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关于”优美的励志“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Beautiful inspirational。以下是关于优美的励志的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful inspirational


1、We offer a variety of scholarships, awards, research and teaching assistant positions for excellent international graduate students.


2、I think we could reduce our print media focus to glossy magazines only.


3、Along a windswept shore, atop a medieval wall, across an iconic bridge: here are

10 treks with postcard-perfect views—no hiking boots required.


4、IV. After the promulgation of this Guidance Catalogue, the encouraged cultural industries shall enjoy the corresponding preferential policies.


5、We want the best quality, excellent service, sincere cooperation with lofty ideals to create the future.


6、If the team wins, each member gets $100, plus the regular $25 reward, but only if he or she completed the assessment.


7、The excellent achievements of way station training are a sign of Chinese army modernization.


8、The competition sets up an "Excellent Organization Prize" and it will be rewarded according to the number of teams.

本建筑荣获《世界建筑》杂志颁发的“2008 年中国建筑优胜奖”。

9、The architecture won the "Best of Category Award" of "2008 WA Chinese Architecture Award" issued by "World Architecture" Magazine.


10、At the meantime, the activities of technical training for every post are actively developed and candidates with outstanding results are awarded and praised.


11、However, their will characters and the spirits of enduring hardships are more superior than that of man's.


12、However, the sprint of our elite swimmers is better than foreign swimmers, which shows their good speed endurance and willpower.


13、Tune the database bufferpools and check that the log spaces are of sufficient size.


14、One report listed $257, 000 worth of 'incentive cards' -- gift cards bought as rewards.

由于 I/O 绑定型的任务对于 CPU 访问来说是无私的,因此其优先级减少(奖励)最多

15、Because I/O-bound tasks are viewed as altruistic for CPU access, their priority is decreased (a reward) by a maximum of five priority levels.

5 个优先级。


16、Instantaneous optimal control algorithm is feasible if excitations are not known apriori, such as ice and earthquake excitations.

Optimization Methods. DaLian: DaLian University of Technology Press, 1994唐焕文,秦学志。最优化方法。 大连:大连理工大学出版社,1994。

17、Tang H. , Qin X…


18、Scientists believe the existence of this age-old reward mechanism indicates there is an evolutionary advantage in sampling the unknown.


19、You can use the log service to set priority and, finally, make the entry into the designated log file as shown in Figure


2 所示在指定的日志文件中记录相应条目。


20、Bidding for their first world championship gold medal, they sustained near-perfect synchronisation in an elegant routine to Maksim's Piano Fantasy, scoring a personal best 74.36.

21、Project supported by the Research Award Fund for Outstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institutions, China(Grant No. ).高等学校优秀青年教师教学、科研奖励基金(批准号: )资助的课题。

22、Once you have hired the best employees and have challenged and motivated them, you can not relax.在你雇佣了最优秀的员工,并且成功的激励他们之后,你也不能松懈。

23、Each of these loggers can be configured with its own priority and output handler.每个日志记录程序都可以配置自己的优先级和输出处理程序。

24、Specifically, Jackson and colleagues (1986) indicated that emotional exhaustion presumes prior states of high arousal and activation.杰克逊及其同事特别指出(1986)情感枯竭利用了高度激励和活化的优先状态。

25、Corporate members enjoy life, as the magazine ads in the name of 8-fold in the concessions.企业会员终身享受在名视杂志投放广告8折的优惠服务。

英文句子26:,26、Harney, A. (2008), The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage, The Penguin Press.中译本:《低价中国:中国竞争优势的真实代价》, 天下杂志。

27、We are now seeking high caliber talents with strong self-motivation to join our TRW family.随着TRW 在华业务的飞速发展,我们诚邀优秀有志之士加盟TRW 大家庭。

28、The magnetic sensor has characteristics of high sensitivity and quick response due to the amorphous wires excited directly by sharp pulse train current containing amount of harmonic signals.采用含有丰富谐波分量的窄脉冲电流作为励磁信号对非晶丝直接励磁,使传感器具有灵敏度高、响应快的优点。

29、At the same time, it Encourages them studying more advanced craft and obtaining the high-quality superior products.同时也激励着他们研究更加先进的工艺获取高质量的优势产品。

30、One of the studies was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2005.其中一项研究在xx年的《国际美容科学杂志》发表过。

31、As Teach First becomes better known, teaching will start to be seen as a job for ambitious go- getters .“教育优先”出名了,教书开始被视为一项有志者的工作。

32、The US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security (generally known as new US-Japan Security Treaty) marked a new developmental stage in the US-Japan relations.《日美相互合作及安全保障条约》(一般称为新《日美安保条约》)标志着美日关系发展的新阶段。

33、The value of stock awards, stock appreciation rights and stock options, which declined to $1.05 million in 2009 from $6.43 million in 2008.股票奖励,股票增值权和股票期权价值,从xx年的六百四十三万美元下降到xx年的105万美元。

34、Therefore there is an HP stamped on the preferred direction of the valve that stands for HIGH PRESSURE.因此,在优先定向阀门上具有HP标志,用于表示高压。

35、Grants would go to states and districts that develop innovative ways to train or reward good teachers.此外,提出创新方式培训或奖励优秀教师的州和地区才有资格获得资金补助。

36、Other people prefer a job-creation tax credit, designed to reward firms for creating new jobs.另一些人则偏向就业创造税收优惠,来奖励公司创造新就业岗位。

37、As to theexcellenct students who were united with students , obey the laws as well as the regulations of the university and respect for teachers and labors, will be honored and awarded.学校对学习成绩优秀,遵守我国法规和我校校纪校规,尊重教师和学校工作人员,团结同学,品学兼优,各方面表现突出的优秀留学生给予表彰和奖励。

38、High quality, cleanliness of energy consumption is the important symbol of modern society development.能源消费的优质化、洁净化是现代社会发展的重要标志。

39、The Bank has supported India’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program, which aims to provide quality elementary education to all children, with two IDA credits totaling $1.1 billion since 2003.世行以支持印度实施了教育激励计划,其宗旨是向所有儿童提供优质基础教育。 xx年以来,该规划累计得到了11亿美元国际开发协会低息贷款。

40、Tool - free format change-over marks another advantage especially for small batch sizes.免工具格式转换标志着另一个优点尤其是对小批量大小。

41、We will continue to exert ourselves, make improvement and innovation, and supply cheap price and excellent quality insulated material to all our customers.我们将在此基础上再接再励、不断发展、不断创新,继续在华夏大地上向广大用户提供优质优价的橡塑保温材料。

42、In the past 25 years, he has been one of good investment advisors to the public, interviewed by magazines like Barons, Forbes, Fortune, as well as daily, like Wall Street Daily for many times.在过来的xx年里,他是一直被大众跟随的优良投资参谋之一,曾屡次被《巴伦斯》杂志、《华尔街日报》、《福布斯》杂志和《财富》杂志专访过。

43、Signs with elegant, elegant font design, adding a stroke leaves the design, makes the whole logo looks fresh and natural, and environmental protection.标志采用飘逸,优雅的字体进行设计,在笔画中加入了叶子的设计,使得整个标志看起来清新自然,环保。

44、The Dutch Design Awards encourage the development of sound design and underscore the added value of design for society and industry.荷兰设计奖鼓励发展优秀设计,强调设计对社会经济发展的增值。

45、Students's good or bad will character plays a significant role in achieving teaching objects and teaching task .学生意志品质的优劣对实现教学目的,完成教学任务起着重要作用。

46、Her interpretation of the pup's shredding of the owners' belongings was that it was a sign he had excellent drive.而她把小犬毁害主人财物的行为,视为具有优秀驱力的标志。

47、In two episodes of Survivor (Survivor: Palau and Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites), as a reward for winning a reward challenge, winners got to swim in Jellyfish Lake.在两个事件幸存者(幸存者:帕劳和幸存者:球迷对我的最爱) ,作为奖励获得奖励的挑战,优胜者获得游泳在水母湖。

48、Excellent logo design is helpful to promote the product's figure and the brand's value for the enterprise.优秀的标志设计是能够为企业提升商品的整体形象和品牌价值的。

49、The stage is considering to install fellowship to enterprise collect money greatly, use technically at rewarding outstanding inland student.台大正考虑向企业募款设置奖学金,专门用于奖励优秀内地学生。

50、They would make good communicators, programmers, engineers, scientists and could be good at most professions if motivated by altruistic values.他们将成为优秀的传播工作者,程序员、工程师和科学家。 如果以利他的价值观激励他们,他们可能在大多数职业中发挥优势。

经典英文句子51:优美的励志,51、New century, new opportunities. In order to fit for the competitive market, we'll keep improving, innovating, and do our best to make great progress.新世纪,商机无限。面对市场日益激烈的竞争,我们将在原有优势的基础上不断优化,不断创新,从更高、更优异姿态励精图治,再次腾飞。

52、There's a great piece by him in the most recent issue of GOOD Magazine as well.这里还有他在GOOD杂志上发表的一幅优秀作品。

53、Any foreign-funded project under this Catalogue could enjoy the preferential policies for foreign-funded projects under the encouraged category.属于本目录的外商投资项目,享受鼓励类外商投资项目优惠政策。

54、To be the preferred global brand of Computer, Consumer Electronics, and Communiaction products.优派公司矢志成为全球电脑,电子消费类和通讯类产品领域最受喜爱的品牌。

55、Ltd makes fully use of group vantage and determines to become the leading brand and landmark enterprise on purification area in china.陈天生生物科技有限公司充分利用集团优势,立志成为净化领域的国内市场主导品牌,以及行业标志性企业。

56、The magazine withheld the electron that Yue reads a net to offer to presswork the advantage of the magazine, bring what the reader is familiar with to read an experience thereby.悦读网提供的电子杂志保留了印刷杂志的优势,从而带给读者熟悉的阅读体验。

57、Ordering star charts, magazines and astronomy equipments, etc… with special discounts.替会员以优惠价代订各类星图、杂志书刊及天文仪器等。

58、That the highest quality Australian VET providers including TAFEs, be encouraged to explore offshore market opportunities.建议鼓励包括TAFE在内的澳大利亚优质职业教育机构寻机开发海外市场。

59、The official contestant cannot obtain the cost compensation, prize money for winning and the additional compensation for the proposal approved to be adopted.获准采用的实施方案,不获得成本补偿金、优胜奖励金和额外补偿金。

60、In the future, we will continue dedicating high quality and low price products to meet customer requirements.在未来,我们会再接再励,奉献质优价廉的产品,以满足客户的要求。

61、Who will win the awards? What performances will have? Limited tickets are still available. Don't miss it! ! !谁将会赢得奖励吗?演出将有哪些?优惠票仍然可用。千万不要错过它!

62、Encourage resource development enterprises in Shaanxi to participate in construction of Xi Xian New Area besides enjoying relevant tax preference.鼓励在陕资源开发企业在享受相关税收优惠的基础上,参与西咸新区建设。

63、Cardholders can enjoy Jinyin international groups to the country store discounts and 49 double integral incentives.持卡人可享受金鹰国际购物集团全国连锁店的折扣优惠和中行双重积分奖励。

64、A store down the street sold books and magazines. Missus Sommers bought two costly magazines that she used to read back when she had been able to enjoy other pleasant things.那边街有一家店铺卖书刊杂志,莎默尔斯太太买了两本高档的杂志,她习惯于享受其它优雅时光的时候看杂志。

65、It is not a sign of male superiority or of high status, as was the case in ancient societies.这并不像古代社会那样,认为它是男性优越或者位尊的标志。

66、Before long, the picture of the cougar perched on top of the sign became almost as widely known as ford's oval and chrysler's pentastar.没有多久,蹲在标志牌上的美洲豹的形象广为传播,就象福特车的椭圆形和克莱斯勒的五星标志一样。

67、These intrepid promoters treat books as markers of identity and as culturalartifacts of great import.这些勇敢的推动者将书籍视作身份的标志和优秀的外来文化艺术品。

68、In our country, "Renewable Energy Law" clearly pointed out that incentives to develop renewable energy development tax incentives and loan policies.在我国,《可再生能源法》明确指出要制定激励可再生能源发展的税收优惠政策和贷款优惠政策。


标签: 优美 英文 励志

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