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人体部位的英语为" Parts of Human Body",在日常中也可以翻译为"body parts",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到47个与人体部位相关的译文和例句。


1. Parts of Human Body

人体部位翻译为 Parts of Human Body 。


1、"Personified metaphoric words"' is a linguistic phenomenon in which the names of human body components are deployed to name objective things.


2. body parts

人体部位翻译为body parts。

示例:给昆虫叮咬的最常见的人体部位是足部。 The most common human body part that gets bitten by insects is the foot.


3. parts of the body

人体部位翻译为 parts of the body 。

示例:英国香水专家露丝•马斯滕布鲁克同样赞成肚脐是喷香水的最佳人体部位之 UK-based perfume expert Ruth Mastenbroek, agrees it's one of the places optimal for your scent.


4. the components of human body -

人体部位翻译为 the components of human body - 。

示例:And if your human body goes, get used to those paws. And if your human body goes, get used to those paws. 如果你的身体,习惯的爪子



1. reduced section(细部位,减缩部位)

2. human bodies(人体)


3. human phantom(假人体;

4. docking station(系泊部位)

5. esteratic site(酯部位)

英语短语&俚语, Parts of the Body ( 人体部位与器官 )


1. And then instructions set, from the brain to every other part of the body -- look at the complexity of the folding.

译文:从大脑到人体每个部位的 复杂指令 看看这折叠有多复杂 而身体从哪里得到 。

2. And that instruction set, from the brain to every other part of the body -- look at the complexity of the folding.

译文:从大脑到人体每个部位的 复杂指令 看看这折叠有多复杂 而身体从哪里得到。

3. For a new measuring appliance, it can be useded convenientty for detection and evaluation of a patient′s pressure pain threshold value, and for the research of bodily channels and network vessels.

译文:介绍一种能定量检测人体不同部位压痛力度的新仪器,可方便地用于病人压痛阈值的检查和评价; 用于人体经络的研究。 。

4. medicine silicon gel, safety, and innocuity, Nice absorbability, can attaching anywhere to therapy on our body.


5. it has taken diverse forms— sometimes, as with mumia, it doesn't involved recognizable parts of the human body.

译文:食人有多种形式, 比如像 mumia 的粉末, 这种形式无法辨别出 所用的人体部位。 。

6. But of course, the block of data just contains the amount of X-ray that's been absorbed in each point in the human body.

译文:当然,这个数据块 只包含了被人体吸收了的 X光所呈现出的人体各个部位。。

7. i don't think there will be a Special Olympics long after 2030, because of this capacity to regenerate parts of the body.

译文:我觉得xx年之后就不会再有残奥会了, 因为我们可以再造人体各部位。 。

8. We're building body parts from the ground up.

译文:我们正彻底研发人体的各个部位。 。

9. - The human body is a crazy thing.


10. We can develop any part of the body.

译文:我们可以培植人体各个部位。 。

11. The corner of the eye, the...

译文:眼角部位 还有...。

12. UK-based perfume expert Ruth Mastenbroek, agrees it's one of the places optimal for your scent.

译文:英国香水专家露丝•马斯滕布鲁克同样赞成肚脐是喷香水的最佳人体部位之 。

13. The mission of the center is to put forth fundamental science and technological capability that will allow the biomechatronic and regenerative repair of humans, across a broad range of brain and body disabilities.

译文:这个中心的任务 是将基础科学 和技术功能整合 它们可使生化机电和人体修复功能 在有缺陷的人体内发生 涵盖大脑到身体的各位部位 。

14. The image quality of FPDD imaging was also superior to iiTV imaging in the peripheral vascular and non-vascular intervention.

译文:在人体各部位周围血管及非血管介入诊疗中的图像综合评价结果也优于IITV成像。 。

15. i think that, first of all, i

译文:- 女生的部位 - 女生的部位 - 今晚终于明了了。


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