象,惊奇短片,罕见电影

62、"Comedy thrives when there are buffoonish targets," he said.“当存在丑角似的搞笑对象时,喜剧事业就非常繁荣,”穆斯托说。

63、Find out which are her favorite comedians, funny movies, or sitcoms . Watch them with her.找出她最喜欢的喜剧、搞笑片或者肥皂剧,陪她看。

64、I love this kind of mirror, - it brings a lot of western madness on the humoristic point.我爱这部作品,它非常搞笑地嘲讽了西方社会的疯狂与病态。

65、It’s only when the microphone is put in front of the laughing man in the middle that you understand why this video is so funny.只有当话筒放在前面中间的那个在笑的男人时,你才会明白为什么这个视频会搞笑。

66、 Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

67、“It’s funny how people act like climbing is this spiritual journey, some kind of path to enlightenment, ” Visser says.很多人把攀岩视为心灵之旅,启蒙之l路,这有些搞笑。

68、Watching the funny comedy, listening to beautiful songs, after our family of eight people, clap your hands, laughing.看着一个个搞笑的小品,听着一首首动听的歌曲,我们全家八口人,一边拍手,一边笑。

69、step of a smile. Dr. Niedenthal argues that how another person弄清面部表情仅仅是搞懂笑的第一步,DIEDENTHAL博士认为其他人如何

70、Not only is the show hilarious, the characters lovable and the theme song ridiculously catchy, but Jess rocks some amazing fashion to boot.这部剧集不仅搞笑,而且人物十分可爱,主题曲还非常好笑。但是杰茜确实引领了一定的流行风潮。

71、Again, as we've said before, this whole episode was just weird -- but funny.如此就又回到前面说过的,这一集怪怪的,不过都挺搞笑的。

72、Then there's the other you—the one with the E-mail address and voice mail greeting that your friends find hilarious.另一个你,则是一个给朋友发搞笑语音邮件的家伙。

73、I thought it was a joke, particularly as that particular radio personality was known as a bit of a joker. So I just kept on developing my pictures.我认为是在说笑话,尤其是那个电台以搞笑而闻名,因此,我还是继续冲洗我的照片。

74、Again, the above never represent my point about women just for fun. Hehe.再次声明,以上不代表我对女同胞的观点,仅供开心搞笑哈!

75、Morever, we'll go to see the 3D Kung Fu Panda, a funny animation.另外,我们会一起去看3D版的《功夫熊猫》,一部搞笑的动画片。

英文句子模板76:Funny.,76、"That's rich," laughed the barber. "You and a million other people trying to see him. He'll look the size of an ant.“你真搞笑”,理发师笑道,“你和成千上万的人一起去见教皇,你只能远远地看他,就像蚂蚁一样大小。

77、The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。


标签: 英文

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