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关于”好习惯“的英语句子55个,句子主体:good habits。以下是关于好习惯的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:good habits

1、的习惯) We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。


2、Good habits are far more important than good marks.


3、One of the best ways to correct such inadequacies is to conscientiously pick up good habits that counteract them.


4、Okay. Good practice for writing is, you have to create something as a habit.


5、Himself a hundred miles away from home in the Shantou, all is not used, not used to this weather, are not used here, eating habits, not used to life here.


6、Good habit: Reflective yet concise names


7、Third, according to the physiological and psychological characteristics of children, cultivating good study habits.


8、This is why most people's habits don't stick.


9、The "good habits" are listed in order of priority, from most-important to least-important.


10、Secondly, it is nessary to keep a good diet.


11、I have developed a early wake-up and late sleep habit, a english learning habit, caring about IT news habit.


12、The girl formed the habit of washing hands before meals.

13、My eating habits are pretty good .我的饮食习惯非常好。


14、Good habit: Manageable, focused functions


15、He knows how to implant good habits in children.


16、Work on getting back into your good habits.


17、A lot of students get used to not taking breakfast, which is a really bad habit.


18、practise good hygiene and proper food handling;


19、Good habits are the crosscut to success.


20、Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.

21、He has the good habit of washing before meal.他有饭前洗手的好习惯。

22、By strengthening it and doing it repeatedly, develop their good habit of review after class.注意反复强化,养成学生良好的课后复习习惯。

23、A prominent habit-changing therapist once told me this great technique for changing bad thought patterns.集中于那些重要的好习惯,改变这样重要的习惯。

24、Washing up before dinner is a good habit.饭前洗手是个好习惯。

25、Her good habits bode well for her future.她的好习惯预示她将来会有好前途。

英文句子26:,26、Morning-reading is a good habit.晨读是个好习惯。

27、Good habit: Embrace high cohesion好习惯:利用高内聚力

28、Have good execution and 5S habit.执行力强,有良好的5S习惯。

29、My eating habits are pretty good. 我的饮食习惯相当好。

30、(cultivated) The farm has cultivated vegetables for many years.在老师和家长的帮助下,大部分学生养成了好的学习习惯。

31、A man should taboo bad hobbies, and cultivate good habits.作为男人应该避讳不良嗜好,培养良好的习惯。

32、Develop a good daily oral hygiene routine.养成良好的每日口腔卫生习惯。

33、Don't let me form bad habits.请不要让我养成不好的习惯。

34、custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。

35、Practice good hygiene.养成良好的卫生习惯。

36、Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。

37、意译要好一些,言简意赅,符合英语习惯 Welcome the provincial tourism bureau leadership!

38、Good habit: Documented functions and classes良好习惯:带注释的函数和类

39、The customers are would wismost wisl times the disgusting custom.顾客们习惯了令人憎恶的习惯。

40、Huahua does have a bad habit.花花有个不好的习惯。

41、To rise with the chickens is a good habit.闻鸡起舞是个好习惯。

42、She is still used, the daily habit of thinking of you, get used to you.她依旧还是习惯了,习惯了每天惦记着你,习惯着对你唠叨。

43、Before you start your habit change, think through your motivations.在开始改变你的习惯前,好好想想你的动机。

44、For instance, if you fail an exam, more often than not the reason might be found in your study habits (or lack thereof).举个例子,假如你考试没通过,究其原因通常是由于你的学习习惯(或缺乏好的习惯)。

45、I co ider it a good habit to get up early.我认为早起是个好习惯。


1,Good eating habits make us stronger 好的饮食习惯让我们身体更强壮

47、Come up with as many as you want, of course, but remember that “bite-sized” portions are always easiest to handle.尽可能多地提出你想要的好习惯吧。 但是请你牢记,你想养成的好习惯的数量是最好控制的。

48、In concert with a good workout routine, you should eat right to avoid the diseases that modern flesh is heir to.配合良好的健身习惯,你还要有合理的饮食习惯来防止现代人易患的疾病。

49、It’s no doubt that we all have bad habits.毫无疑问,我们都有不好的习惯。

50、It is important that you(should) form a good habit.养成良好习惯对你很重要。

经典英文句子51:好习惯,51、Good personal and food hygiene.良好的个人卫生习惯及食品卫生

52、It's a good habit to wash up before a meal.饭前洗手洗脸是好习惯。

53、Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study.清晰的思维能力将因良好的学习习惯而自然增强。

54、Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.思考能力将因良好的学习习惯而自然增强。

55、They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits.他们在自己既定习惯和生活方式中太久了,习惯了掩饰感觉,习惯了伪装情绪,也习惯了在人前堆起笑脸。

56、Prevention:Avoid contact infection, and foster good hygiene custom.预防:避免接触传染,养成良好的卫生习惯。

57、Finally, form good living habits.最后,养成良好的生活习惯。



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