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关于”爱情唯美“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Love is beautiful。以下是关于爱情唯美的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Love is beautiful


1、If that were your condition, if love has been perfected in you, what would your relationship be to the law?


2、Leaden-eyed despairs , where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes , or new Love pine at them beyond tomorrow.


3、Ms. Winfrey called it “the single greatest love story, in 22 years of doing this show, we’ve ever told on the air.”


4、Five talk, four beauty, three love.


5、When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.

6、love is the beauty of soul. 爱是心灵之美。


7、Five talk, four beauty, three lover.


8、When you love someone, you value that person highly-so highly that you have made a choice to offer your resources to nurture the one you love.


9、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.


10、Venus, representing love and beauty.


11、Through the spring flowers, through the summer green shade, tasted autumn Xiao Xiao. Everything has gone, only the force the force of the wind, blowing the lost love.

你能不断地相信我? 我一个月xx月的掌握爱的唯一需要!

12、You can continuously believe me?I only want one Jan Jans sole love!


13、Love, money, status, power, identity, values, family, tolerance, forgiveness, which is the real good and evil, like beauty and ugliness?

先生们,爱不要求什么– 这是爱的美。

14、Sirs, love has no claim - and that is the beauty of love.

15、You mean more to me than anything else.人世间有百媚千红,唯有你是我情之所钟。

道指成份股中,卡特彼勒(CAT.N: 行情)升0.9%,报79.27美元,艾克森美孚(XOM.N: 行情)攀升0.7%,报66.95美元.

16、CAT.N) rose 0.9 percent to $79.27 while Exxon Mobil (


17、The only thing you can do is go back to IE




18、Some of them hold that Einstein changed his thought from empiricism to rationalism .

19、You mean more to me than anything else. 人世间有百媚千红,唯有你是我情之所钟。

艾克森美孚(XOM.N: 行情)跌2%至66.70美元.雪佛龙(CVX.N: 行情)下滑

20、Exxon Mobil shares were down

2 percent at $66.70. Chevron Corp fell

2.4 percent to $76.24.


21、Women are not bad, " a blend of love, drama, fantasy, fashion and many other elements, Tsui Hark was 《女人不坏》糅合了爱情、戏剧、幻想、时尚等众多元素,是徐克xx年前《大三元》之后的唯一一部喜剧作品。

12 years ago, the "big three" after only a comedy works.

22、Beauty, , wit, high birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, love, friendship, charity, are subjects all to envious and calumniating time. (Troilus and Cressida . )美貌智慧门第臂力,事业爱情友谊和仁慈,都必须听命于妒忌而无情的时间。——《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》 》。

23、On tasting the temperament of chant to flowers, we see the beauty of youth, of departure …而咏花词中浸透着的那种青春美、别情美、沧桑美,则表现出了一种别样的审美情趣。

24、I hope you know how proud Iam of you, father. Happy Father's Day! Happiness always!祝我唯一无二的老爸父亲节欢愉,我很是爱您!

25、Julie Vignon: Now I have only one thing left to do: nothing.现在我唯一还要做的事情就是:无所事事。

英文句子26:,26、From this aesthetic approach and harmonization with nature, a person can naturally cultivate a respect and caring for the "right things".由美感心灵涵融大自然时,人在心境上自然转生出尊重与关爱的眞情。

27、Love is indeed a many-splendored thing, but sometimes we all need to tie ourselves to the mast.爱情很多时候确实是很美好的,但是我们有时候恐怕真需要把自己绑在桅杆上。

28、Inherent I just need useful, it is affection is done alone only do not understand!天生我才必有用,唯独是情弄不懂!

29、Pros: unlikely to close in our lifetimes; beautiful; meditative; as permanent as love itself.赞成者:在平常时候不太可能会接触到;很美;令人沉思;像爱情本身一样永恒不变。

30、Five talkers, four beauties, three lovers.五讲,四美,三热爱!

31、She loves the beauty of nature, especially love the bright moonlight.她爱大自然的美,尤爱皎洁的月色。

32、The classification in St-Emilion is complex. Do not confuse St. -Emilion-Grand-Cru and St. -Emilion-Grand-Cru-Classé fewer and much better.圣爱美浓的葡萄酒等级相当复杂。比如不要混淆圣爱美浓特级和圣爱美浓传统特级,两者相差很大,后一种更好。

33、May: Calm down, sweety.阿美: 冷静一点,亲爱的。

34、I believe that you have loved me, but it is too ruthless, and these are all beautiful and weaken .我相信你也曾爱过我,只是时间太无情了,把这一切美好都冲淡了。

35、Free fall is when the forces acting upon you are exclusively gravitational.自由落体是指,唯一作用力是重力的情况。

36、Love must tolerate un- perfectness.爱,须能容忍不完美。

37、Love is the beauty of soul. 爱是心灵之美。

38、That is your one and only priority right now. Capisce?现在这件事是你马上要完成的唯一一件事情。

39、Finally, Wang said that only small, I love you, but I have a Peirong.最后,王生对小唯说,我爱你,可是我已经有佩蓉了。

40、Two: he loves her more than Rosalie ever loved Emmett.其


41、There are many beautiful things in the world, only you are my favorite.人世间有百媚千红,唯独你是我情之所钟。

42、As the errors are moved to love through cleaning, the situation is allowed to unfold divinely, perfectly.通过清理,那些错误渐渐被爱转化,那些情境也允许展现出神性和完美性。

43、The Walt Disney Studios has created a cartoon based on this sad story and this red cute girl became the single prototype of mermaid for almost all people.迪士尼制片厂依据这个故事创造了一部卡通片,其中红色的可爱女孩成了很多人心中唯一的美人鱼形象。

44、Because that is an only chance anybody get really happiness.人们相爱,结成佳偶,因为那是人们获得真正幸福的唯一机会。

45、"The Painted": In order to win Wang's love, done only to please the small wiles .《画皮》:为了夺得王生的爱,小唯极尽讨好之能事。

46、Suppose I'm beautiful I'd always be worried by the feeling that you had been taking a chance on just that, and that kind of love would make me sick.设想我美丽动人,我会始终深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我厌恶。

47、Everyone have their own way to unwind themselves whenever they're frustrated or depressed, and my cure is to eat, especially to eat some rich-flavour food.而我则喜欢以吃来发洩情绪, 特别是吃我最爱的浓味美食。

48、Love is the beauty of soul.爱是心灵之美。

49、Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love.美之石,爱之石。

50、The only gift for the girl who really loves her pets to death.这是送给那个她心爱的宠物死亡了的女孩的唯一礼物。

经典英文句子51:爱情唯美,51、It's human nature to love beauty.爱美是人的天性。


标签: 简短 爱情 唯美

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