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关于”划分成分的软件“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Software for dividing components。以下是关于划分成分的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for dividing components


1、Based on the accomplishment of the hardware circuit, we develop and design software using high-level language C language.


2、Pulsed High Magnetic Field Measurement System Based On LabVIEW has been constructed, it was composed of two parts: hardware and software.

lexer 是一个能将文本字符串分成单个命令,或者标记的软件组分,这样使得单个命令可以被检索到。

3、A lexer is a software component that divides text strings into individual words, or tokens, so that the individual words can be indexed.


4、As full hexahedron mesh generation is one of difficulties of mesh generation methods, it's signal to realize full hexahedron mesh generation.


5、However, with Agile, software release could be bucketed into two categories of internal and external releases.


6、The mail community partition and the property of the mail community were discussed, an algorithm called ACCD was proposed to partition mail communities based on adjusting community center dynamically.


7、The user-oriented software flexibility is described as the potential flexibility, the available flexibility, the used flexibility, the current flexibility and the demand flexibility.


8、It include fingerprint scanner, scanner_controling software, identification software, computer, external memory, output machine.


9、A lot of software developers have a similar split.


10、The fourth-class introduces the flow chare of hardware and software.

正如鲍勃建议的那样,需要有一个计划的很好的模式或软件去追踪那一大堆的目标。 被你的生命历程分成块的那些目标。

11、As Bob suggests, it would take a well-planned form or software to track a bunch of goals, broken down by periods of your life (

1 year,

5 years,

10 years, etc).


12、There are several fractal geometry software programs available for download.


13、Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. See your printer documentation.


14、The dissertation is divided into five parts: part one is a brief introduction to Beijing Thunisoft Co. , Ltd;


15、TATA Advanced Systems, as the lead on the program, along with other TATA partners will be responsible for project management, security, software development, production, integration and delivery.


16、When that’s not possible or feasible, usually due to software that requires additional components, I much prefer when software uses Apple’s own installer tool.


17、But, despite the wide range of possibilities represented by the low cost.


18、Usually betas have most or all of the features and functionality implemented that the finished product is to have.


19、Engineering geology zoning is an important component of the Xi'an seismic micro-zoning project and each kind of graphic document foundation bases on it.


20、Part of a software package that is processor or platform-dependent.

21、Partof a software package that is processor or platform-dependent.软件包的具有平台依赖性的那一部分。

22、Fractionating the conditioned medium first by solubility revealed that its tumor suppressive activity could be divided into a morphogenic insoluble fraction and a cytotoxic soluble fraction.首先按照溶解度对条件培养基进行分级,结果显示其肿瘤抑制活动能够划分为细胞形成不可溶部分与细胞毒性可溶部分。

23、In June, the company installed software for employees that grade their smiles from 0 to 100.在xx月份,这家公司为他们的员工安装了一款软件用来给员工的笑容评分,评分从0分到100分。

24、After Germany's unconditional surrender in 1945, the Allies divided occupied Germany into xx年,德国无条件投降之后,盟军把德国划分成4个军区,法国占西南;

4 military zones;

25、CIO of FHLB-OF: Agile coaching was integral to our early success with agile software development.Geoff Henton(FHLB-OF的CIO):敏捷指导与我们敏捷软件开发早期的成功是密不可分的。

英文句子26:,26、The power includes "hard power "and "soft power". Information power is an important part of the "soft power".权力有“硬权力”和“软权力”之分,信息权是“软权力”的重要组成部分。

27、All of the sources including code, documents, and configuration files should be divided into several components.所有的资源包括代码,文档和配置文档都应该划分成几个组件。

28、It uses the information such as recipes, processes to build up the math model and algorithm, which could resolve the issue of converting the monthly planning into batch orderings.详细研究了中药制造业的计划生成与分解。如何使用配方、工艺规程等相关工艺文件对生产计划分解为批生产指令。

29、I think of software development as involving many subdisciplines .我认为软件开发是包含很多分支的。

30、Still, it managed to remove some of the threats, scoring about 仍然,它成功的清除一些威胁,得了3分对抗间谍软件,4分对抗商业键盘记录者。

3 of

10 against spyware and about

4 of

10 against commercial keyloggers.

31、The schema file is divided into sections which begin with a heading in square brackets.架构文件被划分为很多部分,每个部分都以一个位于方括号中的标题开头。

32、Based on statics, we used ADMAS to act the rehabilitation process of which trajectory we had already planned, and checked the correctness of the kinematics result by the measure function of ADAMS.基于静力学分析,对踝关节康复机器人的康复轨迹进行了规划,利用ADAMS软件对规划的路径进行模拟仿真,并利用软件的测量功能对前述的速度解、加速度解进行了验证。

33、For example, one proposed method for classifying types of stealthy malware is categorizing rootkits as Types I-III, identifying the level of the software stack they invade and modify to hide.一种值得推荐的为各类隐秘型的黑客软件分级的方法就是根据它们修改系统的内容来分成类型1-3,并以此来识别它们所入侵或修改并隐藏的软件存储栈的级别。

34、The techniques of quadrature processor based on the polyphase filters are important part of software radio.基于多相滤波的正交处理器技术是软件无线电技术的重要组成部分。

35、This project is the software part of a microwave frequency counter.本项目是一款微波频率计的软件部分。

36、A combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or other parts, designed to perform a dedicated function.计算机硬件和软件的结合体,或许还加上机械等其他部分,被设计来完成专门的功能。

37、The robofish bodies are continuous (i.e., not divided into different segments), flexible and made from soft polymers.机械鱼的身体是个整体(而非分成几部分),它由软的聚合材料制成,十分灵活。

38、For all the transactional RPCs, you can use either container-managed transaction demarcation or component-managed transaction demarcation.对于所有事务的 RPC,您可以使用容器管理的事务划分或者组件管理的事务划分。

39、Discussing these components, Kelty explores some critical moments in the history of free software.讨论了这些组成部分, Kelty介绍了自由软件历史上的一些重大时刻。

40、With the development of the component-based software engineering (CBSE), the developers have been divided into two groups, component producer and customer.随着基于构件的软件工程(CBSE)的快速发展,开发人员已经被分成构件生产者和使用者两个群体。

41、In addition, the event and processes in this diagram are plotted against the part of the organization where the event happens or the process takes place.另外,在图中,事件或过程被单独划分出来以区分位于事件或过程发生位置上的组织部分。

42、At the same time we can set up different authority for different client and build security control software to guarantee the whole tank area information security.同时,通过划分用户权限,编制安全控制软件,保证了整个罐区信息系统的安全。

43、I've never experienced an approach to software development that puts all the pieces together like XP.我 从未使用过象 XP 那样将软件开发的所有部分结合起来的软件开发方法。

44、Module design and debugging was devided in two parts, which are hardware and software.其中模块的设计和调试包括硬件和软件两个部分。

45、This made a whole continuum of intermediate pictures that were part human, part doll.他随后将类似人的脸配对到每个玩具娃娃的脸上,然后有图像处理软件将它们扭曲合成,组成了一个整体连贯的中间部分人部分玩具娃娃的图片。

46、This is an osteochondroma cut into three sections.这是切成三部分的骨软骨瘤。

47、In Public Accounting is a value-added program that is a registered 150 Credit Hour Licensure-Qualifying Program.微软公共会计是一个增值计划,是注册的150个学分执照资格计划。

48、illustrationFor the last 插图过去的

15 years, software reengineering has become an important subdiscipline within computer science.

15 年,软件再造工程已经成为计算机科学中的重要分支学科。

49、Furthermore, development of software in this field and introduction of software abroad should be stressed to improve the programming efficiency.提出了要大力研发规划软件和引进国外先进软件以提高管网规划效率的建议。

50、Geological data treatment is a part of the soft ware package for optimization of short-term plans in open pit coal mines.地质处理是为露天煤矿研制的短期生产计划优化软件包的一部分。

经典英文句子51:划分成分的软件,51、At last we describe the software design, including software design of CPLD basing on VHDL and software design of DSP.最后是软件部分的编程,包括CPLD部分的硬件描述语言程序设计,和DSP部分相关的程序设计。

52、In this article, the control-software module of ticket selling machine and ticket checking machine are plotted based on the relating cost among modules.本文基于模块之间关联性代价,划分了售票机和检票机控制软件模块。

53、The supporting corporate configuration management backbone becomes the vehicle for a software delivery chain, staging deliverables into solution integration, test, and delivery.支持的公司配置管理中枢成为软件交付链的运载体,将可交付件分阶段为解决方案集成、测试和交付。

54、Secondly, the most valuable asset of the enterprises in the line of software is the talented employees, whose efforts account for the lion's share, but these can not be covered by the Tax Deduction.第二,软件企业最宝贵的资产是人才,软件产品开发过程中直接人工的投入在产品成本中占很重要的部分,但这部分无法抵扣相应的进项税额。

55、It can enumerate product names and vulnerabilities, including software flaws and configuration problems, identify the presence of vulnerabilities and assign severity scores to software flaws.它可以列举产品名称和脆弱性,包括软件的漏洞和配置问题,找出存在的漏洞,并分配软件缺陷严重分值。

56、These seven building blocks--identity, presence, relationships, conversations, groups, reputation and sharing--provide a good functional definition for social software.这七个组成部分——身份,状态,关系,交流,小组,名誉,分享——给社交网络软件下了个不错的实用定义。

57、A digital voltage regulator is composed of two main parts -hardware and software.数字调压器的设计工作包含硬件与软件两部分内容。

58、In software design, it performs time-sharing collecting to the detected points, diagnoses the fault and drives other terminal.在软件设计上,完成检测点分时采集,故障的诊断及各种终端的驱动。

59、In part that is because open-source software tends to polarise opinion.这部分是因为开源软件会使人们的观点分为两个极端。

60、Patterns are part of the software professional's toolbox today.模式是当今软件专业人员工具箱中的一部分。

61、That does not divide my love and your love.不会划分成你的爱和我的爱。

62、In the former case, distributed teams "own" the development effort for one or more discrete components of an application.在前一种情形中,分布式团队“拥有”一个或多个对应用软件的分散组件的开发工作。

63、The method of software and hardware co-design is totally different from the former that means software and hardware design is developing in the same time.软硬件协同设计则是代表系统的软件和硬件部分的协作开发过程。



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