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关于”比较励志“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Comparison of inspirational。以下是关于比较励志的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Comparison of inspirational


1、The focus and concentration on one task at a time pays dividends in faster and better quality writing.

太学的建立 ,标志着我国具有了比较完备形态的大学。

2、The foundation of Taixue was the sign that China had owned the comparatively complete university.


3、In England, Wesley, though much more restrained in his delivery, began to expect and even to encourage emotional outbursts.


4、Comparisons were performed by using DNA microarrays containing

16,228 65-mer oligonucleotides representing zebrafish genes and ESTs.


5、It is a comparatively easy one to solve while veteran comrades are still around. But there will be total chaos if it remains unsolved when we have gone.

方法是鼓励建立使用较少压力, 较低不适感, 及较少副作用的病人友善方案。

6、Approach is to encourage the development of patient-friendly protocols with less stress, discomfort and side effects.


7、Comrade Chen absented himself from the match.


8、It's complicated.


9、'It takes a special person to quit an addictive behavior, and there is a higher reward for smoking cessation than not ever starting it, ' said Ms. Pitts.


10、The effects of vibration control with the sand road excitation were simulated, and compared with the effects based on passive control.


11、That compared with 21 infections out of 762 people who received injections of a dummy vaccine.


12、Conclusions The rate of community acquired diarrhea caused by Shigella was low in Wuhan and the superiority serotype changed.


13、AIM:To compare the pharmacokinetic parameters and bioavailability of two kinds of aniracetam capsules inside the healthy volunteers.


14、Objective To compare the diagnostic capability of six commonly-used serum tumor markers (TM) in liver disease.


15、This Dissertation attempts to do a comparative study of the English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties.


16、In the Qing Dynasty, the scholars in Yangzhou carried out an intensive research into the science of local chronicles.


17、It’s better to write, ‘I will reward myself with one hot-fudge sundae per month if I average three workouts per week.’


18、Comparison results are given to show the effectiveness of the method in the study of randomly excited nonlinear ship roll motion.


19、What they did not know was that the plates were weighed before and after their foray into the test room, so the researchers knew to the crumb what the women had consumed.


20、What is a Little Magazine? Well, very often they were big They were little because their circulation was small.

21、Like Sun Zhigang case the case of such each body enrolls " Guangzhou almanac " in, more infrequent still.像孙志刚案如此一个独体的案子编入《中国广州年鉴》中,还是比较,少见的。

22、High-dimensional index is novelty and foreground aspect, The study of this field is weakly.高维索引是一门比较新颖、比较有深度的学科,目前国内对这一方向的研究还比较少。

23、Visual estimation, tape measurement between fixed landmarks, and the UG aligned on fixed and anatomic landmarks were compared with the CROM goniometer, which was used as the reference standard.视觉判断、在固定标志点弹性带子测量、解剖标志点固定通用量角器和CROM量角器比较,CROM量角器测量认为是一种参考标准。

24、Three common patterns that I see driving exceptions are technical debt, overstuffing the pipe, and misaligned reward structures.我发现有三种比较常见的模式,容易让人受不了——技术债、填的太满的管道、有问题的奖励制度。

25、Tournament theory is a theory of incentive mechanism in the principal-agent relationship which is based on the comparison of individual relative performance.锦标赛理论是通过比较相对业绩来研究委托代理关系的一种激励机制理论。

英文句子26:,26、I was busier in the last period, I could not copy my working dairy to this blog, so I have to copy them into together now.由于前段时间一直都比较忙,没有时间把工作日志上传到博客里,所以现在把整理好的日志一起传上来。

27、When the researchers looked at how many circles each group, on average, had dragged across the screen, sure enough money was a motivator.当研究人员比较不同情况下的参与者所拖弋的圆圈数量时发现足够多的金钱的确是一种激励。

28、Talking about SJKCs, MCA has done a lot Today I would like to ask everyone here whether allocating funds is more important?如果谈到华小,我们也做出努力今天我要告诉所有同志跟同胞们拨款比较重要?

29、Those with the highest number of spindles were able to sleep through more sounds without waking than those whose brains showed fewer spindles.那些拥有最多纺锤波的志愿者比脑电波显现出较少纺锤波的志愿者,能够在更多噪音的环境中睡着而不会被吵醒。

30、For example, is there evidence of incorrect sizing of log files, archiving issues, excessive number of checkpoints, or suboptimal parameter settings?比如,是否有比较明显的不合适的日志文件大小问题,归档问题,大量的系统检测点,或者不合适的参数设置?

31、Only the commit is in the log (note the long, random-looking commit ID as opposed to the SVN revision number).日志中只记录了提交(注意比较一下冗长的随机提交 ID 和 SVN 的修订号)。

32、The third part compares Atang's Blog content and replys with mangmangren hai's, also the author extracts the experiences and recognitions from the implicit texts.第三部分是对两位教师教育日志内容的比较分析,对其回复信息的比较研究。 并从隐性的文本中提取出教师专业化发展的相关经验和认识。

33、Stimulated by holding many shares, institutional shareholders are more effective in dealing with agency problems in the corporation, but also behave as opportunists sometimes.受持股较多的内在激励,机构投资股东在解决公司内部的代理问题时比较有效,但也会滋生机会主义行为。

34、The wage and technique management are the relatively right and notable parts of the enterprise management of the Foochow Dockyard, which is the important symbol of the neoteric corporation.工资管理和技术管理是福州船政局企业管理中制度比较健全,成效比较显著的部分,是其做为近代企业的重要标志。

35、For example, helping a volunteer organization deal with its members can show that you have client-service skills。比如,在一个志愿者协会里帮助他人可以显示你有较强的客户沟通技巧。

36、This article also compares Reload Stock Option with Geometric Asian-Reload Stock Option in the manager's role by numerical simulation .本文还通过数值模拟分析比较了传统再装期权与几何亚式-再装股票期权在经理激励中的作用。

37、Midlands English is one of the more stigmatized of English dialect groupings. The most famouse of these dialects is Brummie.中部英语在英语方言群中比较有标志性。其中最有名的当属伯明翰口音了。

38、The Japanese edition of Madame Figaro makes special destination issues that are a firm favourite. Over the weekend, I discovered two English language magazines that have good potential too.日文版的Madame Figaro的旅游杂志会介绍一些比较特别的地方,这本杂志我一直都很喜欢,这个周末,还发现了另外两本同样不错的英语旅游杂志。

39、It discusses in great detail of the writing mode of comparison explain according to three philosophic levels, which are the host nature comparison, sub-nature comparison and the content comparison.将比较说明这一写作模式按照主性质比较、亚性质比较和内容比较分为三个哲学层次进行深层论述。

40、If a language barrier exists or the patient is not conscious, it becomes more difficult.如果存在语言障碍或者病人神志不清,情况就比较复杂了。

41、Children who had previously received rewards helped the experimenter significantly less often than either the group that received only praise or the group that received no praise.可以看出,之前获得奖励的儿童,与获得表扬或没有获得表扬的组相比较,愿意帮助实验者的比例都要远远地低。

42、Pages are for content that is less time-dependent than Posts.页面的内容较之日志来说较少受到时间影响。

43、Relocates the work site the reward standard by to relocate the human respectively to determine voluntarily that the capriciousness is quite big.各拆迁工地的奖励标准由拆迁人自行确定,随意性比较大。

44、This article also compares reload stock option with geometric Asian-reload stock option in the manager's role by numerical simulation.还通过数值模拟分析比较了传统再装期权与几何亚式一再装股票期权在经理激励中的作用。

45、Methods The patients chosen were divided into two groups by ST segment elevation or not. Then to compare inflammation sign, myocardial infarction sign and TIMI risk fraction between the two groups.方法入选患者按心电非ST段抬高与ST段抬高分组,比较两组患者炎症标志、心肌细胞坏死标志和TIMI危险分数。

46、Compared with wind-induced load, the lower frequency of structural displacement is even more than higher frequency.与风激励相比,结构位移响应中的低频成份较多,而高频成份则有所减少。

47、The 70% ethanol eluate was determined and compared with pharmacopoeia method.采用药典方法测定和比较远志蜜炙前后70%乙醇浸出物的含量;

48、For example, helping a volunteer organization deal with its members can show that you have client-service skills.比如,在志愿者协会里帮助他人可以显示你有较强的客户沟通技巧。

49、Carbon-fluorine bonds are stronger and less likely to dissociate.碳-氟键比较强,因此分离的可能性比较低。

50、The convergence performances of many algorithms are compared from three aspects: activation function, weight modification methods, and target function.从激励函数、权值修正方法、目标函数三方面对多个改进算法进行收敛性能的比较。

经典英文句子51:比较励志,51、If your application performs poorly in general, activate logging to try to identify problem areas through log message timestamps.如果应用程序的性能从整体上来看比较差,那么应激活日志记录功能来通过日志消息时间戳识别发生问题的位置。

52、One of the first options required by the CPD task is the minimumTokenCount attribute, which identifies the number of tokens to compare (the minimum value is one token).CPD 任务需要的第一个选项是 minimumTokenCount 属性,该属性用于指定要比较的标志的数量(最小值是一个标志)。

53、The variables compared include the phase voltage and the phase current of the armature winding, the field current, the load current and the damper bar currents.所比较的变量有电枢相电压和相电流、励磁电流、负载电流以及阻尼条电流。

54、People who had drunk the sugary lemonade were less likely to snap than those who had not, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology reported.相比起来,喝了加糖柠檬水的这一部分里面,顶嘴的人数量比较少。研究结果发表在了《实验社会心理学杂志》上。

55、Masemann is not only a giant in the area of theory development, she also did practice studies in-depth.梅斯曼不仅在比较教育领域引入与发展了民族志理论,而且做了深入的实践研究。


标签: 英文 励志

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