关于”有深意“的英语句子60个,句子主体:have profound meaning。以下是关于有深意的高考英语句子。
英文句子模板1:have profound meaning
1、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
2、But clearly the phenomenon has a profound inner meaning.
3、Life is like a journey on the train. Passengers get on and off along the way, whereupon coincidences take place, followed by either unexpected surprise or deep sorrow.
4、Though the opinion stated above weems to have some merits , it overlooks some deeper and more basic factors.
5、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment,not only about survival
6、Don`t waste your time on a man/woman ,who isn`t willing to waste their time on you.
7、Physical movements embody the intended meaning of the event, so the whole environment becomes a signifier.
8、Love is very loaded word.
9、To tell you what, I was burried in happiness so deep that I left my name card in the store without any consciousness.
10、However, the central bank this otherwise inwardness.
11、He looked at me with meaning.
12、But Mr Eide said he believed there were still disagreements.
13、We apologize for any disruption caused by this action.
14、The new report has far-reaching implications for the future of broadcasting.
15、This experimental result is significant to study the depth of remelting .
16、Because of the chrysanthemum 's sake, is deeply like autumn, like the turning cold, some profound and full of tenderness in season.
17、Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. A smelly gas came out of the cracks.
18、We owe the animals our profoundest apologies.
19、For those willing to walk this path from non- conscious thought - form to conscious thought - form, becoming the dreamer and the dream, those of the Ancestral Realm deeply support you.
20、There are many meaningful long scenes in this director's films.
21、The image of grass is an implied aesthetic creation in ancient literature.古代文学中草意象是一个有深厚意蕴的审美创造物。
22、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can`t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边.
23、Li Yu word mining opera has a profound aesthetic significance, it is the concentrated expression of the deep meaning of the word shallow popular beauty and sharp new image plane interesting beauty.李渔戏曲的词采具有深刻的美学意义,它集中表现为意深词浅的通俗美和机趣尖新的形象美。
24、This decision has a great and deep historical and reality-oriented meaning.这一决定有着深远的历史性和现实意义。
25、It has the important meaning to the littoral karst research.对于滨海岩溶的研究深进有重要意义。');
英文句子26:,26、In this 750-thousand-Chinese-Character book, four features can be found:(全书体现了四个鲜明的特点:寓意深刻,富有创意的命题;
1) profound and creative propositions;
27、Have a deep idea in that words.那话里颇有深意。
28、These proposed projects have a deeper purpose.这些拟建项目还有深层次的意图.
29、Raising the problem from a natural inspective to a social inspective, Xing Gang's work has significant meaning.由自然深入社会,邢罡的这件作品具有更深入的阐发意义。
30、As opens for the symbol time, it had the great symbolic significance and deeply plants in the nationality heart's core.作为开启又一时代的标志,它有了伟大的象征意义并深植于民族心灵深处。
31、"That's how far-reaching the Lakers are, " Mantilla said.这个对湖人有着深远的意义,'曼蒂拉说。
32、Right. And you will see both terms used.有些人喜欢用深浅意义相等。
33、LOVE is a very loaded word.爱是个意义深远的字。
34、Yet the sense that life is a series of stories, with beginnings, ends and morals to learn, lies deep.但生活就是一个故事接着一个故事,有开始,有结局,有寓意——这种意识深藏在人们心中。
35、Cloud deep agreed.云深同意了。
36、Nevertheless, their physiognomies are eloquent enough, and their body language speaks volumes.不过,他们的相貌却意味深长,肢体语言也很有深意。
37、Chinese calligraphic theory is of extensive and profound, and it is studied , rich in the national characters.中国书学博大精深,富有民族特色,深入研究书学对建设有中国特色的艺术理论有重大意义。
38、We thanked all the people who have given of their money.我们对所有那些捐出钱款的人深表谢意。
39、The significance of VLF increase remains to be observed.VLF升高的意义有待深入研究。
40、because of who I am when I am with you .我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,
41、They are redolent of meaning.他们都富有深意。
42、The disagreement left deep wounds that only time may heal.意见分歧已留下深深的伤痕,只有时间来医治创伤了。
43、But what’s behind the message really sunk into my head.但是这篇文章的寓意确实深深的影响了我。
44、The idea of protecting our environment has been deeply rooted among the public。 环保意识已经深深扎根于公众。
45、It might lead to a deeper, better understanding of what freely willing something involves, or refine views of what conscious intention is, says Roskies.Roskies说,这可能会引领对自由意志涉及的内容进行更具深度更完善的理解,或者会深化对于有意识意图的认识。
46、The relation between expression and meaning has a profound and far-reaching cultural background.言意关系有着深远的文化背景。
47、Hold infinity in the palm of your hand . And eternity in an hour从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂
48、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you.没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。
49、The most profound joy, no person may make sense.最深刻的快乐,没有可能使得他人意会。
50、Just trust, and trust, and trust, until His will you know.只有信主,深信祂,直到你明白祂的旨意和嘱咐。
经典英文句子51:有深意,51、No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won`t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪.值得让你这么所的人,不会让你哭泣.
52、And he was...I had deep respect for his viewpoints.我对于他的看法都有着深深的敬意。
53、Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在.
54、The research on the culture of donation to universities is significant for the development of universities.深入研究和弘扬大学捐赠文化,正确倡导捐赠兴学对大学的发展有深远的意义。
55、You can have meaningful, problem-free friendships;你可以拥有满含深意的没有困扰的友谊;
56、The findings have yet to be replicated, but still had profound implications.尽管还没有重复测试,但这一突破性发现仍具有深远的意义。
57、The growth process of Lin Daojing is of far-reaching and realistic significance.林道静的成长之路有深远的历史、现实意义。
58、Deep in thought, he didn't notice the car running towards him.由于陷入深思中,他没有注意到车正朝他驶来。
59、Don`t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣.微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有.
60、You may have to dig deep – for many of these unconscious beliefs are deeply rooted, and have been with us since we were children.可能需要深究---因为这些你没有意识到的信念大都深深根植于内心,早在童年时代就形成了。
61、This method will be significant to promoting of earthquake prediction.这对提高地震预报水平将具有深远意义。
62、Correct. The subconscious mind is deeper than the conscious mind.对了,潜意识比有意识深入。
63、Here again, notice that the cytoplasm of these cells contains dark, basophilic material.注意:胞质内涵有深染的嗜碱性颗粒物质。
64、Then they wink at me.之后,他们对我颇有深意的眨眼。
65、I have a lot of sympathy for his opinions.我对他的意见深有同感。
66、The Old Man and Sea by Hemingway is profound moral.海明威的《老人与海》有着深刻的蕴意。
67、delightful/ sweet/ lovely/ delicious cake lovely意思更深一些
68、Both hypotactic and paratactic expressions can find their profound cultural explanations.形合和意合的表现都有其深层文化根源。
69、Please accept our company's deep apology for this.请接受敝公司对此事所造成之不便的深深歉意。
70、Therefore, this forum was held in Hunan choice of a certain inwardness .因此,本届论坛选择在湖南举行具有一定深意。
71、Among them, badger-line link up with a far-reaching significance.其中,巴杰线的贯通对格鲁吉亚具有深远的意义。
72、Or is there a more profound, philosophical explanation?或者还有更加理性,更加意味深长的解释?
73、This should be the current policy was due inwardness.这应该是此次政策出台的应有深意。
74、Note: Sometimes chronic fatigue can be a sign of deeper problems.注意:有时习惯性疲劳是一些深层问题的症状。
75、I know what you mean. I'v been there.我年夜白你的意思。 我深有了解。
英文句子模板76:have profound meaning,76、Utilitarian theory has far-reaching significance to Western culture, the growing influence of China in depth as well.功利主义思想对西方文化有深远意义,对中国影响也日渐深入。
77、In this sense, Yusi has profound cultural meaning.因此,《语丝》对“民间”的找寻具有深远的文化意味。
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