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关于”保护大象的及“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Protection of elephants and。以下是关于保护大象的及的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Protection of elephants and


1、The invention relates to a protective device for the top of an inclinometer pipe and a protective method thereof.

Title 大通县老爷山植物资源及其保护利用。

2、Preservation and utilization of plant resources in Laoye Mountain.


3、The importance of site-based law enforcement is well-established: e. g. forest elephant densities are seven times higher where they are protected by rangers 'on the ground'8;



4、One of the topics that we covered was the impact of the Conservation area on the local fish, crab, and vegetation farmers.


5、Mahouts ride elephants along a flooded road near the Lopburi River towards the Royal Elephant Kraal elephant sanctuary in Ayutthaya, 80 km (50 miles) north of Bangkok October

19, 2010.


6、Moringa seed oil with oleic acid - Moisturises and protects the skin.


7、The Population Dynamics of the Gia…


8、It should be capable of protecting plant and machinery, below-ground elements, standing structures, complexes and ensembles of buildings, and industrial landscapes.


9、Auto protection for phase shortage and phase sequence alteration , over-load protection and alarm function.


10、There are major parts on the face of maintenance equipment and maintenance and production methods.


11、The perils of paranoia.


12、The protections for the imagination are indiscriminate.


13、Hengshui Lake Nature Reserve, a unique natural landscape and the protection of the typical, rare and unique, has aroused widespread concern in the community.


14、We’re real men, ” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”


15、Studies on protective action of TNA on soybean and antidotal mechanism of TNA to chlorsulfuron were conducted.


16、Australia has announced plans for the world's biggest marine park, intended to protect vast areas of the Coral Sea off the north-east coast and the site of naval battles during the second world war.


17、But the objects of protection is not limited to celebrities, non-celebrities should be also protected by the right of the publicity.

玛尔会保护我们的,就象他一直做的那样!” 。

18、Marr will preserve us as he always has!

您可能需要使用内置的 Windows 访问控制将远程对象作为可保护的 Windows 资源保护起来。

19、You may want to use built-in Windows access control to secure the remote object as a securable Windows resource.


20、We also tell about a new law to protect sharks, and how melting ice is a threat to walruses.

21、Objective To investigate the cardioprotective effects and mechanism of pharmacological preconditioning (PC) on aged rat heart.目的探讨老年大鼠心脏药物预处理现象及其保护机制。

22、There are threatening avalanches and ice falls that protect the mountain .雪崩和落冰好象都在保护这山一样。

23、fiberboard, or other suitable protective material. Materials such as untreated fiberboard or wood用合适的非吸湿保护材料,诸如塑料保护层,含腊纤维板或其他合适的保护材料保护所有直径大于

1 in / 25.4 mm的外部螺纹。

24、Stylish and four-sided protection design.时髦的外观及四面保护设计。

25、Objective:To study the protect effect of Guava leaf on colonitis in rats.目的:研究番石榴叶对大鼠结肠炎损伤的保护作用及其机制。

英文句子26:,26、“We're Egyptians. We're real men,” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”“我们是埃及人,我们是真男人,”一个守护店铺的人,挥舞着大刀说到“我们能保护自己。”

27、Britain protects the true image by advertising law and counterfeiting suit, and fictional image of the main protection under copyright law.英国对真实形象采用广告法和仿冒之诉保护,对虚构形象主要依版权法进行保护;

28、It is a trend for computer relay protection to replace conventional protection, but there is a large difference between check methods of them.计算机继电保护取代常规保护是大势所趋,其校验方法与常规继电保护校验方法大有较大区别。

29、But the establishment of protected areas for elephants has also raised an unexpected problem.但为大象建立保护区域也引发了一个预料不到的问题。

30、There exists a collision phenomenon in the protection law of knowledge property at present in China such like cross of right, double protection, and multi-protection.我国目前的知识产权保护中存在有权利冲突现象,包括权利交叉、双重保护、多重保护等。

31、China has poured considerable resources into protecting the giant panda, its unofficial mascot.中国已经投入了很大的财力物力来保护大熊猫,它在民间象征着吉祥。

32、The findings from this study suggest that adjacent low-gradient nature reserves can be merged for better conservation of nature and natural resources, if administration and management are feasible.本项研究的结果提示,在做好行政及管理协调的基础上,从自然保护的角度着眼,可把地理相近、梯度相差较少的保护区合并,组成更大面积的自然保护区。

33、The main protected objects were soil, mountain forest, river, damp, mineral resources and other natural resources.其保护对象主要有土地、山林川泽、矿藏及其他自然资源。

34、The announcement will do little to help Canada's growing reputation as an international renegade on the climate.加拿大在气候保护方面的“国际叛徒”的名气越来越大,而肯特的表态更恶化了这一形象。

35、We refer to it as the auto-protection phenomenon.我们谓之梁-柱-节点系统的“自动保护”现象。

36、The experts who made the discovery believe ants act as 'bodyguards' for some plants to keep trampling elephants at bay.发现这一现象的专家认为,蚂蚁实则充当着某些植物的“保镖”,它们会让践踏这些植物的大象无法接近保护对象。

37、According to the current situation of the beach resources in the northern side of the estuary of Beilunhe, the principles and ways for protecting the beach resources are pointed out.根据北仑河口北侧岸滩资源的保护现状提出岸滩资源保护的原则及保护的途径。

38、The new principle calculates current and voltage setting values, which are greater than normal values, to increase protection scope under the condition of assured protection reliability.此整定原则以正常偏大方式整定电流、电压定值,其目的是在保证保护可靠性的前提下,增大瞬时速断保护的保护范围。

39、Most belay accidents are caused through failure of the belayer.大多数固定保护绳事故都是由于保护者的失误造成的。

40、The utility model relates to a phase-failure protection, especially relates to an open-phase protector used in the electrical equipment.本实用新型涉及一种断相保护装置,尤其涉及一种用于电气设备的断相保护器。

41、The box and foam rubber protection weigh as much as some amplifiers!箱子及泡沫橡胶保护同等重要的地位有些放大器!

42、"I don't know who created this image about us nurses, as well as about his female bodyguards," she said.“我不知道,什么人会对我们护士以及卡扎菲的女保镖制造了这样的形象,” 她说。

43、The electric leakage of insulated flange will narrow the effective protection scope and widen the output current for CP station.绝缘法兰漏电会缩小阴极保护站的有效保护范围,增大阴极保护站的输出电流。

44、"I don't know who created this image about us nurses, as well as about his female bodyguards, " she said.“我不知道,什么人会对我们护士以及卡扎菲的女保镖制造了这样的形象,” 她说。

45、Intelectual protection:The torch is installed protective apparatus to reliably protect battery prolong torch; s service life;智能保护:电筒内配置有过放、过充及短路保护电路,可靠的保护电池,延长电筒使用寿命;

46、However, their protections are in a difficult situation as a result of people's weak consciousness of protection, improper laws and rules and shortage of funds and technical talents.由于社会保护意识薄弱、法律法规不完善、保护资金及专业保护人员匮缺等原因,使得红色资源的保护陷入了窘境。

47、The extremely hard winter spanning 1962 and 1963 was arguably the single event that had the greatest impact on wildlife within living memory," said Mark Avery, the RSPB's conservation director.“在人们印象中,xx年到xx年那场持续寒冬大概是对野生动物影响最大的单一事件了。” 皇家鸟类保护协会的保护主任马克·艾弗里说。

48、To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick, cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.进入大象保护区你先要通过一扇阔大的门,那是环绕保护区周围的厚厚的带电网围墙的一部分。

49、Every birth of an elephant, including in zoos, is veryimportant for species conservation because both African and Asian elephants arethreatened by extinction..每次一个大象出生,包括在动物园里,对于物种保护都很重要,因非洲象和亚洲象都受到灭绝的威胁。

50、This thesis mainly deals with the CPU mainboard of microcomputer-based protective devices.本文论及的微机保护硬件主要指保护装置的CPU主板。

经典英文句子51:保护大象的及,51、Please take care of our hard-won space flight.请大家爱护及保护我们来之不易的飞行场地。

52、Its strong Operation Administration and Maintenance (OAM)—similar to SDH and carrier-class security protection services—ensure efficient mobile backhaul business management and transmission quality.同时其类似SDH的强大运行维护管理(OAM)及电信级保护能力保障了移动回传业务的高效管理及传输质量。

53、A team of specialists including Masons, Carvers and Sculpture Conservators are in charge of preserving the Cathedral.一队专家包括石匠,雕刻匠及雕塑品保护员负责维护大教堂。

54、By studying elephants' movements, Douglas-Hamilton has learned to understand the choices that elephants make and has integrated his findings into important conservation and management strategies.通过对大象行为的研究,道格拉斯-汉密尔顿博士对大象如何做出选择有了深入的了解,并将他的这些发现有机的与大象保护及管理策略相进行了结合。

55、Social Security: All nursing home after arriving in Canada to apply for social insurance cards and medical insurance card.社会福利保障:所有住家护理人员到达加拿大后可申请社会保险卡及医疗保险卡。

56、Outer layer of the tooth enamel and ivory to protect the pulp quality.牙齿的外层有珐琅质及象牙质来保护牙髓。

57、Monroe's image and estate is protected by the brand development and licensing company Authentic Brands Group.梦露的形象和遗产一直受品牌发展及许可公司“正宗品牌公司”保护。

58、Fuse, leakage, electric shock protection switch, over-temperature alarm and two-level dual protection.熔断丝,漏电,触电保护开关,超温报警及二级双重保护功能。

59、A way to protect the ancient ivory from water-losing in short term has been proposed.为了能将这批珍贵的象牙完好地保存下来 ,必须寻找一种简单的方法对象牙进行有效的保护。

60、Drive and protection circuits for MOSFET are designed. And current limiter method is used for motor.设计了MOSFET的驱动及保护电路,并对电机进行了限流保护。

61、Peridot is given as a symbol of fame, dignity, and protection.橄榄石是给出一个声誉,尊严的象征,和保护。

62、It is being relocated to the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary in Pahang.它将被迁至位于彭亨的瓜拉·甘达大象保护区。

63、Elephants explore their creative side with super-sized musical instruments, including this custom-made xylophone, at the Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang, Thailand.泰国喃邦的大象保护中心内,大象正在发挥乐器弹奏方面的创造才能,这些超大号的乐器也包括这个专门订做的木琴。

64、This is Ndeze and Ndakasi, symbols of hope in the struggle to save the imperilled mountain gorillas of eastern Africa.这是Ndeze和Ndakasi, 是保护危机中的东非山区大猩猩的希望的象征。

65、Simulation results showed that the chip can well protect the lithium-ion battery from overcharging, overdischarging, overcurrent and short-circuit.仿真结果显示:该芯片具有对锂电池的过充电保护、过放电保护、过流保护、短路保护、待机控制以及充电器检测等功能。

66、At last, animal test based on soybean meal protected by xylose was carried out to study the effects of protected soybean meal on cattle growth performance and ration digestibility.试验一为戊糖对大豆粕蛋白保护效果的研究,主要研究戊糖保护大豆粕过程中各因素对蛋白保护效果的影响,并筛选保护效果较好的组合。

67、Helps protect lips with QV Lip Balm. It soothes, moisturises and helps protect dry or cracked lips from sun damage.能有助于保护嘴唇的QV护唇膏,能舒缓及保湿并有助于保护干燥及裂开的嘴唇,并避免阳光对唇部的损伤。

68、OBJECTIVE:To study the protective effects of prostavasin on lung ischemia-reperfusion injury.目的:探讨保达新对大鼠肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用及其作用机制。

69、Confidentiality and Security – Add a layer of confidentiality and security for clients;股东隐密性及安全性 _— _为客户增设一层保密及安全保护;

70、If necessary, we could also add a Protected Object Policy (POP) to any object, which adds additional protection, such as time-of-day access rules.如有必要,我们还可以向任何对象添加受保护对象策略(Protected Object Policy,POP),从而提供额外的保护,如时段访问规则等。

71、They contain inbuilt electronic crossovers, overload protection and power amplifiers.包含内建电子分音器、过载保护电路以及功率扩大机。

72、Objectives: To explore protective effects of PGE1 and its basic mechanism in rats with smoke inhalation pulmonary injury.探讨前列腺素E_1(PGE_1)对烟雾吸入性损伤大鼠的肺保护作用及其可能的保护机制。

73、Elephants and their drivers take part in a mock fight as part of regular training exercises at an elephant conservation park in Ayutthaya province, Thailand.在大成的一个大象保护公园上,大象和骑手们在进行着一个定期训练的对战演习,泰国。

74、Intelectual protection:The torch is installed protective apparatus to reliably protect battery and prolong torch; s service life;智能保护: 电筒内配置有过放、过充及短路保护电路,可靠的保护电池,延长电筒使用寿命;

75、Chimpanzees, elephants, buffaloes and a reddish-brown antelope known as the bongo also occur in this protected area.在保护区里还有黑猩猩,大象,水牛和一种名为“邦戈”的红褐色羚羊。

英文句子模板76:Protection of elephants and,76、They live on Komodo Island and a few neighbouring islands in Indonesia. Driven almost to extinction, they are now protected.它们生活在印尼的科莫多岛以及邻近的几个岛上,濒于绝种,现已列为保护对象。


标签: 翻译 保护

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