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关于”文言文“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Classical Chinese。以下是关于文言文的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Classical Chinese


1、Blear language is one kind of language expressing styles in literature works and application essays.


2、It supports language localization for 32 languages like English, Chinese, German, and Japanese.


3、Generally speaking, the pictograph is the first text.


4、The latest and most controversial of the three scripts is Isthmian (see image).


5、For instance, text in all Western European languages expands from its English equivalent, while Japanese/Chinese text contracts it.


6、The characteristics of literature language should be perceived in its comparison with science language, daily language and the language used in other forms of art.


7、Manchu literatures are the important materials in research of history, language and culture of Qing Dynasty.


8、The whole essay includes three parts, they are introduction, body and conclusion .


9、Many scholars consider literature an art of language, and propose to preserve the special use of the source text with the aim of retaining its literariness in the target text.


10、The best reading method of writings in classical chmese was discussed.


11、The first group of files include language-neutral files for the program but no language-specific files for the program.


12、However, when they are in non-literary situation, they don't thus, their essential distinctions are ones of their situations.


13、Includes both Chinese and English languages Detailed.


14、Chinese Fables is currently honorary president of Literary Research Society, Zhejiang Fable Literature Research Association.


15、The ancient Chinese teaching in classical style is the key point and the difficulty in the language teaching and the full word is the study key point in classical style chinese learning.


16、These inventions and discoveries--fire, speech, weapons, agriculture, and writing.


17、This thesis was divided into the preface,

4 chapters and the epilogue, included about

5 ten thousand words.

Japanese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature are the key subjects on the provincial level.



19、Signed in Beijing on 23 June 2003 in the Chinese, Hindi and English languages.


20、Full-text for the introduction, body and conclusion of three parts.

21、From then on, the Chinese teaching materials have both Classical Chinese and writings in the vernacular.从此出现了白话文和文言文在语文教科书中并存的现象。

22、Such as correcting mistakes of texts, putting right the reversal words, supplementing the missing words, deleting the unwanted words, saving the different words and etc.具体而言,有改正误文、乙正倒文、增补脱文、删除衍文、保存异文等作用。

23、Wen, Qiufang. 2001. Applied Linguistics: Research Methods and Thesis Writing.文秋芳,2001,《应用语言学研究方法与论文写作》。

24、Category navigation menu: you could switch menu language among English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Thai.分类导航菜单可切换英文,中文,日文,韩文,西班牙文,泰文在内的六种语言。

25、It is a part of culture and a carrier of language. The spread of culture certainly falls back on language.语言是文化的一个组成部分,又是文化的载体,文化的传授和传播必然借助于语言。

英文句子26:,26、His working languages are Chinese and English.王砾律师的工作语言为中文和英文。

27、Hu's teaching: "Death must not be output live literary text."胡适之言曰:“死文字决不能产出活文学。

28、The thesis is composed of three parts involving introduction, main body and conclusion.本文由绪言、正文和结语三部分构成。

29、Besides the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is comprised of four chapters.不包括文章的序言和文末的结论,全文共分四章。

30、The cabin crew provide three languages service ------ Chinese, English, Hungarian.海航和匈航乘务员提供中文、英文、匈文三种语言服务。

31、We believe that Wenyanzhuan was affected by the popular ideas of the annals, Tuanzhuan, Xiangzhuan. Meawhile, the ideology of Confucianism become the inner thought of Wenyanzhuan.本文认为《周易·上下经》是《文言传》哲学思想的渊薮,而春秋流行的《易》说、《彖传》、《象传》都直接影响了《文言传》的形成,并且儒家思想已成为《文言传》的内在思想。

32、Then the definition of cross-cultural communication and inter-relations of language and culture are dealt with.然后引出了跨文化交际的定义以及语言与文化的关系。 要理解一种文化必须通过它的语言;

33、The themes consists of preface , instruction text and ending words.全文包括绪言、正文和结语。

34、A language file easy to translate into Portuguese.语言文件翻译成葡萄牙文容易。

35、Lu Shu - xiang's Chinese thinking mainly includes: 吕叔湘语文思想主要包括:

1. Chinese qualitative comment: "Chinese" refers to "language and words", it means spoken and written language;


36、This thesis includes three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.全文包括绪言、正文和结语三部分。

37、Non - verbal, because it does not involve the use of words. NVC for short.之所以称为非语言文字的,就是因为这种交流是不用语言文字进行的。

38、My two majors was Sanskrit and Pali language, two minors was English language and Slavic language.我的主系是梵文、巴利文,两个副系是英国语言学和斯拉夫语言学。

39、Mr. Liu is proficient in Chinese and English.刘律师的工作语言是中文和英文。

40、There are about 42000 words in this article made up of five parts.文章正文42000字,由导言和四章构成。

41、known script, unknown language黑法老王的语言(未知语言写成的已知文稿)

42、Because language is a reflection of the culture and the culture is a reflection of the language.因为语言是文化的反映,文化也是语言的反映。

43、A study on culture linguistics.文化语言学硏究。

44、This object contains the document text along with meta information about the text, such as the document language.这个对象包含文档文本和关于文本的元数据信息,比如文档语言。

45、Thesis is divided into Introduction, three parts of the body and conclusion.论文分为前言、正文和余论三个部分。

46、This article discusses Wan's essay theory on ancient Chinese proses, carrying out confucian orthodoxy, describing aspirations, practical use, aesthetic judgment and its style.文章论述了王安石的古文、贯道、言志、实用、审美、言意、风格的文章理论。

47、The thesis has made an exposition over the teaching of classical Chinese chant reading in the new textbooks for high schools.本文就高中语文新教材中文言文的诵读教学法进行论述。

48、The whole thesis is composed of the introduction, the body and the conclusion.全文共分引言、正文、余论三部分。

49、Culture, language, and personality structure.文化、语言、人格结构。

50、It is both important and difficult to teach the classical Chinese language.文言文教学一直是语文教学的重点和难点。

经典英文句子51:文言文,51、Ideographs are written symbols that represent spoken words.表意文字是描绘口头语言的书面文字符号。

52、These two dialects contain a rich dialect culture, reflecting the cultural heritage of Yulin.两种方言还具有丰富的方言文化,体现了玉林的文化底蕴。

53、Here my blog will be wrote in 这,我的博客将会写成三种语言:英文,中文和法文。

3 langues:Englishe, Chinese and French.

54、We gotta(have got to) review these ancient articles we have learnt.我们要把学过的文言文内容双习好。

55、English, German, and Russian provide examples of languages that naturally flow from left-to-right.英文、德文和俄文提供了由左至右书写的语言范例。

56、Japanese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature are the key subjects on the provincial level.日本语语言文学和英语语言文学为省级重点学科。

57、The difference of linguistic-cultural image leads to cultural communication barriers.语言文化意象的差异造成文化交际障碍。

58、It consists of historical interests, family development, dialect culture, habitation culture, dinning culture, garment culture, folk custom, local culture and so on.它包括历史文物遗迹、姓氏宗族文化、方言文化、民居文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、民俗文化、民间文艺等。

59、This book is written in classical Chinese.这本著作是用文言文写成的。

60、The working languages of Lawyer Xu are Chinese and English.徐律师的工作语言是中文和英文。

61、In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages.除了西班牙文、德文与法文等常选的语言外,愈来愈多的学生选修东欧和亚洲语言。

62、There are three parts: preface, main content and conclusion, in which the main text body has three chapters.全文共分前言、主文和结论三部分,其中主文共三章。

63、Literature is the art of language. Positive rhetorics activates and promotes the development of literary language.文学是语言的艺术,积极修辞使文学语言演进、发展更显活跃。

64、As for Chinese, we read more writings in the literary style than before.关于中文,我们现在比从前读更多的文言文。

65、That the vernacular substituted for writings in classical style was the symbol of the born of the modern literature. The vernacular had already developed several different language styles in 1930s.白话文取代文言文是现代文学诞生的标志,xx年代,白话文已经发展出了几种不同的语言风格。

66、This dissertation consists of four parts: introduction, main part, conclusion and reference.本文共分引言、主文、结论和参考文献四大部分。

67、The content of thesis includes introduction, four chapters and conclusion, about 本论文分为前言、正文四章和结语,全文约6万字。

6 ten thousand words.

68、Makes sense. Are the events in Mandarin or English?了解。活动语言是中文还是英文?

69、The bread, the culture, the language.面包、文化、语言。

70、The thesis consists of introduction, conclusion and body which contain 本文由前言、主文、和结论组成,主文分五部分。

5 parts.

71、Diet culture is an important non-linguistic part of the intercultural communication.饮食文化也是跨文化交际中非语言文化重要组成部分之


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