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关于”安慰人“的英语句子51个,句子主体:comfort people。以下是关于安慰人的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:comfort people


1、Some situations are delicate and we need to use words that give comfort and condolence.


2、Sometimes he consoled himself by that.


3、When Job fails to find consolation among the people, how does he handle his situation?


4、Comfort him for he is sad.


5、Strong photoluminescence see know yao Ming has put down Annie, feel comfort.


6、I can not put me as invisible people, but do not know how to comfort.


7、He tried to console herm but in vain.


8、But more likely it's placebo poppycock.


9、All the treatments were compared with a placebo version (i.e., placebo pill, patch, or lozenge) and with each other.


10、I have heard this sort of thing many times. Wearisome comforters are you all!


11、It means a lot to the family that you are here, and it would have meant a lot to our friend Emily too.


12、Calmed down by him, she became steadied.


13、Now, turn right to comfort less sister.

行动是令人安慰的, 它是思想的敌人,是美好幻想的朋友。

14、Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions.


15、It is heroic to hug one"s sorrow and determine not to be consoled."


16、Ganymede tried to recollect that it was a man's duty to comfort and console a woman, the weaker vessel.


17、And that knucklebone is going to survive.


18、Thus memory may be, as Coleridge calls it, "the bosom-spring of joy, " and when the Divine Comforter bends it to his service, it may be chief among earthly comforters.


19、Good children are the best comforts.


20、No one can stop the way to the outlet except you yourself.

21、All participants were given condoms; half got acyclovir, and half got a placebo.研究人员给所有夫妇都提供了安全套,这些人中有一半服用阿昔韦洛,另一半服用安慰剂。

22、This faith gives me great comfort.但这个信仰给了我巨大的安慰。

23、From the father comes honour; from the mother, comfort. 荣誉由父次,安慰由母与。

24、But it is undoubtedly a great comfort to many lonely elderly people.但对许多孤寡老人而言,电视无疑是一种极大的安慰。

25、"I have you, Sasha, " he said soothingly.“我在这呢,萨莎,”他安慰说。

英文句子26:,26、Jer 耶

16:7 Neither shall men tear themselves for them in mourning, to comfort them for the dead;


27、他对我来说仅仅是个安慰(用comfort) Only is he a comfort to me. 没有一个选项令人满意。

28、Sweating on the gym appliance, is comforted.在器械上挥汗如雨,获得安慰;

29、As soon as she sees her, she shuts the doors.有时她想安慰这个女人,但她一看见佩,就会把门关上。

30、Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。 (马太



31、You, you are my first one comforter !你,你是我最初的一个安慰者!

32、Only in the nature, we, human souls could acquire eternal consolation—like our daily reliant pure water, this consolation rises from the heart of earth.只有在自然中,我们,人类的灵魂才能够获得永恒的安慰——像我们每一天所依赖的净水一样,这种安慰来自大地的心。

33、YouqQing's claustrophobia acts up again and Fang Kai comforts her. You Qing revealed she has been in a similar situation when she was young. Fang Kai is surprised to hear this.两人被关在幽暗货舱,有情幽闭症发作,方楷安慰声中,与当年方楷安慰的情景相似,有情终透露当年两人也曾在一起的事,方楷感意外。

34、She was crying, and a man consoled her, his arm across her shoulder.身旁一个男人在安慰她,手臂搂着她的肩膀。

35、The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.老年人,尤其是那些来自于空巢家庭的老年人,急需安慰。

36、Should the eerie singularity, breathtaking, often it"s a wrench to comfort absorbing read."其情节诡异奇异,惊险安慰,经常令人不忍释卷。

37、From whom shall I get comfort?我从谁那儿能得到安慰呢?

38、His friends came to comfort him for his loss. 因为他受了损失, 他的朋友们都来安慰他。

39、Some try their best to comfort you, hand you a tissue or hankie, trying to soothe you with some soft words.一引起人尽量地安慰你,递给你一张纸巾或一块手帕,并且尽量和你说些宽慰的话。

40、Mt. 太五

5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

4 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。

41、The bottle even had “placebo” printed on it.甚至把“安慰剂”印在药瓶上。

42、Berg was sitting beside the countess, trying with filial respectfulness to reassure her.贝格坐在伯爵夫人身旁,愉快地恭敬地安慰着岳母。

43、It would be a consolation, I imagine.我想,这总该是点安慰吧。

44、From whom shall I get comfort? 《新英汉大辞典》

45、Pray for Wang Jingyao to know the Lords comfort.愿王晶尧在主里得安慰。

46、Friends are there to comfort and guide you every step of the way.在人生的每一步中朋友都会安慰和指引你。

47、From the father comes honour; from the mother, comfort.荣誉由父赐,安慰由母与。

48、Comforts your post to move the restless mind.抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。

49、comfort(n) We could give them some comfort.我们可以给他们安慰

50、About the only person who can comfort Alim is Cary Grant.关于唯一的人谁可以安慰阿利姆是加里格兰特。

经典英文句子51:安慰人,51、It was a comfort to him, this extenuation.这借口对他是种安慰。

52、He saw the young man hazily , extremely he felt comfort in his heart.他模糊的看见了这年轻人,心里感到极大的安慰。

53、In the placebo group, 112 patients were randomly assigned toplacebo treatment in a double-blind manner for the first 12weeks.112名安慰剂组的患者,随机分配到前12周采用双盲方式的安慰剂试验中。



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