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关于”成分的表达“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Expression of ingredients。以下是关于成分的表达的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Expression of ingredients


1、P-selectin (CD62P) is a member of the selectin family of cell adhesion molecules. It is expressed on stimulated endothelial cells and activated platelets.


2、Calculation results show that optimal compositions of slags can lead sulphur equilibrium distribution ratio up to 1000.


3、Both of them have to do with comparing a line integral along a closed curve to a double integral over the region inside enclosed by the curve.


4、The results have been shown by the cyclic process paths and sketch of …


5、PP2A function is regulated by expression, localization, holoenzyme composition and post-translational modification.


6、Expressions such as these, formed by delimiting a list of expressions within parentheses in order to denote procedure application, are called combinations.


7、Gene-expression arrays have generated molecular predictors of relapse and drug sensitivity in breast cancer.


8、Firstly, pluralistic interest expression includes institutionally, quasi-institutional and non-institutional expressing channels.


9、First, the basic expression of high-resolution one dimensional range profile of the stepped frequency (SF) is deduced to explain the high resolution of the wideband signals.


10、BIG-3 expressed in osteoblast dramatically accelerates the program of osteoblastic differentiation. This suggests that BIG-3 protein plays a role in the regulation of endochondral bone formation.


11、This is the reverse course of evaluation imprecisely.


12、Resolution of imaging device on using a square-wave chart is generally expressed with Amplitude Response(AR).


13、The third part of the traversal expression is a boolean expression.

该 bean 名称是由 #{} 表达式分隔符之间的字符组成的, 在这个例子中为 courseManager。

14、The bean name consists of the characters between the #{} expression delimiters, in this case courseManager.


15、The results show that: (

1) In the aspect of alloying components: The C content of abroad products is higher, already to 0.8%.

1) 化学成分:国外金属针布样品C质量分数较高,其质量分数已达到0.8%。

表达式分解路由器(Expression Splitter Router):它与列表消息分解器相似,只是它是基于表达式分解消息,将消息分解成一个或者多个部分。

16、Expression Splitter Router: similar to the List Message Splitter but splits the message based on an expression that returns one or more message parts. For example


17、Sets of parentheses match "subexpressions" that can potentially make up part of the replacement pattern.


18、The expression of p63 in squamous cell carcinomas with poor histological differentiation was higher than those of well differentiated.


19、The generality expression of special data in mobile terminal, separated into the special geometry property data and attribute data.


20、Some members of the delegation had arrived at an earlier date.

21、Another is expressed by addition of different subentry coefficient.二是将徐变系数表达成各分项系数之和的形式。

22、The differential gene expression induced by overexpressed CT120B was investigated using Atlas cDNA expression array.表达阵列分析显示过表达CT120B诱导的基因表达谱变化;

23、so vast a scheme不在这儿作语法成分,fiancing so vast a scheme是不拆开的,它们表达一个意思,即“建立一个繁荣的经济体制”。

24、The expression of MMP-8 in different cell types of atheroma was detected by immunohistochemical staining.用免疫组化的方法测定MMP 8在粥样斑块不同细胞成分中的表达。

25、Another approach is to carry out research studies to obtain enzymic genes capable of synthesizing bioactive compounds to be replicated in laboratory metabolic engineering processes.寻找、发现克隆表达那些用于合成具有生物活性小分子有机物的酶基因,利用代谢工程在实验室合成这部分中药的有效成分。

英文句子26:,26、With the illumination time increasing, the expression of TAT will be increased. TAT expression in Glycine max leaves and stems are higher than roots.组织表达谱分析结果表明该基因在大豆的叶茎中都有表达,但在根中几乎不表达。

27、The expression of odontoblast significantly decreased in the late bell stage, while ameloblast showed positive expression.钟状晚期表现于成牙本质细胞的表达明显下调,而成釉细胞呈阳性表达。

28、Results: COX-2 was mainly detected in epithelial cells, with some in interstitial cells.结果:COX-2主要在上皮细胞内表达,在部分间质细胞中也表达。

29、The pre-processor concatenates all portions to construct the regex for a given match element.预处理程序把所有的部分连接起来形成给定匹配元素的正则表达式。

30、The theoretical distribution is log-Cauchy distribution.该表达式为对数柯西分布。

31、Meanwhile, the approximate equation of pairwise probability of error was shown with SNR floor anti basic differential expression.同时,借助SNR极限和基本差分表达式,给出差分调制下成对误差概率的近似表达式。

32、The sets of allowed and denied members must be MDX expressions that evaluate to sets of members of the dimension.允许和拒绝的成员组必须是 MDX 表达式,表达式的计算结果为该维度的成员组。

33、When an expression looks cleaner on one line, rather than split into multiple lines by assigning values to different variables.与把值分配给不同变量而将表达式分成多行相比较,将一个表达式放在一行上看着更整齐时。

34、The expression was down-regulated with enamel and dentin matrix formation being up- regulated.随后其表达随细胞分化的成熟和牙釉质、牙本质基质形成的进展而逐渐下降。

35、RT-PCR indicated that rice epsps gene is expressed in rice leaves, endosperms and roots and has the highest expression level in leaves.RT-PCR分析表明,水稻EPSP合酶基因在根、未成熟种子和叶片中均有转录表达,在叶片中表达量最高。

36、These gene were up-regulated of the whole process or some point in time, they played an important role to the synthetic and decomposition in the process of dedifferentiation of mature embryo.这些基因在小麦成熟胚培养的整个过程或某些时间点表现为上调表达,它们对小麦成熟胚细胞脱分化过程中细胞壁物质的合成和分解起到重要作用。

37、Nobody has shown them how much excess or murkiness has crept into their style and how it obstructs what they are trying to say.没人告诉他们,他们的风格中挤入了多少多余或晦涩的成分,以及这些成分又是如何阻碍着他们的表达。

38、Semi-quantitive RT-PCR indicated that the expression of PHYB was similar among different organs, but little low in mature organs and independent of lighting and dark.半定量PCR分析表明,各器官的表达水平差异不大,但在成熟的组织中表达量较低,不受光照和黑暗的诱导。

39、Life is expressive and it is our business to express ourselves harmoniously and constructively.生命就是表达,和谐而富建设性地表达自己,是我们的分内之事。

40、To recognize the Chinese temporal expression, we divide the task into two sub-tasks: the explicit temporal expression recognition and the implicit temporal expression recognition.在汉语时间表达识别中,主要内容分为两部分:明显时间表达的识别和隐含时间表达的抽取。

41、Conclusion: It was suggested that MMP-2 expression is increased by paracrine stimulation mediated by soluble factors originated from oral CAFs and MMP-9 expression requires direct cell-cell contact .结论:MMP-2表达增加可能受到源自口腔癌相关成纤维细胞可溶性因子的旁分泌介导,而MMP-9表达可能需要口腔癌细胞与癌相关成纤维细胞的直接接触。

42、Past participles (- ed form) for adjectives of passive or completed actions.过去分词表达完成或被动感觉的形容词。

43、Seeking for the structural rules of the beautiful rhyme and rhythm in .探寻汉语声韵美的构成规律,有利于充分发挥汉语的表达功能的作用。

44、In polarity only parts of the dreams of any experience are expressed and in opposites of light medium and dark polarities of dreams.在极性中,任何经历都只有部分梦想被表达,并彼此相反而表达成光明、中等和黑暗极性梦想。

45、The expression of temporality is essential in all natural languages and it has been extensively studied over the centuries.时间概念的表达是所有自然语言的必要组成部分,千百年来学者们对时间的语言表达进行了广泛研究。

46、Some genes'expression has proved to play a significant role in osteogenesis.成骨细胞的某些基因的表达对骨代谢具有十分重要的意义。

47、The positive rate of MDM2 protein expression in well differentiated and superficial tumor was significantly higher than poorly differentiated and advanced tumor (P< 0.01).而MDM2在高分化、浅表性癌组织中蛋白阳性表达率则明显高于在低分化、浸润性癌组织中的表达(P<0.01)。

48、A presentation is a taster for what you have to share. It can raise awareness of your topic.把你的演讲/表达想象成一个你必须要分享的美味可口的“甜点”!

49、Objective:To clone the human and murine origin RANTES genes and construct the adenoviral expression vectors.目的:克隆人和小鼠的活化T细胞表达与分泌调节基因(RANTES基因)并分别构建腺病毒表达载体。

50、In vitro studies with a vascular smooth muscle cell line revealed that synthetic TTR aggregates increased expression of these basement membrane components.血管平滑肌细胞系体外研究显示合成的TTR积聚增加了这些基膜成分的表达。

经典英文句子51:成分的表达,51、Undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells express VEGFR-2, and VEGFR-2 expression persists on differentiation.未分化人胚胎干细胞表达VEGFR-2,并在分化时持续表达。

52、An important makeup of metabolic engineering is gene modification and expression.基因的修饰与表达是代谢工程的重要组成部分。

53、The intension of a complex expression is a function of the intension of its components.一个复杂表达的内涵是其组成部分内涵的一个函项。

54、Altogether 123 genes showed difference greater than 鼠脑全基因组差异基因表达谱分析显示:PASG基因敲除后,表达差异超过1.6倍的基因共有123条,其中61条表达下调,62条表达上调。

1.6 fold in gene expression array with disruption of PASG, including 61 genes down, and 62 up regulated.

55、The resulting syntax expression simply rearranges each of these parts into a new expression.产生的 syntax 表达式只是将每个部分重新安排成一个新的表达式。



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