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关于”用打招呼“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Say hello with。以下是关于用打招呼的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Say hello with

1、老板会很干脆地答应说that'll be OK,或是会带有不悦意味回答will everything be all right?


2、Generally, greetings and partings often should not be understood literally.


3、How have you been these years?


4、If you’re attending OMS later this month, please say hello.


5、Excuse me, would you mind my saying hollo to my friends over there?


6、Hiya, Aye up – These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England.


7、He called to one of the officials, and pointed to his portmanteau.

8、确认上司指示的内容 Yor did say nexy Tuesday at


9、True hello way.


10、You greet a person by bowing or nodding, or sometimes by shaking hands.


11、XiaShi says to go and doctors say hello, they and the fix two separate.

如果过了一段时间再见面,还可以说 How is life treating you ?

12、How are things with you ?


13、If it's your first time at the conference, come find me and say hello.

Serena在你xx年级生日派对, 上跟你打了个招呼。

14、Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party


15、Would you like something to drink?


16、The thing that annoys me most is that she often leaves without saying a word.


17、When Charley saw Wanda he jumped onto a lily pad. “Hi,” he cried.


18、If he was Jerry Tomo, he probably would have excused himself.


19、Waving: In Europe, people are accustomed to using when they meet, "waved his hand" to say hello.


20、Waiters address their customers with honorifics;

21、I looked around and behind before I realized that he was actually talking to me.我环顾前后左右才意识到他是在与我打招呼。

22、Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!..." etc.走到一位陌生人面前,打招呼:“嘿,好久不见了!”

23、and you say "hi" to everyone that you see on the street.无论在街上遇到谁,你都可以跟他打招呼。

24、But he will not greet thee to-day; nor must thou greet him.但是他今天不会招呼你;你也不该招呼他。

25、Just a couple of announce, and also hi to the extension school students.只是做一些说明,也向进修学院的同学们打声招呼。

英文句子26:,26、"He got on the bus and I said (the Chinese word for hello) to him, " Krystkowiak said.小K教练说,“上车后,我跟他用中文打招呼。

27、Would you wait here for a minute? 您能在这里等一下吗?

28、When I greet her in English, the woman glares at me and angrily says in Chinese.当我用英语和她打招呼时,女士盯着我并生气地用汉语说。

29、如果过了一段时间再见面,还可以说 How is life treating you ?

30、I greeted her as we passed in the street, but she just snubbed me.我们在街上相遇时我向她打招呼,但是她不睬我。

31、The door opened and a little old man came in without greeting anyone.门开了,一个小老头走进来,没跟任何人打招呼。

32、She turns her face toward me, smiling.“Let’s go and say hello.”奶奶突然把脸转向我,并笑着说道:“我们过去打个招呼吧。”

33、They opens a door, goes in, and Karen greets the acquaintance.她们拉开一扇门,走了进去。然后凯伦与熟人打招呼。

34、客气一些的提议,用suggest如I would suggest we buy a new copoer。

35、Leslie walked past me without speaking. He can'tcouldn't have seen me.莱斯利从我身边走过而没打招呼,他肯定没看见我。

36、I would arrive at work and say hi to my coworkers.我到了工作的地方总会对我的同事打招呼。

37、We enjoyed scenery and greeted with other classmates when we on the funicular .在缆车上,我们欣赏了风景并和其他的同学打招呼。

38、And that's unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello.真遗憾,因为说“你好”不仅仅是打招呼,也是对生命的认可。

39、Yes, how sad it is that you didn't take the time to say hello.是啊,你没花点时间对她打个招呼,多悲哀啊。

40、If I had seen you I definitely would have said hello.假如当时滓看到你的话,我一定会打招呼的。

41、John, I wish you'd ask me before you take my portable computer away.约翰,你拿走我的笔记本电脑前应先打个招呼。

42、 另外,作为新人,应该主动与同事交往,所以要先作self introduction,除了May I introduce myself?

43、A cardboard cutout of a cheerful Albert Einstein greets visitors.一个面露笑容的爱因斯坦的纸板剪影和读者打招呼。

44、She came home about twenty minutes later. Before she even had a chance tos ay hi, she sneezed .约二十分钟后,她回到家,但在她开口打招呼前,她打了个喷嚏。

45、He's very happy that day and halloed everyone he met.那天他特别高兴,和遇到的每一个人都打招呼。

46、I'll advance and hotel is responsible for the waiter roscoe say" hello ".我会提前和酒店负责订餐的服务员打招呼。

47、I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me/my presence.我就站在她旁边,可是她连个招呼都不跟我打。

48、To greet someone you can say: "Hello Sir" or "Good morning, Madam/Ma'am.";在同别人打招呼时可以说"Hello Sir"或者"Good morning, Madam/Ma'am."

49、Have below ask Li Xiangxian to be born to make acoustical call with the netizen.下面有请李想先生跟网友打声招呼。

50、A. Good morning , boys and girls. B. Good morning , Ms Smart.上午上课时,斯玛特女士向全班同学打招呼时说。( )

经典英文句子51:用打招呼,51、This is froggy . Lets greet with him. How many frogs are there in froggys family?这是小青蛙我们和他打打招呼吧小青蛙的一家有几个成员?

52、Greet people with heartedly simle and the same simle with return.用出自内心的微笑和人们打招呼,你将得到相同的回报。

53、Greeting to visitors and teachers in campus is respect.校园里路遇师长和来访者,要友好的打招呼,是一种尊重;

54、Greet people with a smile from the heart and you will receive the same in return.用出自内心的微笑和人们打招呼,你将得到相同的回报。

55、Without saying anything to the others, she went to Mollie 's stall and turned over the straw with her hoof.谁也没有打招呼,她就跑到莫丽的厩棚里,用蹄子翻开一堆草。

56、初次见面都不认识用how do you do.认识对方了很长时间没见用haven't seen you for a long time.

57、She's been in a snit since I took the car without telling her.我没跟她打招呼就把她的车开走,她心里一直有气。(使用。

58、He turned his sightless eyes their way and boomed out a greeting.他将失明的双眼转向他们,低声打了个招呼。

59、He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.他看着 站 起来 跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。

60、Out of all the various departments, to say hello to the general manager's office.各部门全体外出,必须给总经理办公室打招 呼。

61、Every language around the world is graced with its own version of "Hello, " whether this be spoken or gestured.世上每一种语言都被赋予独特的打招呼的版本(方式),不管是用说的还是用比的。

62、In Kenya the Massai people usually greet each other by spitting on his or her body.肯尼亚马塞族人用往对方身上吐口水的方式打招呼。

63、Several times, wants Amu came to say hello, to be a good brother now.好几次,阿木都想上前打个招呼,做个好兄弟吧。

64、She is so busy that she doesn’t even have time to say hello to me.她忙得连和我打个招呼的时间都没有。

65、He’s got a guest nametag and an outstretched hand.他拿出一个贵宾徽标,伸出手,想跟哈尔打声招呼。

66、报告商谈结果 I had a feeling he was in favor of the plan。

67、Joan Yeah - I understood too, but she should have said hello to me first.琼对,我也理解,但她至少应该先跟我打个招呼。

68、You need to be on-site five minutes before. How you greet the receptionist will be noticed.你应该提前5分钟到达地点,你怎样和招待员打招呼也许都会被注意到。

69、When he had finished signing Scott greeted the maintenance staff standing nearby.签完字后斯科特朝站在旁边的维修人员打了下招呼。



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