
作者:用户投稿 阅读:284 点赞:0





1、This is a "grave" of the first 100 manuscripts culvert...


2、It's a neat accounting trick: if you sell a software package for $100, Wall Street will value that at $100.


3、And it just bounces around, hovering around 100.

因此,100 个并行作业将在一组多线程的网格执行环境中通过 100 个线程进行执行。

4、Therefore, 100 parallel jobs will execute on 100 threads across the collection of multi-threaded GEE's.


5、I´m 100% sure that th is was ther ight decision.


6、I need someone to 100% bug-proof this service.


7、Kaili is host to more than 100 Miao festivals throughout the year.


8、The quay is big enough for 100 ships.


9、Over 100 participating nations competed to build the best pavilion.

例如,如果完成每个事务要花 0.1 秒,而且我们每秒需要完成 100 个事务,则我们需要 0.1 * 100 =

10、For example, if the transaction will take 0.1s, and we need 100 transactions per second, then we need 0.1 * 100 =

10 concurrent threads.

10 个并发线程。

SERVER_POOL_TASKS=100(指定 100 个 worker 线程 —— 这个新的 R5 机制实际承载所有连接用户的数据库工作。)

11、SERVER_POOL_TASKS=100 (This specifies 100 worker threads -- the new R5 mechanism for actually carrying out the database work of all connected users.)


12、More than 100 outpatient specialty clinics are located at Children's.


13、I left all the answers blank and got 100.


14、If an ad that costs $100 makes you $100 back in profit, it’s a good ad.


15、Eighty of the top 100 brands advertise on MySpace.


16、Some people score as high as over 100.


17、There's enough capacity to house 60 oceans. Or maybe 100.

不执着于虎100首歌曲, 100首歌曲是一个神话故事的老虎。

18、Not obsessed with the tiger 100 songs, 100 songs is just a legend of the tiger.

在本例中,我从 -100, -100 到 100, 100 画了一条直线。

19、In this case, I draw the line from -100, -100 to 100, 100.


20、I do not believe some people at this time 100% healths .

21、Around rotating plate there are 100-120 rotating heads and many collapsible grooves.旋击盘周边均布100~120个旋击头和多个涨缩 槽。

22、Of the top 100 search terms, 74 were specific to legitimate domain names.在前100个搜索词中,74个是完全合理合法的。

23、At the top 100, it is 在前100名公立中学当中,这个比例是

2.9 per cent.


24、Well, here I'm a little bit below 100 and in two, and test one a little bit below 100 as well.好了我现在在试验2中有一个小于100的数,而实验1也得到了一个小于100的数。

25、Each prediction is quantized to one of the 256 evenly spaced numbers between 0 and 100 (100*0/255, 100*1/255,...,100*254/255, 100*255/255).每个预测值被量化成以 256 分之一间隔的 0 到 100 之间的数(100*0/255 100*1/255 … 100*255/255).

英文句子26:,26、The next event will be the 100-metre race.下一个比赛项目是100米赛跑。

27、But if you have 45 or 100 people, that won't work.但如果你有45或者100个人,这就没用了。

28、I can take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.我能用英语笔录每分钟100个单词。

29、He gave his maid $100 for a month's work.他付给他的女仆一个月的报酬为100美元。

30、They thought, say, 100 noticed, but fifty people noticed.假如,他们说有100个人注意到了,但其实只有50个人注意到了。

31、If you buy 100 shares of a company that issued 100 million shares, you own one-millionth of that firm.如果一个公司发行了1亿股股票,你买了100股,那么你拥有这个公司的100万分之


32、75-100 = You’re an excellent listener and communicator.75-100 =你是一个优秀的聆听者和沟通者。

33、Creates a second rectangle with upper-left corner at (100, 100).创建第二个矩形,使其左上角位于 (100, 100)。

34、Every 100 meters there is a checkpoint.每隔100米就有一个检查站。

35、There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked.他们检查了100个完全相同的阀门。

36、It has three car-parks, which can hold more than 100 cars.拥有停车场三个,可停放100辆汽车。

37、Reduce the Q in calculator 在第一个计算器把 Q 值降低到 100。

1 to: 100.

38、He had more than 100 RBI last season.他上个季度有超过100次跑垒得分。

39、It might have 100-250 not more than that.中国可能拥有100-250枚,不会超过这个数。

40、Grand Theft Auto 侠盗猎车

4: Vice City 100 hidden bag?


41、Most companies have 大部分的公司有10到100个用户需要访问一个SharePoint站点。

10 to 100 users with access to a SharePoint site.

42、The next constructor creates an integer with the value of 100, as specified.第二个构造函数根据规定创建了一个值为 100 的整数。

43、In freshwater, the EPA limits on mean concentrations are 33 CFU per 100 milliliters for Enterococcus and 126 CFU per 100 milliliters for E. coli.如果是淡水的话,肠球菌的平均浓度应低于每100毫升33个CFU,大肠杆菌则须低于每100毫升126个CFU。

44、The police responded by killing more than 100 “suspects”.作为回应,警方干掉了100余个嫌疑犯。

45、Of the world's 100 most populous cities, 22 are smoke-free.在世界100个人口最多的城市中,22个是无烟城市。

46、Half our crew, over 100 people, left.剧组的一半工作人员,超过100个人都离开了。

47、China has joined over 100 international conventions, in addition to signing bilateral economic and trade agreements with more than 100 countries.外国除异100 少个国野签订了双边经贸和谈以外,还减入了100 少个国际母约构造。

48、We had about 100, maybe 120 people working on the release.当时有100多个,可能是120个工程师在做发布版。

49、Second, the construction of two liquefied petroleum gas plant , 100 million kilowatts in Shenzhen, and 100 million kilowatts in Huizhou.二是建设两个液化气发电厂,其中100万千瓦在深圳,100万千瓦在惠州。

50、The guy says, "Oh I lost 100% in that year."这个人说,哦,我亏了100%

经典英文句子51:100个,51、The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day.这个旅行队每天行走近100英里。

52、Pregnant women accounted for 每100个死于甲流的人中就有13个是怀孕女性。

13 in 100 deaths from swine flu.

53、There are now 118 males for every 100 females in China.现在,中国的每118个男性就对100个女性。

54、I can do 100 push-ups in a row.我可以一次做100个伏地挺身。

55、Hyundai had 108 complaints for each 100 vehicles sold, one fewer than the industry average of 107. Ford had 116 problems for each 100 vehicles.现代每售出100辆车有108起投诉,比107起的行业平均水平多一个。福特每售出100辆车有116个问题。

56、He would pay about 100 yuan per hour.他将支付的报酬是每个钟大约100元。

57、So if a 100-watt incandescent produces 所以如果一个100瓦的白炽灯产生

1, 700 lumens, and a 20-watt LED does the same, the LED will be sold as a 100-watt equivalent.


58、Tablets are each around 100-200 MB and each machine stores about 100 of them (they are stored in GFS).每个Tablets大概有 100-200 MB,每个机器存储100个左右的 Tablets。 底层的架构是:GFS。

59、We could get 100 viewings, 可能会有100个客户看房,10个客户给出报价,最终没有 一个报价可以接受。

10 offers and none are acceptable.

60、The fluid reservoirs (100) can be molded from two sheets of polymer material that are joined to form the fluid reservoir (100).所述流体贮存器(100)可以由两个聚合物材料的片材模制,所述两 个片材连接在一起以形成流体贮存器(100)。

61、Out of the 100 women, 100个孕妇中,16名出现了产后抑郁症状。

16 developed postpartum depression symptoms.

62、Requires a 100-watt A19 medium C bulb (not included).需要一个100瓦的灯泡答19中荤(不包括)。

63、Around 100 families in Balu are affected.Balu有大约100个家庭受到了影响。

64、Professor Yan said: 'This one can walk about to about 100 nanometers.严教授说:’这一个可走,大约100纳米。

65、Of the 100 most populous cities, 22 are smoke free.在100个人口最多的城市中,22个为无烟城市。

66、他付给他的女仆一个月的报酬为100美元。He gave his maid $100 for a month's work.

67、There are 100 billion neurons, so the brain probably contains 100 trillion synapses, its most critical working part.大脑中有1千亿个神经元,所以大约有100万亿个突触这样最关键的作用部位。

68、Humidity Resist: 100 hours at 100% RH and 100 degrees, no effect.抗湿度:100%的洛氏硬度,100度,100个小时,不受影响。

69、We've got a 100-person Internet media business.我们有一个100人的互联网媒体业务。

70、At most, 100 finishing hours and 80 carpentry hours are available weekly.每周最多可以获得 100 个修整工时和 80 个木工工时。

71、Another 43 screens are due to open this year, followed by nearly 100 next year and slightly more the year after.今年有43个放映厅即将面市,明年随即有100个完工,后年的数目会略微超过100个。

72、The second set uses 100 requests adjusted to match a larger portion of the database (returning 176,745 matching earthquakes for the 100 requests).第二组使用 100 个请求,并通过调整使它匹配数据库中的较大部分内容(在 100 个请求中,返回 176,745 个匹配的地震条目)。

73、If this value is 100, it takes the average quantizer computed from the last 100 frames, and then assumes that average quantizer for the next frame.如果这个值设为100,那么他将平均前100个量化器的值为下帧估算出的量化器参数。

74、For every Stephen Wolfram there are 100 James Carters .每有一个渥夫朗,就有100个卡特。

75、Around 周围的3个孩子,在每100个有至少一个惊厥。

3 children in every 100 have at least one febrile convulsion.

英文句子模板76:100,76、Autism affects an estimated one in every 100 people in the UK.据估计,在英国每100个人中就有一个孤独症患者。


标签: 简短

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