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关于”有关端午节“的英语句子40个,句子主体:About Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于有关端午节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:About Dragon Boat Festival


1、This on a Tuesday afternoon, from a heavyset man suffering from arthritis and an acute desire to find low-cost treatment.


2、Impression and recommendations: There is bilateral sacroiliitis with features of osteoarthritic disease.


3、Alternaties to corrective osteotomy for intra-articular malunions include excision of osteocartilaginous spurs, arthroplasty, or arthrodesis.


4、The study examined airway abnormalities in 69 patients from Denver and Los Angeles, 42 with RA antibodies and no joint symptoms,

15 with no RA antibodies or joint symptoms, and

12 with early RA.


5、Findings include soft-tissue calcification, acro-osteolysis, skin atrophy, and interphalangeal joint erosions.


6、Barefoot walking ensures proper alignment of the knee joint, hip joint and lower back.


7、The role of the TMJ disc in the mandibular movement and the force directing on the TMJ disc are different from another joints of the body. Disc mainly composes of type I and type III collagens .

BEP 引擎拥有事件相关的尖端技术。

8、BEP engines have sophisticated techniques for event correlation.


9、Two synovectomy were performed for repeated hemarthrosis and reduced joint bleeding was seen after surgery.


10、Total knee arthroplasty was an effective method for treating osteoarthritis.

猫关节炎是关节(关节) , 软骨慢慢 恶化 。

11、Arthritis in cats is the progressive deterioration of joint (articular) cartilage.


12、Relationships can be copied relative to the elements on their ends, or one end can be copied and the other remain fixed (for example, a relationship to shared framework object).


13、Objective To evaluate the effects of treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation and distal clavicular fracture with hook plate.


14、The results showed that, the propagation time of water fluctuation caused by the check gates operation had close relationship with the location of the check gates;


15、Objective To evaluate the curative effect of retrograde interlocking intramedullary nails under arthroscopy on distal femoral fractures.


16、Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of absorbable screws in treatment of fractures of spongy bone near joints.

17、我今天上午从图书馆借了本有关电影的书 I borrowed a book about movies from the library this morning.


18、Conclusion The articular manifestations of sarcoidosis may be divided into

3 types which are oligoarthritis, polyarthritis and arthralgia.


19、Different joint pose trajectories influence to the end-effector is found with the trajectory simulation.


20、Results:The study showed that the TFC located in a very special part of the wrist and had intimate relations with the ulnar styloid process and recess.

21、The terminal manipulator can be befittingly made of this original joint for its better cushion and agility .柔性关节在结构较为新颖,具有缓冲性好,动作灵敏等特点,适宜用作机器人的末端抓持机构。

22、The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end.关节式坐标测量机的关节零位偏差是由装配工艺误差引起的,对测头末端的空间位姿误差影响极大。

23、The research shows that 3'-non-coding-region gene , in segment A , of China IBDV strains have nothing with pathogenicity and cell culture or tissue appetency.因此可以初步判定A 节段3` 端非编码区与致病性没有关系,而且与细胞或组织的亲和性也没有关系。

24、The number of gateways and endpoints has little effect.网关和端点的数量几乎没有任何影响。

25、The library closes at 图书馆下午5点关门。

5 p.m.

英文句子26:,26、The incidence of joint deformity in patients with target joints and without target joints was 71.2% and 骨关节畸形的发生率在具有靶关节组和无靶关节组分别为71.2%和

20.0%, respectively, with significant difference.


27、Other studies suggest that telomerase activity may be a link between psychological stress and physical health.有研究表明端粒末端转移酶的活动与心理压力之于身体健康有关。

28、Conclusion TKA is an efficient method of treating severe knee joint diseases.结论人工膝关节置换是治疗膝关节病的有效方法;

29、Objective To investigate the impact of dorsally angulated malunited distal radius fractures on the stability of the radiocarpal joint.目的研究桡骨远端骨折背侧成角畸形对桡腕关节稳定性的影响。

30、Surgical options for end-stage ankle arthritis include below-knee amputation, ankle arthrodesis, and total ankle arthroplasty .末期踝关节炎的手术治疗选择有:膝下截肢、关节融合术、及全人工踝关节置换术。

31、By 下午2时30分,法国媒体停止了有关假日氛围的节目并且对于该事件进行了更多有关方面的报道。

2:30 p.m. the French media had shaken off the holiday vibe and was giving the event wall-to-wall coverage.

32、Conventional robot arm has only actuators similar to mono-articular muscles, though animals arm has not only mono-articular muscles but also bi-articular muscles.传统的机器人手臂仅含有类似于单关节肌的执行器,而生物的手臂不仅含有单关节肌还含有双关节肌。

33、Objective:To evaluate therapeutic effect of Acromioclavicular hook plate on Fracture of the Distal Clavicle and Dislocation of Acromioclavicular joint.目的:评价锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨外端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的疗效。

34、Objective To discuss the relationship between the matching relationship between artificial prosthesis and femoral superior extremity and asepsis looseness of total hip replacement.目的探讨人工假体与股骨上端匹配与人工全髋关节置换术后无菌性松动之间的关系。

35、Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Hand, Wrist and Elbow: Expert Consult - Online, Print and DVD ( Arthritis and Arthroplasty )关节炎和关节:手,腕关节和肘关节:专家咨询-在线,印刷和DVD。

36、There was also no flexion and extension function in all of the five digits due to tendon injury and joint stiffness.腕关节与所有手指关节均呈僵硬状态,没有伸屈功能。

37、For more details about JAX-RPC DII, refer to Build an RPC service and client using JAX-RPC.关于 JAX-RPC DII 的更多细节,参考 使用 JAX-RPC 构建一个 RPC 服务和客户端。

38、AO clavicular hook plate is a good tool for treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation and distal clavicular fracture.AO锁骨钩钢板是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的良好方法。

39、Remarks: Students should keep the ticket, since in the afternoon of next Saturday there will be an English corner of the movie and a prize drawing.备注:学员要保留好票根,当天下午有一节关于电影的英语角,届时会有抽奖活动。

40、The elbow capsule is incised longitudinally and elevated off the anterior aspect of the distal humerus along with the brachioradialis .纵形切开肘关节囊,使附着肱桡肌的肱骨远端向前隆起。

41、This research, while just a beginning, at least establishes some basic scientific facts that could prove useful in future studies on osteoarthritis and related conditions.这项研究虽然只是个开端,至少确立了一些基本的对将来骨关节炎和相关疾病的研究有用的科学事实。

42、He talked with me about his study this morning.上午他和我谈了有关他的学习情 况。

43、PEO and client characteristics moderate the impact associated with outsourcing human capital-enhancing HR services.PEO 和用户端特性节制与支援外包的提高人力资本的 HR 服侍一起关联的影响。

44、An SPDT switch has one input port, which can be connected to one of two output ports.SPDT开关具有一个输入端子,可被连接到两个输出端子之


45、Of, relating to, or covered with tubercles; tuberculate.有结节的;结节的(关于或覆盖有)根瘤的;有根瘤的。

46、Objective: To observe the clinical effects of two methods in treatment of proximal humerus fracture with anterior dislocation of shoulder.目的:观察两种方法治疗肱骨近端骨折并肩关节前脱位的效果。

47、Total hip replacement is an expensive surgery, however only 25-30% of the dogs need total hip replacement on both hips.全髋关节置换是一项昂贵的手术,但只有25-30%的狗都需要在全髋关节置换髋关节。

48、By methods of math-statistics, the association in weather extreme events with common cold on seasons is discussed.方法:应用数学统计方法,讨论了季节性极端天气条件与感冒的关系。

49、Gateway, middle tier, and back-end on server side网关、中间层和服务端后端

50、The isolation at port and port between be differ that in addition to itself circulation state, and yet relate with the reflection-coefficient of external connective load at the three port.它端口与端口之间的隔离度除与它本身的环行状态有关外,还与第三端口外接负载的反射系数有关。

经典英文句子51:有关端午节,51、Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion.双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。

52、Hook nozzle with self closing valve;水嘴端有绝缘开关;

53、Objective To study the use of GSH nail in the treatment of type A distal femoral supracondylar fracture.目的介绍经关节镜应用逆行交锁髓内钉治疗远端A型骨折的方法。

54、Osteoarthritis is the most common of all arthropathies, affecting roughly 30-50% of the entire population.骨关节炎是所有骨关节病中最常见,整个人群中约有30~50%受累。

55、Coracoidclavicle screw is a good method to treat fractures of the distal clavicle and dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint.喙锁螺钉是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的可*方法。

56、Objective: To explore operative method and evaluate the outcome of improved percutaneous fixation with Kirschner wire for treatment of the distal radius fracture.结论: 改良经皮克氏针固定治疗桡骨远端骨折固定牢固,损伤小,有利于骨折愈合和关节功能恢复。

57、The pain is usually felt at the knee, around the end of the thigh bone where the iliotibial band crosses over the bone and the muscle.通常,有疼痛感,位于在膝关节处,大腿骨下端附近,髂胫束穿过这根骨头和肌肉的的地方。

58、Bil SIJ and hip joint spaces are intact without joint effusion.双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。

59、Hence, it appears to be advisable to improve the fixation of the proximal part of the prosthesis to the femur.因此,构入孔洞式人工髋关节之近端似乎有加强固定之必要。

60、Telomere is a special structure exsiting at the end of chromosome whose length is related to the cells duplication and decrepitude.端粒,是染色体末端所特有的结构,其长度与细胞的复制及衰老有关;

61、Of, relating to, or taking place in the morning.上午的,午前的:早晨的,有关或发生在早晨的。

62、'Without telomerase we wouldn't be here -- it's vital to life, ' Dr. Blackburn said in an interview.假如没有端粒(酉每),我们就不会存在,端粒(酉每)对生命至关重要。

63、A horse with this joint problem may or may not be lame or have joint effusion.有此关节疾病的马可能会或可能不会跛脚,或有关节积液。



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