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关于”读法“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Reading method。以下是关于读法的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Reading method

1978-82 就读于重庆的西南政法大学法学专业

1、1978-82 Studies law at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing


2、The teacher let the students look at the screen and asks:" What 's the date today?" Then the students answer"January 1st" in English or in Chinese.


3、However, Goujian's story has another reading, too.


4、Read my course Job Searches to determine the best way to create this important document.



3 Interpreting Alpha and Creating Mattes.


6、The reading discussion method was not significantly improved the fourth grade students' reading attitude.


7、At the University of Frankfurt, '68ers were advised: "Read Reich and Act Accordingly!"


8、I live far from school, so I ride a bike .


9、Hope that the readership, from the macro aspects of the two singing a certain grasp.


10、Reading of the law in orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine Si…


11、Now practice the pronunciation of the new words together.


12、Predictably, many readers will be horrified upon reading Chua's methods.


13、Reading online can help us switch from monotonous reading materials to funny cartoons or essays with beautiful words when the reading materials are too boring to continue.


14、An even better solution to the cost of reading databases would be to avoid it altogether.


15、Whether on how improve reading recommend odd kinds of methods briefly this text. The comparing is read, asks the solving to read, the querying is read, creativity is read.


16、Listening, speaking, reading and writing are necessary in learning English. Core reading, searching reading and column reading are the effective methods to improve the reading ability of the students.


17、To grasp phonics of each unit.


18、She teaches deaf children to lip-read.

本版使用方法 (请先阅读!

19、Using this board (Read first!


20、However, skimming is a helpful tool in pre-reading and in reviewing texts, as well as in quickly gathering targeted information.

21、Grasp the method, use read browse, check to read, read, find different style used different methods, like motorists to use different speed is same.把握读的方法,使用浏览,查读,寻读,对不同文体采用不同的方法,就好比驾驶员开车要用不同的速度一样。

22、This also grants read access to each taxonomy and category that you have read access to.还授予对您已具有读访问权的每种分类法和类别的读访问权。

23、Other people were reading novels and I don't know what else, but I was reading Fabozzi.其他人在读小说,我两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读法博齐。

24、Read the article and make your opinion.读读这篇文章,你会有自己的想法。

25、I cannot finish your verbose report.你的报告冗长啰嗦,我无法读毕。

英文句子26:,26、I could hardly fall asleep after finishing the science book.读完那本科学书,我无法入睡。

27、The judge stayed the sentence until the following day.法官把判决拖德溱二天才宣读。

28、At xx岁,入读法学院。

15, he went to law school.

29、This is a kind of habit and fixed pronunciation.这是一种习惯而又固定的读法。

30、There are five stages in the discourse-teaching method: Arousing Schema Stage, Comprehension Stage, Language Points Stage, Evaluation Stage, and Appreciation Stage.语篇教学五阶段阅读法分为激活图式阶段、理解性阅读阶段、语言知识讲解阶段、评价性阅读阶段和欣赏阅读阶段。

31、He struggled to find a hobby, having burned out on reading.他读书读烦了,于是想方设法地寻找业余爱好。

32、Other people were reading novels and I don't know what else, but I was reading Fabozzi.其他人在读小说,我两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读法博齐

33、The application-specific config file could not be opened in either read-write or read-only mode.应用程序特定的配置文件无法以读写或只读模式打开。

34、Here is a four-step method for study reading that can help improve comprehension and promote retention of what is read.下面讲的一个进行细读的四步阅读法,它有助于提高理解能力,并使你记住读过的内容。

35、This book is about famous the Art of War of Sunzi and the Art of War of Sun Bin, which provides readers with the enjoyment of reading Chinese famous art of war in English.这本书是关于著名孙子兵法的孙子和孙子兵法的孙膑,提供读者享受阅读中文著名兵法英语。

36、She had to work her way through law school.她必须半工半读学法律。

37、Phonics Teaching Method is a broad applicability for reading and vocabulary lesson in foreign country.自然拼读法是国外广泛应用于阅读教学扣识字教学的教学方法。

38、Generally, people read the needle of gauge with pointer by human eyes.人们通常采用人工判读的方法来读取指针式仪表的读数。

39、In fact, she felt very sad when she read the letter for the first time.其实,她刚开始读了那信后感到非常悲伤,但她把信又多读了几遍,终于,她清楚了该怎样读法。

40、He has registered for French course for next year.他已注册明年选读法语课程。

41、He gives up French so as to take up English.他放弃法语课,选读英语课。

42、Take a time, have a read and make your opinion. I found the following passage resonating你可以抽一点时间读一读,并总结你自己的看法。

43、The best way to do this is to start with a good lead that will make the reader want to read further.最好的办法是开个好头,使读者有读下去的欲望。

44、The comprehensive reading teaching method is put forward in view of the disadvantages of traditional text-based reading teaching method. It is aimed at cultivating students' understanding.“理解式阅读教学法”是针对传统的“文章学阅读教学法”的弊端而提出来的中学语文阅读课教学法。

45、After finishing the book, your grammar ability will let you handle with ordinary exams, reading, or writing.读完这本书,你的文法足以应付一般考试、阅读或写作。

46、数字的话是 one thousand three hundred and three.

47、Gadamer said that interpretation must necessarily involve the merger of horizons, the horizon of the other and my own horizon as an interpreter.解读一定会包括,见解的融合,其他人的看法和我作为解读者的看法。

48、He dropped French so as to take up English.他放退选法语课, 选读英语课。

49、Everyone has their own study methods — re-reading (or reading for the first time!) textbook chapters, taking practice quizzes, re-reading one’s class notes.每个人都有自己的学习方法——重读(或者第一次读)课本里的章节,做练习,重读课堂笔记。

50、Everyone has their own study methods — re-reading (or reading for the first time!每个人都有自己的学习方法——重读(或者第一次读)课本里的章节,做练习,重读课堂笔记。

经典英文句子51:读法,51、Tutoring for English Speaking, Grammar, Writing and Reading.辅导英语口语, 语法, 阅读与写作。

52、Dyslexia is an "unexpected" learning disorder.诵读困难是一种“无法预知”的学习障碍。

53、Secondly, on the basis of practical and cultural communication of the aims, there are some methods of reading of literary history as following : cross - cultural comparison of reading ;本文依据阅读的实用性和文化交际的目的,提出了对外汉语文学史阅读的根本方法:跨文化比较阅读法;

54、Therefore, we need to predesign the accurate reading knowledge, present reasonable reading thinking, and incarnate the feasible reading method.要预设准确的阅读知识,呈现合理的阅读思路,体现得当的阅读方法;

55、And at ReadWriteWeb, we agree. What do you think?我们读写网同意这种看法,读者你呢?

56、Words written alike are often pronounced differently.拼法相同的词往往读音不同。

57、Read the article and follow the below-mentioned steps to make yourself a happy individual.读一读这篇文章,试试下面提到的方法,让自己变成一个幸福的人吧。

58、In order to increase the efficiency of video interpretation, a new and quick interpretation method, including automatic interpretation and semiautomatic interpretation, is studied and presented.为了提高视频判读的效率,本文研究了新型的快速判读方法,包括自动判读和半自动判读。

59、This word has two pronunciations.这个词有二种读法。

60、Reading and writing table, France, 1670-1675.读写桌,法国,1670-1675

61、A page reader can't read the Flash or the text -- and neither can the search engine.页面阅读器无法读取 Flash 或图形,搜索引擎也不行。

62、go to a law school maybe, or maybe get my MBA.也许读法学院,或者读MBA。

63、The reader cannot withhold his interest and admiration.读者无法抑制自己的兴趣和赞佩。

64、A bill pass through the following stage in parliament: first read, second read, committee stage, report stage and third read.在议会,法案通过以下几个阶段:一读,二读,讨论,下院辩论和三读。

65、Another method of writing about what you have read is to respond to the reading.读后感的另一种方法是与所读的内容产生互动。

66、She had to work her way through law school .她须半工半读学习法律。

67、He gave up French so as to take up English .他放退选法语课,选读英语课。

68、Besides it should be necessary to grasp its methods. For it, the writer use some of its methods in common use: the lecturing method, the method of putting questions and the method of situations.另外,还应该掌握必要的语文阅读教学的方法,笔者接受了最常用的几种阅读教学方法,即讲授法、提问法和情境法。

69、Newer methods tend to have short read-lengths of five to 400 base pairs, compared with typical Sanger read-lengths of 800 base pairs.通常较新方法能读取的DNA长度也较短,约为5~400对碱基,而传统桑格法读取长度则有800对碱基。

70、If you cannot join monthly Saturday or Sunday meeting, please notify the group leader 若你无法参加某月之月读书会, 请于月读书会举行前5天通知读书会召集人。

5 days prior to the meeting.

71、French loans with the anglicized pronunciation present two cases, belonging in English phonetics and also inheriting French phonetics.英语读音同化法语借词呈现两种状态:英语读音体系的归属与法语发音方式的遗存;

72、Read programs and try to understand them.阅读程序,设法理解。

73、Reading basis is the primary requirement. We can't read without the basis.阅读基础是阅读的起码要求,不具备基础阅读就无法进行。

74、The popular pronunciation is to say the letters separately, like EM-YEW.最流行的读法是单独地读出字母,就如EM-YEW。

75、Read, take notes, jot down ideas, develop a thesis.阅读,作笔记,记下想法,写总结。

英文句子模板76:Reading method,76、If you enjoy reading, then by all means do that whenever you want.如果你喜欢阅读,不管什么时候,都要想尽一切办法去读。

77、The courtroom record shall be given to the parties to read or shall be read out to them.法庭笔录应当交给当事人阅读或者向他宣读。



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