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关于”七种基本结构的例句“的英语句子35个,句子主体:Example sentences of the seven basic structures。以下是关于七种基本结构的例句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Example sentences of the seven basic structures


1、The best foaming condition is happened by adding 7% PYA resin and 4% foaming agent.


2、The cable-stayed bridges, a kind of determinate flexible structure with many redundant degrees, consists of three basic members:towers, cables and girders.


3、Basically all categories have metonymic structures, and English tense category makes no exception with metonymic structure occurring at different linguistic levels.


4、Taking a castellated beam for example, the results computed from RBM and error bound were obtained.


5、A procedure for multilevel structural identification based on a PNN and MDLAC is described and applied to the damage detection of a cantilever structure and a single-span simply supported beam.


6、The investigation of DVSC asymptotic law designing method includes:(

1) Three basic types of discrete asymptotic law derivate from asymptotic law of CVSC.

1) 由连续变结构系统的趋近律得到离散趋近律的三种基本形式;

本发明是在末端以特定的比例含有具有硅氧烷结构的基团和芳基的聚碳酸 酯。

7、Specifically disclosed is a polycarbonate containing a group having a siloxane structure at an end and an aryl group at a specific ratio.


8、And the basic proportions of the two structures are surprisingly alike.


9、The invention relates to broad band a meta-material microwave absorber based on a dendritic structure.


10、A novel geometric structure-based autonomous star pattern identification algorithm is presented.

像预先构建的 Tapestry 示例一样,教程示例基本上也做好了运行的准备。

11、Like the prebuilt Tapestry examples, the tutorial examples come essentially ready to run.


12、This book presents the background knowledge of China as a whole and the basic structure of Chinese language before entering into a well-designed 7-day self-study course.


13、In this article, we will introduce an antenna structure with reconfigurable pattern, which comprising an active antenna and current draggers.


14、Use 1553B for reference, we realized our special

7 kinds of message type and frame data structure for ARTC.

并利用基于实例的推理( CBR)技术,建立了基于实例的功能-结构整体映射方法,以加快结构方案设计进程。

15、Using case-based reasoning (CBR), a case-based function-structure holistic mapping method is proposed to expedite the process of scheme design.


16、The samples of one gene, two genes, three genes and four genes methylation in tumor tissues was

16 (40%),

11 (27.5%),

7 (

17.5%) and

1 (

2.5%) in tumor tissues.




17、The soil-foundation-superstructure interaction was briefly discussed, and an engineering case was presented.


18、Dielectric ceramic coaxial resonators have been used in microwave commmunation field, they have three basic structures.


19、Structures can nest, but every basic validity concept is included in the example.

本文中含有一个包含代码、模板以及范例目录结构的 ZIP (rpt_ext.zip)文件,以及范例的目录结构。

20、This article includes a ZIP (rpt_ext.zip) file that contains code, templates, and the example directory structure.

21、Next came languages like Pascal and C, which provided higher order constructs such as "if-then-else" statements.接下来的语言例如Pascal and C,它们提供了更高次序的结构例如“if-then-else”语句。

22、Results Of 结果:14例二度以上压疮患者(17处)基本痊愈。好转1例,无效2例。

17 cases,

14 recovered,

1 became better and

2 unrecovered.

23、Introduced a inner ejection pin in angle ejector structure that prevent product pulling pulling injury and displacement.介绍了一种从斜顶内顶杆顶出,防止产品拉伤、位移的基本结构。

24、The study included 2397 patients with baseline hypertension: 1191 in 该研究包括2397例符合基本条件的高血压患者,其中1191例在20个干预机构,而另外的1206例则在20个对照机构。

20 intervention facilities and 1206 in

20 control facilities.

25、Secondly, for the working principle and structure of the circuit chip, a component composition based on thread-tree was presented.其次,针对电路芯片的工作原理和结构特征,本文提出一种新的基于线索树的构件组装方案。

英文句子26:,26、There are two basic take-up mechanisms, the direct and indirect.基本的卷取机构有两种,直接式卷取机构和间接式卷取机构。

27、Extend structural equation, supposing celestial body is charged ideal fluid. Give three methods to discuss structure of charged celestial body .假设星体为荷电理想流体,将星体的结构方程推广到荷电情形,并给出了讨论荷电星体结构的三种基本方法。

28、This subject has completed the research and development of a digital IF receiver based on PCI bus, associating with the proj.本课题结合项目要求,设计实现了一种基于PCI总线结构的数字中频接收机。

29、First, we compare the efficiency of two basic kinds of information structure: hierarchy and transverse coordination from the angle of information coordination.该文首先从信息协调的角度出发,对等级制和横向协调两种最基本的治理结构和信息结构进行了效率比较。

30、This is because the class diagram provides the basic building blocks for all other structure diagrams, such as the component or object diagrams (just to name a few).这是因为类图为所有的其他结构图提供基本的构建块。 如组件或对象图(仅仅是举了些例子)。

31、Algebra representation theory is a new algebraic branch arising in 1970s whose researches mainly focuses on rings and algebraic structures.代数表示论是上世纪xx年代初兴起的代数学的一个新的分支,它的基本内容是研究环与代数的结构。

32、Capital structure refers to the proportionate relationship of rights and interests capital and debt capital. The key issue of capital structure is the issue of debt.资本结构是指权益资本与负债资本的比例关系,资本结构的核心问题就是负债问题。

33、Results After received 结果经过xx日给药,治疗组基本治愈58例,基本治愈率85。3%;

14 days treatment, 58 cases(85.3%) in Breviscanpine group were cured;

34、It is an introduction about the basic structure of the turnover formwork construction and the research on the key technology.介绍翻模施工基本结构、关键技术研究,并结合工程实例介绍其应用效果和适用条件。

35、Case study shows that the internal inclined soleplate is beneficial to improvement of the anti-sliding stability of revetment structure.算例表明,内倾基底护岸结构有利于提高结构的抗滑稳定性。

36、The preface is a summary of the whole book in which two opposite propositions are put forward and the following chapters is the development and deduction of the preface.其主要内容由序和七章构成,序是全书的归纳与总结,主要包含正反两个基本命题,而后面的七章则是对序的演绎与推论。

37、Compute Grid delivers an enterprise grid and batch processing infrastructure that has incorporated several key best practices from these computing paradigms.计算网格提供了一种企业网格和批处理基础结构,该结构合并了来自这些计算范例的几个关键的最佳实践。

38、This fundamental difference results in a less-than-ideal combination of the two paradigms, but then, a few hitches are to be expected.这种基本的差异导致两种范例的结合并不理想,不过话说回来,本来就预料到会有一些问题。

39、According to the pseudo-inverse relationship between global stiffness matrix and flexibility matrix, a flexibility-based method for structural damage localization is presented.本文利用结构柔度矩阵与刚度矩阵之间的广义逆关系,建立了一种基于柔度的结构损伤定位方法。

40、Examples of a capability pattern from the base RUP include "use-case based requirements management" and "validate build."来自基本 RUP 的性能模式的例子包括“基于用例的需求管理”和“有效构建”。

41、Other fields seek to enhance knowledge about the bacterium itself. Structural genomics, for example, aims to uncover the three-dimensional structure of every protein in Mtb.其他领域寻求强化关于这种细菌本身的知识。例如,结构基因组学著眼于发现结核分枝杆菌的每一个蛋白的三维结构。

42、Acuminate Describing a structure that gradually narrows to a point, such as certain leaves.逐渐尖锐的一种结构,例如某些叶子。

43、In this example, we’ll organize the project by releases, R10 and R11, as Figure 在本例中,我们将会根据版本,R10 和 R11 来组织结构,如图

3. Reflect the project organization in the package structure).

3 所示,“在包结构中反映项目的组织结构”。

44、Given the previous example, the basics of the code here should be relatively self-explanatory.应该可以通过前面的示例看出代码的基本结构,不需要解释。

45、This thesis combines the segmentation-based strategy and the segmentation-free one with serial structure and parallel structure, respectively, seeing their potential complementary capacities.本文在验证了两种识别策略的互补性的基础上,分别设计了串行结构和并行结构的双策略组合系统。

46、Some of the basic algorithm for data structure, such as trees, graph traversal and so on.一些数据结构的基本算法,例如树,图的遍历等。

47、Different combinations of three elements in various proportion creats seven types of love.这三种成分以不同的比例相结合,会得到七种不同类型的爱情。

48、Principle and approach of a fast CMG coding method are presented by instances.本文结合实例,报道了一种CMG机构快速编码方法的原理与使用步骤。

49、The forms and structures of gill pouch in five Lampetra japonicas were observed in detail.本文对五条日本七鳃鳗腮囊的形态结构进行了比较详细的观察。

50、This article briefly presented a new method of micro-drivers based on photo-thermal expansion.本文介绍了一种基于激光光致热塑膨胀效应的三维微结构制备新方法。

经典英文句子51:七种基本结构的例句,51、And there are seven parts in this thesis. The first part briefly recapitulates basic viewpoints of constructivism, which are also basal standpoints penetrating the whole article.全文共分为七个部分,第一部分简要地概括了建构主义的基本观点,也作为贯穿全文的基本观点。

52、In the portal architecture, a portlet (typically developed using one of the above-mentioned UI frameworks) is the basic building block.在门户体系结构中,Portlet(通常是使用上面提到的某种 UI 框架开发的)是基本构件。

53、Its argument is tightly constructed, and its forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded and penetrating criticism.这本书的主题结构紧密, 直率、 明晰的风格例示了一种冷静而敏锐的文学评论。

54、The result states that the structure of them is nearly the same in the epidermis, mesophyll and the vein.结果表明,品种间在表皮、叶肉和叶脉上的构造基本相似;



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