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我们主要在研究控制机器人的机器人。 总有一天,真个编队的机器人会同时执行指令。

1、One day an entire fleet of robots will be autonomously commanded at once.


2、My favorite invention is the family robot doctor


3、Did he say that it had taken him three weeks to complete the task I had assigned to him?


4、Japan has presented a humanoid robot, a cleaning robot and a porter robot in the Shanghai Expo.


5、The pose of a mobile robot is the precondition of stairs climbing automatically.

6、Every time when I come back from work and see my wife busy working at home每次我下班回家的时候 都看见妻子正在忙家务。


7、Manipulator is critical part of the bomb-disposed robot. Movement of manipulator is main characteristics of robot working.


8、The most typical humanlike characteristic of a robot is its arm.

with the breakthrough of technology, i strongly believe that my dream will come true oneday.我的名字叫林涛。

9、what an assume robot it will be!

10、Not knowing to swim, the drowning girl could but shout for help.这个溺水女孩不会游泳所以只能呼救。


11、A robot equipped with Ompa robot mate is more cost competitiveness compared with the same payload robot.


12、We're just a robot.

13、There have been more than 1000 students in that school now.现在那所学校已经有超过1000个学生了。


14、Then there are androids.


15、Joint stacking robot is a robot with memory and playback function.


16、In the hot spots of robot research field, robot off-line programming is the key of utility of robot technology, and robot vision calibration is the premiss of off-line programming.

17、Failure has fallen upon him again in that he is really a laze dog.他又失败了因为他太懒散了。

18、With no key on me I can but wait outside the door at midnight.没有别的方法,我只能在门外等到半夜。


19、We will see a large number of peopel who are under unemployment because of the robots.

20、I can’t help giving her a big hug as I can’t help do up the house.我不能给她一个大大的拥抱就像我不能把房子举起来一样。

21、The robot has been developed by researchers at the German DLR Institute of Robots and Mechanics.这个机器人是由德国DLR机器人和机械研究所的研究人员研发的。

22、"The demand level of the robotics technology of each robot is very high, " Ishikawa said.这对每台机器人的机器人技术水平要求都很高。

23、Ok so how do I make my robot well um . . . robot?现在怎么让我的机器人,嗯…成为一个机器人呢?

24、From robot welders to robot vacuum cleaners, the robotics industry at this point is essentially siloed.从焊接机器人到吸尘器机器人,机器人制造业在这一方面几乎都是如此。

25、If an opponent's Automatic Machine e. g. blocker, completely blocks my auto machine, and I call for a retry, and I am permitted by the judge to do so.如果对方的自动机器人比如干扰机器人,完全是用来干扰我们的自动机器人的。

英文句子26:,26、A group of students of robotics setup a football robot on June 30, 2009 on the eve of the RoboCup the world largest robotic event, in Graz, Austria.一组学生的机器人足球机器人安装上xx年xx月30号的前夕, “机器人”世界上最大的机器人赛事,在奥地利格拉茨。

27、Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!你们别去受这些丧失了理性的人摆布了——他们都是一伙机器人,长的是机器人的脑袋,有的是机器人的心肝!

28、But do you heard of robots being able to cook?Liu Xinyu, Inventor of the AIC Cooking Robot, was trying to develop home cooking robots, which will enter millions of households.但是你听说过机器人能做饭吗?刘新雨,这位AIC烹饪机器人的发明者,是试图发展做菜机器人,这种机器人将进入数以计的家庭。

29、Like lattice robots, mobile reconfiguration robots are small, identical modules that can combine to form bigger robots.和格型机器人一样,可变型移动机器人也是由小体积、标准化模块相互组合成较大的机器人。

30、The RoboCup Logistics League is a league of the annual international robotics competition RoboCup.机器人物流大赛是xx年一度的国际机器人世界杯中一项机器人竞赛。

31、However, unbeknownst to the poor red seeker, the black robot had a trick up its sleeve.不过,在可怜的红色的机器人不知情的情况下,黑色机器人暗藏玄机。

32、MOTOMAN-UP6 robot is a traditional playback robot.UP6型机器人为传统的示教再现机器人。

33、In 2004 sci-fi film I, Robot, humanoid robots pose a fatal threat to humanity, and the 2009 animated film xx年的科幻电影《我,机器人》讲述了人形机器人对人类的致命威胁; xx年的动画电影《机器人9号》一开篇就展示了人类在机器人手中几近灭绝的场面。

9 opens with the near extinction of human beings at the hands of robots.

34、Humanoid bots are the celebrities of the robot world.而人形机器人是机器人世界的名人。

35、ANDY – THE ANDROID I'm part of an android football team.阅读二机器人-Andy 我是一个机器人球队的一份子。

36、Hong has his eye on RoboCup, an international competition in 2050, pitting full-sized, autonomous robots against the World Cup soccer champions.宏注意到机器人杯。 机器人杯是将在xx年举行的国际性比赛,这个比赛是人形智能机器人的世界杯足球赛。

37、Ompa, the robot mate concept creator and its technology inventor, hold the unique international patented technology of robot mate.作为机器人伴侣概念的独创者和机器人伴侣技术的发明者,欧帕拥有机器人伴侣独创的国际发明专利。

38、Dont give yourselves to these unnatural men -machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!不要听从那些反常的人、机器人,机器脑筋还有机器心。

39、Would you please so kindly as to open the door for me? My hands are fully occupied.你能帮我开一下门吗?

40、The robot soccer match is divided into four kinds of groups which are Computer-emulational match, Microsot soccer match, Middle size robot soccer match and four-legs robot soccer match.机器人足球比赛分为电脑仿真比赛、小型机器人足球赛、中型机器人足球赛和四腿机器人足球赛四大类。

41、The Manual Carrier Robot may touch the Traveller Robot when the Traveller Robot alights from the Kago.当旅行机器人下轿时,手动机器人可接触旅行机器人。

42、Biped robot with heterogeneous legs ( BRHL ) is a new pattern humanoid robot.异构双腿行走机器人( BRHL ) 是一种全新的类人机器人模式。

43、It's a robot, you know, like a super-advanced robot, it's probably Japanese.这是个机器人,\\ 象是一人超高科技机器人,可能是日本的。

44、Motivated from the biologic research and considered robots' energy dissipation problem to design a new type robot machine-Kangaroo-like hopping robot with one leg.从生物研究中受到启发,兼顾机器人的运动能耗问题,设计了一种新型机器人机构―仿袋鼠单腿跳跃机器人。

45、It can be widely used in the fields of industrial robots, motion simulators, micromanipulators and parallel machine tools.该并联机构可广泛应用在工业机器人、飞行模拟器、微动机器人和并联机床等领域。

46、The robots don't resemble humans but instead the type of robots on a car assembly line.这俩机器人长得与人倒不像,而像是汽车生产线上的那种机器人(机械手)。

47、To know when the passage the robot is traveling down ends (that is, when it "runs into" a wall), you'll add a touch sensor to the front of the robot.为了了解机器人正在走的通道什么时候到头了(即,机器人遇到了墙),在机器人的前面添加一个接触传感器。

48、Two years ago, Nao replaced Sony's robot dog Aibo, which had been discontinued along with Qrio, as the "standard platform" for soccer-playing robots at the annual RoboCup tournament.两年前,Nao机器人便取代了索尼的Aibo机器狗,成为每年一度的“机器人杯”机器人足球大赛的比赛用机器人。

49、It is a machine after all by person absorb, be still a person by machine dissimilation?究竟是机器被人同化了,还是人被机器异化了?

50、"The snake and reptilian robots are, in essence, training wheels, " said Bongard.“类似蛇的爬行机器人本质上是轮式机器人”,邦加德说。

经典英文句子51:机器人,51、Zhang: Robot, can you make the bed? Robot: No, I can't.张:机器人,你能铺床吗? 机器人:不,我不会。

52、RAX - International Trade Fair for Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Automation, Pneumatics.仪器仪表机床工具自动化,机器人,制造技术。

53、The University of Newcastle's NUbot's have placed second in the 2007 Robocup, the world championships for the four-legged robotic soccer league.纽卡斯尔大学机器人足球队在xx年的机器人世界杯取得了第二名的好成绩。机器人世界杯是四足机器人足球联赛的世界锦标赛。

54、In the end, Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop. The robot was just too much trouble.最后,江先生决定把机器人送回机器人商店。机器人太麻烦了。

55、South Korea has in addition developed a walking robot maid, a robotic penguin, koala and rabbit, and a variety of other models.近年来,韩国研发出了一系列的机器人模型,其中包括会走路的机器人保姆、机器企鹅、机器考拉和机器兔等。

56、The cockroaches of the robot world, these were designed to search disaster sites.机器人界的蟑螂,该款机器人设计用于搜索灾难现场。

57、Accuracy through robotics The robotic palletizer is the third piece of new technology.通过高精度机器人机器人堆垛机是第三条新技术。

58、Capek invented the word "robot" in his 1921 play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), when he introduced the concept of human-like creations capable of doing dull repetitive tasks.卡佩克在其1921创作的舞台剧《罗森的全能机器人》中创造了“机器人”这个词,他提出了创造与人类相似的机器人的概念,机器人能够做枯燥重复的劳动。

59、Robot: PR2机器人:PR2

60、The last thing people want is T-100 checking their IV drip.人们对机器人的最后一个期望就是让T-100机器人(译者注:《终结者》片中的机器人)检查静脉滴注。

61、Are Cylons men or machines?赛昂人是人还是机器?


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