被当做的英语说作" serve as",还网络中常译为"be regarded as",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到43个与被当做相关的译文和例句。
1. serve as
被当做翻译为 serve as 。
示例:你仍然可以看到它们被当做宠物,尽管是非法的。 It can also be found as a pet, albeit an illegal one.
2. be regarded as
被当做翻译为be regarded as。
示例:女性的强大远不被人们庆贺,而是被当做威胁。 Far from being celebrated, women's rising power is perceived as a threat.
3. be regarded as
被当做翻译为 be regarded as 。
示例:我提出了当时被当做旁门左道的建议,说设计新机器或许更省钱。 I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.
1. look upon as(当做;
2. should have done(本应当做某事)
3. treat ... as( 对待;
4. takes for(na. 以为;
5. medicinally(adv. 用药物, 当做药)
英语短语&俚语, be regarded as ( 被当做是 )
He was as a fool ( 他被当做一个傻子 )
He was as a prisoner He was treated as prisoners ( 他被当做囚犯 )
The Screaming Bridge ( 被当地人称做为尖叫桥 )
1. it would interpret a shutdown as the destruction of NORAD.
2. it's tiresome being the usual suspect.
3. Oswald was framed as the prime suspect in the JFKkilling.
译文:Oswald被当做 肯尼迪暗杀事件的犯人。
4. Do you know what it feels like to be thought of as trash?
译文:你知道被当做垃圾 是什么感觉吗。
5. There is no more to be said, but he is banished as enemy - to the people and his country! - it shall be so!
译文:不必多说 他已经被当做敌人而放逐了。
6. Going home, where i won't be interrogated like a criminal.
译文:回家 我可不想被当做犯人审了。
7. Okay. Grace, this was originally treated as an accident.
译文:- Grace 这之前被当做事故处理的。
8. Wondering if the lieutenant was targeted.
9. it primarily shipped as a run-time for the few applications that required it, such as Aldus PageMaker, which is when i began using it.
译文:它最初被当做几个应用的run - time来发布,比如aldus PageMaker。 。
10. What happened was a necessary evil... friendly fire.
11. Those down at the bottom are prescribed as generics less than
20 percent of the time.
译文:下面那些, 不到 20% 的机率 是被当做普通药开的。 。
12. As well as can be expected, sir.
13. And they're not thrown back as by-catch, they're eaten.
译文:它们并没有被当做副渔获物扔回去,而是被吃掉。 。
14. So draw as close a likeness as you can.
译文:因此平局当做接近的 相像当做你能。。
15. Now, rotational inertia can be thought of as a body's resistance to rotational motion.
译文:现在,旋转惯性可以被当做 身体对旋转动作的抵制 。
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